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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Depends who the seller is. They are busy and sometimes have LOADS of PMs. Sometimes best to call during office hours. +1 - some are a right mission to track down
  2. I suggest you buy a valve core remover, much better than letting them down as they wont be able to pump em up again :lol:
  3. Lookin good matey. Not a lot in it between the Varis and Mines lips, so I'd just keep the Varis (of course I would say that!)
  4. Hehe, i used to pretend to drive my parents cars when they were out, then they wondered why there was a strong smell of petrol when they started it up. It was from me pumping the accelerator! I used to ride my Dads R6 up and down the drive when no one was in. He blatently knew I did it, but never said anything. Its mine now anyway, so I get to ride it properly
  5. When he gets back I'm first in line for answering PMs
  6. NUMBER 29 Ok, bit rushed, may try again Sunday night as I'm out on the beers tomorrow night. Amanda is still deciding on hers
  7. Cover it in Alcantara (pics to follow in a few days)
  8. Havent seen anyone elses close up before, but thats typical of most carbon I've seen bar the very expensive Varis/Seibon/etc type pieces which are pretty much perfect, but you pay for that Zed cut out does look a bit off, I suggest you speak to whoever sold it to you
  9. Try my350z.com. There is a fix you can do to trick the car into thinking the seat air bags are there when they arent (for aftermarket seats), using a resistor to bridge the connection. I guess this would also work for the passenger dash air bag but they will be able to confirm. You will need to remove the top panel of the dash, but Lee is writing a how to on that, arent you Lee
  10. Told you to stop riding it
  11. Yup been used for ages on bikes. Not sure who did it first but Yamaha have had the ExUp valve for a fair few years now. All done electronically. Astons also have them, as do a few more exotic cars. I beleive it keeps back pressure up at low revs, then opens at higher revs to be more free flowing and also gives some more noise Oh also, it would only be of use on more high flowing exhausts that dont provide enough back pressure at idle. You would need something specifically designed for the valve. Would be good though, as at idle it would be nice and quiet, then at full throttle when the valve fully opens all hell would break loose!
  12. And at some cost! But if I had a plenum spacer, drop in filter and the Haltech would I get a gain of over 50bhp like Andlid? Wether its at the fly, crank, wheel or whatever it's till a big gain - or am i missing something? I have heard that 40BHP is possible with beathing mods and possibly some other not so expensive mods and a ECU map. Check out the US forums, theres a weath of information over there and anything you hear on here will be second hand at best. Unless off someone like Adam@Z1 that has actually done it
  13. It does seem to fit the stereotype doesnt it
  14. Car looks great - really liking the bronze wheels Is the exhaust painted/powder coated or is it deceptively black in the photo?
  15. Dig out Adam@Z1's old thread. IIRC it took him quite a lot of effort to get a NA Zed to 300+ WHP. Remember thats about 350BHP at the crank isnt it? Thats quite a hike! Breathing mods along wont do that. 300BHP@the crank could be doable with breathing mods I think? Here ya go http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... ght=300whp
  16. Ditto - if your O2 bills are wrong go blame IBM
  17. Thats what I always said to them. Its a false economy to chop in the Zed for a more frugal car when you are loosing not only the fun, but a lot of money on the depreciation for a minuscule saving on fuel. If you are worried about the MPG it returns, learnt to drive more smoothly (momentum is key) and hoon around less. But then where is the fun in that!
  18. Not bias at all there Kev These things are down to the drivers. I was doing one of those experience days at Thruxton yesterday and was overtaking people in a 911 Turbo, Exige and single seater Forumlar Renault and I was only in a Cayman. They are all faster cars than the Cayman, but its down to the drivers. In fact the only thing that did overtake me was the intstructor driven Ferrari 355 :cool: My instructor didnt beleive me that I didnt have any track experience at all, so I guess I wasnt half bad The fact on that video is that the porker is all over the place and the Exige looks more composed really just means the Exige driver is better. Which is what you'd expect from typical Exige and Porker drivers, I agree with you there
  19. I do mine whenever it goes in for a service. Should probably do it more often, but hey at least it gets done
  20. GT3 driver needs to stop dicking about and drifting and drive properly
  21. Ahh I was wondering if they were molded in or seperate, answers my question, thanks
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