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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I think it really has to be his bike. I know I wouldnt really find any point in having someone elses. Cracking bike btw, I have a 2002 on in the same colour in the garage if he fancies another. Cant afford to run it atm I reckon the top one is doable, but it will look chopped due to the amount of copying to do to fill the space. Will give it a shot when I get home. Can call it quits with the luggage net you sent me that I owed you a drink for
  2. What would you put in the normal HU location if you did manage to get a double din to fit? Most do one of 2 things - 1.) Get a double Din HU in the stock location and an extra screen in the Sat Nav slot 2.) Make a CarPC and have a 7" LCD in the Sat Nav location and the normal HU in the stock HU place.
  3. Wow - they must be heart broken. Will keep an eye out down here, but its likely to be in a container over seas now as something like that would be stolen to order I would think.
  4. Wonder if they'd entertain the idea of doing a set for the coupe too, like the official Nissan ones. Could get them 350z-uk branded
  5. Welcome back chap Phil's put the kettle on and biccies ready
  6. That interior looks much better. Notice the heating controls are seperate from the HU. Means we can put in nice aftermarket stuff. Like the new pods too. Shame no close up of the 3 gauges in the middle.
  7. MotoGP is so much better. The guys know they all cut each other up and jossle for position and just live with it. Once more they can ride at F1 speeds and bounce off each other and keep going. No faffing with officials, if you fall off, tough
  8. Just dont go doing race starts if you dont want to kill your tranny givent the rumours flying around on the net.
  9. Will let you know when I get home, its raining so dont want to goto the car and get wet wimp I'll be home by 5pm, plently of time to put it right
  10. Will let you know when I get home, its raining so dont want to goto the car and get wet
  11. Chris`I

    More Carbon

    Will get a few more when I get back next week Any particular angles or parts of it you want close ups of? Just want to get a feel for it from more angles. No specifics really, just what it looks like from all angles, easy
  12. Chris`I

    More Carbon

    Looks good chap. Would like to see more pics when you get a chance, as I think I may be going a similar way. My OEM bonnet is starting to bubble and its not covered under paint warrenty as they recon its caused by stone chips, so CF may be the way to go
  13. Im being ruthless at the mo and having a major clearout of my van, I have 2 tubs of the supernatural and 2 of the concours as these are my 2 favourite waxes. But im after buying a 3m sun gun so need to gain some money back from products i've got sat around. Price does include delivery but if paying by paypal you will need to add the fees. Regards Paul Tempting - my P21S has just run out. Do you know how this compares to something like P21S? You hear so many reviews about the net, but rather hear it from someone thats used it.
  14. +1 Did confuse us on the Wales run for a bit
  15. In Device Manager, go find it. Disable the buffer. Thats usually the cause for these and USB GPS pucks. Or try fiddling with the baud rate, but it usually does nothing.
  16. Why are you selling it Paul? Is that including delivery?
  17. NUMBER 25 Can I submit one of Tim as Tims submission? Dont have no good photies of my car yet
  18. Chris`I

    LED sidelights

    I had problems with my cheap eBay ones. The tester decided they were too blue, so Nissan put some normal ones in and put my old ones on the passenger seat. Nissan chap said they werent too blue to him, but hey ho thats life! Think I will get some of the ones listed above and give them a go. My last ones lasted about 6 months before flickering.
  19. Doesnt that price list say Exc VAT too? So that will add near another £175 quid too.
  20. Chris`I


    I say 350 posts. That way you can only sell the car once the club sticker is on it
  21. Job done Or give it a bash yourself. Saying that, I just fabricated my mac mini into one of the letter box cubbies behind the seats and it was a right pain, and that was dead simple! Looks good though, will post pics when its finished.
  22. I normally get there around 7:30pm, but others do head up around 7pm. Usually park by the MLR chaps. Keep us a space
  23. As the others have said, a 30 profile is way too small. Even then, I dont know if that would make up the difference you see there, it looks massive. Maybe the angle plus the fact the tyre is too small, but it looks suspect for sure.
  24. Chris`I

    First clean pics

    Cat? I dont see a cat. Is this like Wheres Wally, is it hiding?
  25. Chris`I

    First clean pics

    Looks good mate! Reminds me, think we need to get a run of some proper club plates
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