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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Wow gorgeous! Bet you wont be leaving that outside the unit overnight!
  2. I think they are just being lazy and dont want the hassle if they hit it too hard and break it. Bit of persuasion should get the metal 'prongs' to move and its just trial and error to move it in the right direction.
  3. Good man Martin. Need to get mine out for a shoot soon. Have to at least hold of til the next Reading meet (Tues) as we are having a photo shoot then
  4. No idea who fitted the first one, it was on the car along with the bodykit when I bought it. I don't know what you mean by giving the mounts a bit of stick? You mean the rubber hangers? There's not a lot you can do with them really as they're just rubber? No, sorry should have explained more. From what I understand there are metal hangers on the exhaust. They need a bit of tweaking (bending) to make it all line up properly TBH any good exhaust place should know that!
  5. Its all wired in to the PAC ROEM. HU attaches to that, the unit sorts out the levels which get sent off to the bass amp and the other speaker amp and then to the speakers. Not extra connectors needed, only the PAC ROEM. Make sure you wire it up right and it will work fine
  6. Chris`I

    20"s on a Z

    Vortex are nice but Im after something different as seen too many zeds with those type of wheels, they said 8.5 front with 245/35/20 and rear 10 with 275/30/20's..also do the jade r in that offset too... Yeah Im getting my zed saturday and hopefully within 2 weeks she will be on 20's and dropped 25mm with eibachs...u planning the same? Tyres should be 30 on the front.... Supprised you didnt give them more stick. Sorry but IMO they look cack. Far too big for the car
  7. Who fitted the first one? I've heard of Nismos being off and having to give the mounts a bit of stick to get it striaght. Quite common if you give it a search. I'm guessing whoever fit the first one did this and thats why it was straight.
  8. Glad its sorted mate. Get Barnard and Brough (Nissan) on the dealers league thread as being a good un
  9. These a Calendar Pics sumission thread somewhere which is meant to be just the pics so that we can review them easily. However some have been posted in here and not there Martin will put us all striaght!
  10. Hence why Phil doesnt do them any more. There are too many bits that can break and its hard to prove where it happened unless he hooks up each and every one before and after having it done to check it still works. Wouldnt stand up to powder coating as you say mate as its too hot for the delicate pieces. Could potentially spay them with chrome finish? Wonder how that would turn out if done by a pro?
  11. We're all the judges! Well if we run it the same as last year. You vote for your fav 3 and the highest rated 12 go into the calendar. Think this year we should have a montage on the front of all the pics too as they are all very good What are we doing to put all the pics in one thread? As some are in here and not the submission thread?
  12. At some point we really need to do some experimentation around MPG with different fuels. I worked out long ago that Tesco 99RON returned enough extra MPG to make it pay for itself over 95RON. Now while at the Wales run I used BP Ultimate, and that returned yet more milage over 99RON. So the better stuff does give better milage and not always at extra cost. Not sure if ultimate was worth it, have to do some sums before I know that
  13. I remembered, I remembered :yahoo: You have mail. I put 2 sets of drivers in there. The originals and the updates. As I said in my mail, use the most upto date ones first
  14. Pingu: did you modify it in any way? I looked at the BT ones, but the way the connectors worked, it would stick out a mile, and given where the Zed has its OBDII port, it wouldnt work very well. For my wired one, I ended up dismantling the connector so that it was as slimline as possible and also added a switch to turn it on and off
  15. I knew all the years of reading MaxPower (back when it was what it was!) would come in handy...I actually get this reference lol Ditto. Its the Renault 5 look
  16. PM sent Recieved. Will send them tonight when I remember
  17. Sorry did go look, but its been metal busy at work and forgot to post it when I got home! Baud is set to 9600. From your settings this is starting to ring bell. I think it is the drivers that are the issue as I had this before and a new driver fixed it. Drop me your email address in a PM and I'll send my driver to you and see if that fixes it. Oh and keep posting on here to remind me, I'm loosing my memory
  18. Glad its sorted Olly. I suggest that you inform the dealership and Nissan UK that they misdiagnosed the problem and that you will not be using them again and naming and shaming them on the forum. Might get some freebies out of them for the hassle
  19. The Brembo's werent standard on the USDM base 350z , I assume it'll be the same for the 370 Would be my guess too. Would expect to see a top spec model having different wheels and brakes as with the 350z. Supprised the test mule wouldnt have them on though, especially if its being driven around the ring. Maybe an update later for a GT model.
  20. Chris`I

    Car ideas

    It is shocking what they try and give you. I agree that they cant really give you a Zed as most places dont even have one in, but you should get something better than a micra. My mate has the same with his Evo, and last time he got given a brand spanking new top spec L200
  21. Dont think Z boy will be getting up any multistoreys! Footie stadium it is.
  22. Chris`I

    Car ideas

    Also consider the new SEAT Leon. I had an old shape one and it was brill, loads of space and the engine had quite a bit of poke. We also had a new shape one on holidays and the missus wants to get one because it was brilliant. They're normally quite cheap to buy but remember it is a VAG car so expect servicing to be a little expensive compared to the Ka.
  23. p1tse: I commute to Slough every day. Mostly down the A33 and M4. Sometimes down the back roads if I get out of work early And as Charlie_W points out, its only upto 40p for the first 10k, thereafter its upto 25p, but you do get the tax break back.
  24. Welcome JJ. Have you test driven one? The first thing I would say to you is get that out the way. If you dont like it then theres no way you're going to get it anyway! On the more practical side, I do a 75 mile round trip, 5 days a week for work - equating to about 20k miles a year. I get paid 37p a mile and that does cover all my petrol and most of the servicing/maintainance. I say most as I tend to go for upgrades when it comes to replacing stuff, and 37p a mile doesnt really cover it! I get on average about 29 miles to the gallon and that does include a bit of A-road fun on the way home. So as far as the money side of it goes, I think you will be covered if you drive sensibly. Also the car is great at munching the miles. A couple of weeks ago we had one of our North Wales drive outs and I covered over 600 miles in 3 days and felt no worse for wear than if I had just driven to the shops. Get out for a test drive and see if you like it. Certainly dont let money put you off it Oh also, dont be put off by the heavyish steering and clutch. You get used to it in no time and other cars feel light and flimsy afterwards!
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