Been trying to make my way through this and these are the settings I can find that appear to apply to OCR:
Image Type - Text (Background Removal)
-B/W Option - Text Enhancement Technology (TET)
Destination - OCR
Now once you hit scan, what does it do? It should scan it, but I guess then start another App which does the OCR bit? I.e. the scan should pick up only text, but then another app takes that image and puts it into Word or whatever?
From what I can see, all this is doing atm is modifying settings for the scanner so that it only picks up text, it doesnt actually put it into a text file, it keeps it as an image. What you need is another bit of software which takes the image and puts it into a text file (Word etc) that you can then play with. Do you have another bit of software from Epson that does this?