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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Man, thats nasty what they do in SVA prep to get a fog light in there! They could have simply added the LED bulb like mine and re-wired the pins to turn it on with fog rather than reverse (as JDMs do). Shame they've hacked your cluster apart otherwise it would have been much smarter. If I was you, I'd spray the inside of that chrome and fit and LED bulb, will make it look nearly stock
  2. Insurance? What's that? Fair point on the fuel, though. I'll probably spend about £80 on it just getting there and back. Still, if it all comes out at £400, I'll be happy enough. I spent £800 on a trackday in my Mini once. That was before I had a mortgage (and any common sense). Mal. Yeah agreed, if I didnt have a mortgage, I'd give it a go. You may be interested in the PH day at PalmerSport then - http://www.palmersport.com/pistonheads.aspx - comes out at about £6500-700 for the day, excellent experience, wish I had the dosh to do it!
  3. It's with the Haltech US and Halech AUS at the moment... I'll see what they wanna do will drive the car for another 2 days... Well at least its escallated to them, hopefully they will resolve it soon. Interested in the outcome as I was tempted to get one if it was reliable and giving good gains
  4. Yeah I just realised this. I thought the whole point was they scheduled the meet for days that werent clashing with games? Hmm, like you say traffic will be a nightmare, might be easier to meet in the proper car park and meet later? We're not going to be able to do the photoshoot or anything as its an 8pm kick off.
  5. Not good mate. I'd get on the US forums and see what they have to say. They have a wealth of knowledge we dont on the Haltech units.
  6. That's the one I saw last week. I thinks its in Germany rather than the US. +1 - I dont think I've seen that exact one, but one on the same roads and its in Germany if it is. Sound like the 350z when trundling along
  7. I was thinking 7pm would be a good time. Any earlier and it would be pushing it wether I could get there in time. Where abouts in Green Park do we want to meet? Its a pretty big place. Three options I see are (a) By the side of the road where your marker is ( In one of the office car parks or © at the footie stadium?
  8. Sounds the same as mine. Have covered 25k+ miles since having it and it hasnt changed. No slip or anything. Sounds perfectly normal.
  9. These lights will fit your car, and the modification will have been done by the owner if he has used them............ +1 Its a tiny modification anyway, just trimming a bit of plastic off the connector. If you want proper UK ones Alex does em for around £240 (see up there in his post!)
  10. why do you think they are for sale? Hey someone out there might like them?? Lets see if they sell......................this time LOL got my fingers crossed for ya! Maybe stick em on the US ebay, they like tat more
  11. In which case... I'm booked! Right... who's joining me? Go on... £129 is still a bargain for Bedford... Mal. Not quite enough of a bargin when you factor in fuel and insurance, ends up being about £400 for me
  12. And back down to £129 now by the look of it. I'm really keen to do this, but I've never taken my Zed on track before and have no idea what its noise is like. It's a totally standard 53 plate - anyone got any idea whether I'd pass the static and drive-by tests at 87dB? Cheers, Mal. Std Zed will be fine at Bedford. Was there when I first saw a zed and wanted one
  13. Looks like we'll have a few people bidding on them then Remember you can get them on here for £240 delivered so no going mad
  14. Will they really only fit the roadster? Whenever I have seen them advertised before they never said for roadster or coupe specifically, I thought they were both the same
  15. No biters, everyone must have had a quiet night to get up early for the F1
  16. What year is your car Craig? If its on 03-04 maybe 05, you can take the back off the cubby and it leaves a nice hole for a 7in monitor
  17. +1 ? Its the business park behind the footie stadium. There are speed bumps around some of it, so would need to reccy the meet point first, but theres plenty of places where theres no bumps so dont worry Z Boy
  18. Probably trying to get rid of stock with the 370z on the way
  19. That is dedication!!!
  20. Looks excellent! Is there a function in photoshop that lets you do it or did you trace around it?
  21. Lookin good! Can see the phone isnt going to be answered for at least a week after it arrives!
  22. Yup, services are out of my way, so I'll just meet you there. Alternatively, we could meet in Green Park somewhere as its just next door.
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