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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I had a mate at uni do this for an xbox360 (back in the day). They do work, but you need to sign up properly with the site they link to (in your case ilovefilm) and you have to take up one of their offers (i.e. sign up properly and remember to cancel it before they start charging you!)
  2. Yeah you have, he's that bloke with the cakes Ah Cake Man you mean
  3. Next up is a clear JDM fog light and LED bulb, would finish it off nicely
  4. Try this with your tif image Stan: http://www.ofzenandcomputing.com/zanswers/1017
  5. Been trying to make my way through this and these are the settings I can find that appear to apply to OCR: Image Type - Text (Background Removal) -B/W Option - Text Enhancement Technology (TET) Destination - OCR Now once you hit scan, what does it do? It should scan it, but I guess then start another App which does the OCR bit? I.e. the scan should pick up only text, but then another app takes that image and puts it into Word or whatever? From what I can see, all this is doing atm is modifying settings for the scanner so that it only picks up text, it doesnt actually put it into a text file, it keeps it as an image. What you need is another bit of software which takes the image and puts it into a text file (Word etc) that you can then play with. Do you have another bit of software from Epson that does this?
  6. Got me stumped I'm afraid. Without sitting in front of the thing and seeing what option there are, I woudnt know where to start! I take it there is nothing in the output area of config that specifies TIF? Obviously if its outputting to TIFF you will never get the text from it as its an image file!
  7. Standard plugs in the car are Denso Iridium so no benefit to change. First plug change due at 56k miles although some signs of deterioration at 40k - 45k. Cost of a plug change should not be excessive however Nissan insist on removing plenum etc to do which pushes up the labour rate, it can be done without this. Set of plugs around £70 labour £50 For those in the south, Dan Perkins did my plugs for £150 all in. Not too shabby given that Phil ususally does stuff substantially cheaper. £250 for the change seems very excessive! Also, not sure if DP removed my plenum, if they did, they did a fine job of putting back the plenum spacer and grounding kit
  8. Just a quick addition to what Lomoto said. It doesn`t matter if you remove the funds or not, Paypal can still deduct funds and leave you with a negative balance if there is a query from the buyer. It can be pretty dangerous dealing with Paypal these days. This has happened to me a couple of times, just because the buyer changes his mind and decides he wants his money back, although Paypal will usually ask for the goods to be returned. +1 - hence my warning about only using PP for amounts you can afford to lose. Theres no gaurentee that they wont just deduct if from your account
  9. Which forum and whats his user name? See what his history is like with the club. Is he a lurker, or active memeber. Can offer a wealth of info. As the others have said, pay off the finance direct so you know they wont be after you!
  10. Chris`I


    LOL - fair point! In that case, I'll be over Sat morning to wash the car Mike, you wont have owt better to do, and you did such a good job of my exhaust last time
  11. Chris`I


    Alright for some - some of us have to work You not got a whole stack of jobs to do for the weekend?
  12. This is about the best I can find: From this help page: http://files.support.epson.com/htmldocs ... ptmz_5.htm Could be this bit - Make sure Text (Background Removal) is selected in the Image Type box??
  13. I'd be interested in the boot mat if all the others fall through. Would need to post it though.
  14. Sounds like OCR isnt on. A normal scan will come up as a picture. What software are you using? From my (ancient) use of OCR, you need to plumb the scanner into some software as it takes the image and does the OCR bit and puts it into text. Might be different these days mind, havent used it for years! And yes, Pictbridge is a standard for allowing direct print from devices to the printer
  15. Mine (as does everyones!) does it too In some ways it sounds quite purposful
  16. No Saturday nights used to be jelly & Ice Cream & sat down to watch gladiators & bully Now that sounds good
  17. Working hard then Stew Get out and do something contructive like cleaning your car
  18. Ouch! I can see more Rotas being sold after this!
  19. I have found that with 99RON, I get more power and better MPG which cancels out the cost benefit of using 95RON. I'm sure somewhere I read that you are not meant to put more than a tank or so of lower grade petrol in it as it has an adverse effect, but I cant for the life of me remember what it does
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