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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. The benefit is that the car doesn't jump forward when the car is started Exaceery! No more shooting forwards and hitting stuff
  2. 21st Oct: 1. Z Boy 2. SunsetZed 3. Chris`I (TBC)
  3. Its a US version. Hence the other way around. EvoR are American. They were working with Richie from Equibs on some stuff, havent heard from him in ages, is he still around?
  4. Yup. never use my handbrake either, just leave it in gear
  5. Nice one Ming Sounds like the other guy just needed some asprin and a lay down
  6. You quickly learn to start all cars by giving the stick a whack to make sure its not in gear then starting it with the clutch down
  7. Theres a pretty big space behind the stock sub and also if you took the glove box behind the passenger seat out theres another space the same size. Loads of room for an amp
  8. +1 - my only interest in it now is to see if Hamilton can still take the title even with this quckly becoming Ferrari 1 not Formula 1! Stick one up them! Also on your note Colin, I think half the FIA are involved with Ferrari in some way. I'm sure I read somewhere that they were mostly fan boys of Ferrari on the board.
  9. Chris`I


    Sounds fair. Especailly when they appear to be signing up purely to sell a car.
  10. Excellent job, car looks spot on Now you're done, give Phil a chance to reply to my PM
  11. I never though I'd say it, but selling the G when I did was the best thing I ever did! Similar cars are selling for £20k less than I sold mine for in only 8 months!!! Will be keeping my Zed for a long time now. Was going to chop it in for a 370Z when they came along, but dont think I'll be able to afford to the way things are going.
  12. No idea of any places, but if you find any, I will be up for coming along and bring my camera. Need a tripod though.
  13. I have asked this before on several threads ... please quantify these statements because in more years than I care to remember of the 350 boards, I have seen this claimed many times but have seen no evidence. I have always said that I believed it most unlikely that such a fundmental change in ECU design had been instantiated for the simple reason 'Why'? I don't wish to contradict you, but I shall stick my neck out and say I don't believe it - sorry Chris No worries chap, I dont have any evidence, hence the "AFAIK". Its only what I've read before, mainly on the US forums and what people have seen on dynos. From what I've read, JDM ECUs can be reflashed, but yet no service is offered for UK models. Why would that be if they are the same? The hardware is no doubt likely to be the same, but the firmware they load onto it is likely to be different. Just like the BCM. Why does the JDM model offer folding mirrors on locking, yet no one can get it to work on UK? There are fundermental differences in the UK and JDM models, just no one truely knows what these are other than Nissan themselves.
  14. I wish that was all I needed - actually having a bit of nightmare so far, doesn't make a whole lot of sense as the moneys not awsome, but its not that bad either.. Maybe its because people are worried about job security, 1st in, 1st out and all that.. Don't you mean last in, first out? No wonder your struggling with employment policies like that
  15. Chris`I

    White GTR M66

    I'm gonna open shop where you get your shoes reheeled, but if you can't afford to pay for it you can place a wager for your shoes with the shop keeper. If you lose, your shoes go in the shop window for anyone else to buy until you come back with the money! Just wondering what to do with my first million now........ I can see you'll need an invetory system for the shoes and also for taking bets etc, give me a call when you need the system implmenting and installing
  16. It doesnt strictly need to be visable, but I'd do a test run where you want to put it. Anything in the line of sight to the GPS satellites will effect the quality of the fix, but with things having the new SIRF III chips, they are supersensitive. My GPS puck for the car PC is in the rear strut bar under the top plastic (next to the silver bit in the middle). It gets plenty good reception there. I'd try and keep the obstructions to a mimimum but it will work under some plastic
  17. Damn, should have gotten my claim in on the exhaust while I could! Maybe I should edit my previous post
  18. I got an average of 29MPG over the Wales weekend, with 600 miles down, twice around the Evo triangle, once with Amanda driving and once on the run itself, both being spirited and keeping up with the leaders on the Wales run. Its a very frugal car if you dont thrash it when you dont need to. Drive it like you stole it everywhere and it does drink fuel, but drive it like a normal car and it returns very supprising numbers.
  19. Chris`I

    White GTR M66

    Yeah and as it was dusk and lights were on god it looked awesome! Would love one, but what with the credit crunch i need to survive that first. Been in the construction industry is not the best place at the moment. try being in financial services Good job everyone still needs computers
  20. rough estimates, IF: average mpg 24 tank 80litres mileage range per tank = (24*80)/4.546 = 422 miles 20,000 annual mileage divide by 422 miles tank = 47.4 tanks tank size is 80L multiply £1.10/litre of unleaded = £88 £88 * 47.4 tanks = £4,171!!!! just on petrol. ouch ( i don't do these miles but just thinking ahead if it was, now i can see why people choose diesel) If you even have to think about these calculations, your buying the wrong car +1 - it crosses my mind now and again, then I end up going for a drive, always reminds me its well worth it! I dont smoke or drink so its a good way to spend money. I'm in IT btw, based on client site.
  21. I dont, work pay the bill! And I get all the Tesco points for it, thats why at the last Wales run I got the hotel for free! Thanks work
  22. Yeah I saw that. Appauling! They should have crushed his car second time. Then again, he would probably just buy another and still be quids in! I think anyone without a license, insurance etc, should have their car crushed and be made to do motorway clean up/litter picking
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