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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. The nissan is the same van with a different grill, so i was told by the nissan dealer i drive a 08 vauxhall and has already had a recall and my mates had a problem with the brakes after 20miles on the clock Great work by the way, very impressed Yeah lots of the vans are the same. I used to drive a Renault which was made in the same factory as the Nisasns and Vauxhalls. One of the other drivers smashed a light once and we got a replacement from Vauxhall as it was half the price of the Renault one for the same bit!!
  2. +1 - worked on mine too. Although I did scrape out most of the rust first. Doesnt seem to have come back - yet
  3. Another quality job matey. Will likely be giving you a call once I get around to having the bumper re-sprayed to get the rest of the car up to scratch. Tell me about it. Amandas Corsa is going in tomorrow. The gear selector is gone. Apparently its a nylon ball and socket which wears out costing pennies to produce, but you have to buy the whole sodding gear selector to replace - and it has the same crappy ball and socket
  4. To be brutally honest, what is Paul going to do with the bits he has left?! He'd be better off selling the whole lot as a working system.
  5. The other thing you have to remember is that everyone votes on it. The chances of everyone voting for the same 12 and them being a high concentration of 1 member is very unlikely. Also, if I take a photo of someones car and it makes it, it makes 2 people proud, me for a good photo and them for their car being in it. Possibly we should limit it to one shot per actual members car?
  6. +1 I've always said to stick it on He's scared it'll damage the paint.... Well cant really blame him I guess!
  7. Amanzing the difference you can see on what you think is a clean and tidy car!
  8. I think it should be pics of the clubs Zeds taken by members. So anyone can take a pic of anyones cars. Otherwise you'd never get any moving shots of your own car Its still one pic per member, so if you want to submit a pic of someone elses its up to you. And if you dont have a good pic of your car but someone else does, you should be able to submit it (with their permission of course). Should probably limit the total number of pics per member, otherwise the calendar could turn into a portfolio for Adam
  9. Good Luck trying to get a discount They got kicked off here for not offering the same discount to members here that they were offering to OC members * *Alledgedly Trying to find the smiley with the zipper mouth !! Ah so thats what happened!
  10. yep How much bud, my pal needs one Why didn't you tell him to screw it straight on to the bumper? You usually do! Dont screw it Just stick it on
  11. I'd be up for 2 of both of them (i.e. 2 sets of fronts and rears - one lot with just logo and one lot with the proper plate)
  12. Always wondered how I could store a track car and my car on a single drive
  13. Tis a good idea. They got them done once as I have seen some people with them, but I dont have one and would like one
  14. latter part of next year I think Wow, I thought by all the sudden build up to the 370z we'd be looking at the 350z being stopped by end of this year. Still some life in the old boot then Really liking the look of the 370z but couldnt possibly justify getting one next year, maybe in a couple of years. Ditto. Couldnt justify a new one, but give it a few years when the year old ones hit the market, I'll be there.
  15. Just a shame they dont give this site a discount
  16. I hope you mean mm Remember the guy that runs it is meant to have help develop the Zed so he should know the limits of the car. Also hes done loads of people off the Zed forums and I've not heard of anyone breaking anything yet.
  17. No help on the aligment, but you could check the steering wheel is on straight? Its on a splined boss, so you could whip it off and try moving it around a notch? Its quite easy to do if you have a set of torx tools and socket set? You do need to remove the airbag so remember to unplug the battery and leave it a few mins before taking off the airbag or the CEL/airbag light will come on. Might be worth a go.
  18. I cant beleive that!!! Motorway driving is all about confidence , forward thinking and anticipating the next moron in his Beemer before he is up your ar** +1
  19. +1 - tbh many have seen that the increased price of 99RON is offset by better MPG and power. It can wind back the timing to cope with 95RON but its in no way optimised for it so you will loose power.
  20. Chris`I

    More Carbon

    Doooooo it. Would look great with your lip I think we are singlehandedly proping up the economy atm! Need to justify it with the missus. Still at least my bonet is starting to flake so I have a reason
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