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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Yup, about 18k miles a year for work. Another 1200 are for Wales runs, and god know how many the Scottland hoon will cost me in 2009! Zeds just love to devour the roads
  2. Nope, all dont electronically these days
  3. Bit far for me mate, but give Phil a prod from me Oh and dont spend too much money
  4. Not sure how much you'll fetch, but if you have the original wheels (hopefully Rays), exhuast and intake, I'd sell the Nismos, Nismo exhaust and pop charger seperately, you'll get more that way.
  5. I used to be able to see them and now they've gone Put them back to IMG tags
  6. Unlucky mate, but as you say, not bad for 4yrs fun! Heres to another 4yrs!
  7. Jesus! For the money all this costs, they should just force people to do advanced driving courses so we can all drive faster and safer and not need all this nannying crap that just slows everyone down!
  8. Rumours are it will be slightly smaller and lighter than the current 350z. Also more power, quoting around 350BHP. I think that should keep up with the competition
  9. AFAIK JDMs have different ECUs to UK - all years. Early JDMs (2002 and early 2003) do not have the nannying ECU and will "learn" the mods you have to give more power. All other ECUs have the nannying and will not allow you to expliot the potential of mods without an additional piggyback ECU. I beleive that JDM ecus can be reflashed, but as yet UK ones cant. Think that covers it all
  10. +1 - I think its a GTR driver thing, I saw a pic on here not too long ago where someone else spotted one and it was parked over the curb
  11. Yup - I get my monies worth. 300 miles a week for work and did over 600 miles for the Wales run. Dont worry, leave it to me to turn Britain's climate into the South of France
  12. LOL - I dont know, I was just trying to wind them up (Although smaller beads are better ) P21S FTW Shame I've just run out
  13. LOL - I dont know, I was just trying to wind them up
  14. Supprised Sarnie hasnt said it needs spacers and lowering At least it doesnt need a stubby Looks very nice indeed. The new big arches do make those wheels look a little small though.
  15. Maybe thats why he wants so much for it as it has a magic engine built by pixies to runs on unicorn tears Where do I get me one of them? I did once achieve such an MPG figure in my Zed, just to wind a mate up with his Evo. I took it up a hill, reset the clock and coasted as far as needed to get it to show up His face was a picture when I showed him the pic on my phone! I guess this guy coasts everywhere too
  16. are you using spacers That would be my guess
  17. Check out these beads baby
  18. The best place to put it is around the front or rear windows. I have my CarPC GPS puck hidden under the plastic of the rear strut brace. AFAIK this is where the standard one lives too, but as the main unit for their OEM sat nav is in the back, its not far for it to reach. If your unit is all mounted up front, then this wont be possible I guess. In that case, somewhere behind where the screen lives in the dash area will give you the best chance of reception with keeping the GPS hidden. btw
  19. Someone come and clean my butterfly valve and we'll know for sure
  20. Thanks for your feedback Phil, always helpful. My only question is, surely we would have the same problems when the car is cold for this to be the problem? Well as far as I see it, we have different filters but the same problem. Cold strt is fine, revs blip, drop and then level off. When warm, revs blip, drop, but dont recover. I get the feeling that the airflow drops too much as the valve closes and it cant twist it open quick enough to recover. The fact that sometimes mine does recover suggests that somethings sticking. Either that or the warm idle needs uping a bit to cope.
  21. No mate, I have a pop charger. Hence why I am saying its not the filter that is causing this. My guess is the butterfly valve. Thanks Phil will give it a go when I get the time
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