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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Chris`I

    Dash re-trim

    Dont really have much experience matey. Just picked up this S-Alcantara stuff of ebay (Tuningleader was the seller), it was already foam backed. Used some Locktite spray glue from Halfords to stick it. Also got some Autoleads glue which is the same pretty much that I used for the last bits. Its just a case of trail and error, no real writeup for it as I dont really know what I'm doing! Will post up how it goes though. I've only done the easier bits, so no tight corners or anything, I think thats a real art.
  2. Not sure the club shop is the best place with the match on is it? I'll be there, just need to know the place Weather looks like it should be good for the time of year. Give me a chance to wash the car before hand as its filthy!
  3. No worries mate, leather wipes down easily Phil: any reply on the PM? Will be in touch later Chris. Good good. Once its sorted, the purse holder will give me spending rights again Hope the car gets sorted and RC are going to be ok, from what I hear from the MLR they are a great bunch of people with some cracking cars!
  4. Do a search, it has been covered before. I cant remember off the top of my head, but there is adjustment on some things, limited on others and non on the rest. Cant remember which is which though. Also seem to remember Phil has a "special" way to adjust one of the "unadjustable" ones but wont tell us how he does it
  5. No worries mate, leather wipes down easily Phil: any reply on the PM?
  6. Its all a crock of sh1te! They wont cut costs by having anything that is a "control" part, engine, tyres, chasis, anything. Big firms will always have money to spend on parts and they will only plough it into R&D on something else. Unless they set a budget for the year, they will never kurb the spending of big teams.
  7. Just do it !!!!!!!! Sorry cant afford it atm. Would love to though. Good deal for someone with a black car I think he meant do 'em black! At least you won't have to pretend the colour matches! Oh, I see, hmmmm. Still dont have the cash though
  8. Yeah that doesnt sound good! Phil: you got PM
  9. Just do it !!!!!!!! Sorry cant afford it atm. Would love to though. Good deal for someone with a black car
  10. Chris`I

    Dash re-trim

    Anyone seen a Zed with a flocked dash? Like they have in rallying? It looks cool in rally cars, not sure it would suit the Zed though. Was thinking that might be cheaper than getting it retrimmed. Currently thinking I might retrim the lower dash myself in Alcantara and have the top part flocked so it shouldnt cost more than a £100-150 Like this
  11. That looks ace, I'm well up for that!! Might dust off the old Stig helmet My mates work client took him (and others) to the same day a few weeks ago and he said it was the best day ever. Having recently married, I dont think his wife liked that much, but proves it is a stonker. Also proved most Evo drivers dont know how to drive properly as the amount of times he spun the Caterham was hillarious! He thought he could get away with mashing the throttle when past the apex like he does in his Evo and get away with it. Told him he aint ever driving my Zed
  12. The difference between an Lx and Px service was explained to me as the Px service is for when it is in warrenty and they hook it up to the Consult software to read error codes and faults, and Lx they dont bother. Apparently if you go for an Lx serivce in warrenty it breaks the warrenty as you have to hook it up to Consult as part of the agreement. Nissan Slough explained this to me and said its basically Nissan ripping us and the dealer off as they have to pay to use it, and you only really need to do that then the CEL light is on. Thats why their prices seem so competitive out of warrenty. As for the P2/P3 diff, I agree there isnt one. I had mine done a while back at Nissan Basingstoke before I knew any better. Now I would be asking why there is a difference in price when they do the same stuff!
  13. Yeah, no worries, will be happy to show you how I've routed and fitted everything. Its a pretty slick install now
  14. Chris`I

    Dash re-trim

    Yup - saves a few quid! Looks v good too so far. The bits that are left, bar the dash, are all very complicated shapes or big areas though so think it will be off to a pro to finish it
  15. Nissan website is now showing at £27,300 , think it was a typo?
  16. Marks always after more spare parts, I'm sure you'll have a sale shortly!
  17. Chris`I

    Dash re-trim

    Got the boot and a bit of the passenger compartment done in Alcantara in mine. Got some of eBay (not real Alcantara but some kind of knock off called S-Alcantara) and it looks soooo much better. Not completely happy with it yet, needs some tweaking, but even now it looks a lot nicer and less rattles. Will post up pics when I'm done. Dash is up next, it looks easy, but worried about the passenger airbag and covering over it. Need to look into what should be done about that. If you want it all done properly you will be looking at £1k plus. Proper Alcantara retails at about £60/sq m and you'd need in excess of 10m, so thats £600 just for material. Thats with no headlining done.
  18. Ah didnt know that,thought it was the mic. I never used the built in hands free as I have it on my HU
  19. Wow, thats some flex If only they were GM Cant afford them and a respray
  20. These lights will fit your car, and the modification will have been done by the owner if he has used them............ +1 Its a tiny modification anyway, just trimming a bit of plastic off the connector. If you want proper UK ones Alex does em for around £240 (see up there in his post!) Agreed if the price gets close to £240 plus p&p i would buy new otherwise they are a bargain If they go above £200 with PnP I would drop out. Alex are brand new and at least you know the chap if they go wrong. eBay is a lot riskier, so I would only buy them at a proper bargin price of around £150. They are second hand remember
  21. Damn, better tell Amanda to sign up and make a decision! Need to get my car out for a bit and get a shot or 2 done!
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