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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. 3" of snow on my car this morning! Ring road was like an icerink! Took me 2hrs to get to work where it normally takes an hr
  2. Replica Nismo ? ? ? Not really a replica but sounds a little similar and a very good build quality Didnt look too different to me How you getting on with it Mike? Liking the sound?
  3. Saw this on DW and had to post it here http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/bobthebui ... lder.shtml
  4. Whens the Aston arriving again? He cancelled it when someone showed him Aston Martins depreciation curve.......... Wussie Surely all cars around that price bracket depreciate the same? Nope I wait in anticipation to see what he gets then!
  5. Whens the Aston arriving again? He cancelled it when someone showed him Aston Martins depreciation curve.......... Wussie Surely all cars around that price bracket depreciate the same?
  6. Just remeber its got average cams set at 20 so be careful, i found out the hard way 4 years ago..... I think the problem would be us going too slow, trying to get piccis I'm still up for it
  7. Anyone heard from Mark? Shall I PM him later?
  8. 2 days from me, that way you have the option of either or both days. Would give Amanda a chance to get some driving in too without me missing any
  9. Amanda already said no Could have dug out my old Scalextrix tracks for a monster drift session
  10. Blimmin ell! Hows Mike getting on with the replica Nismo? I can see your sales of them increasing just slightly!
  11. Get a move on man, I do that in a month and a bit! Def worth keeping, their worth sod all now. Soon my MTB will be worth more than my car
  12. +1 - although heard the opposite for the modding. Premium doesnt increase, but they dont replace mods. So only replace broken OEM items.
  13. I think a fully kitted car could pull this off. Not sure on a near standard one though. Only one way to find out!
  14. Its in the service manual. Carefully stick a small flat blade screw driver in between the top of it and the door and pry it backwards and down
  15. I hear there will also be a low grip drift area and a handling course. All custom made to play with the GTR
  16. Goto http://www.rarerims.co.uk/virtual/ and upload a pic of your car in profile. You can then see what it looks like
  17. If you use IE, it comes up as a threat. Seems MS got something right for once! Does look quite good. Doesnt quite hold up once you "log in". Hope they have fun trying the details I entered :lol:
  18. Yup I saw this on the news too. I think its a good idea as it gives you a chance to change you ways. According to the piece I saw on the news, volunteers do the radar bit and then letters get sent out. If a hight percentage of people are speeding there and there is a reason to put a copper there, they can request it, so watch out or next time it might be a copper
  19. I'llkeep it going then ... 1. sake-bito Standard UK set. 2. M350ZB Standard UK show plate single - payment via PAYPAL 3. keithdw Standard UK set. 4. Chris'I Standard UK set + standard UK show plate set - payment via PAYPAL 5. Toon Chris - Standard UK set - payment via PAYPAL 6. Ian - Standard uk set + standard uk show plate(rear only) 7. MWalker56 - Standard UK Set
  20. Give him a ring - I spoke to him a few hours ago Was talking numbers with him, and you'd be astonded to hear that he gets hundreds to PMs a day from across the various car boards. Now you see why PMs arent always replied to. Just get on the blower
  21. Might be an idea to PM Mark. He's probably not got the time to read the thread
  22. Top job Chris, look forward to your email
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