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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Chris, they look good! Will we have any probs with ANPR with smaller font? I dont mind having slightly smaller lettering as long as I dont get done on ANPR for it I take it the logo is already at the bottom of the printable area?
  2. Sorry mate. I did think of that myself, but its not very gentlmanly like Plus I dont think I could live without cruise control for those long journeys to Wales runs
  3. Its a shame they are discontinued Yup, otherwise I'd throw away my Rotas and get some TA ones
  4. UK GT cars have leather. Non-GT dont have leather AFAIK
  5. Most likely an oil cooler, for the diff or gearbox perhaps? Dunno Like this http://www.adventperformancellc.com/cat ... 46284.html
  6. Haventy driven one, sorry, but Clarksons review of it was dead funny. Most interestin bit about it is it looks different from each side, so if you get bored, you can walk round to the other :lol:
  7. Beleive that is a JDM option. Search on here and you will find a previous thread on it. From what I can remember its pretty expesive to get aftermarket, so be greatful
  8. Ebized - 1 Pingu2 - 1 Andy - 1 Ian - 1 Marzman - 1 or 2 Murdoch - 1 Lexx - 1 (maybe 2) Chris`I - 1 Do we have the option of a desktop calendar this time? I want one for work
  9. Chris`I

    Dash re-trim

    It does indeed look very cool. Been put on hold while we work out how to get around the passenger airbag though as we dont know how it breaks through. I found some slo-mo crash footage which shows how it breaks through, but need to somehow download it and watch it frame by frame! Wouldnt do a DIY flock as it looks ok for small areas, but no where near uniform enough for big expanses. Was quoted £90 to have the upper and lower 4 dash panels done.
  10. Would drive me crazy having the car sitting on a filthy dirty car park for 12 hours a day(4 DAYS ON 4 DAYS OFF) where it is very dusty when dry and very muddy when wet, and with the threat of acid droplets dropping from the chimney stacks where i work that have damaged many a paint job over the years Would be madness to do that as i live about 3.5 miles from work, and not forgetting i had one car crushed by a 38 tonner at my place of work. Sorry no brainer for me quite happy to use a shed for work and the zed for pleasure. I agree it would be nice to use the zed every day but only if conditions allow in my case not, also hardly worth bothering for a 3.5 mile drive. Engine would never get properly warmed up either. All of our circumstances and requirements are different Like squarehead and Stan, I love using mine every day, passing all those boring sods in their oil burners looking bored as hell. But I have to say, if I worked where you did Beavis, I sure as hell wouldnt take my Zed there either
  11. Does the caliper not have banjos as standard? Dont know anything about the Brembos, but when I did my R6 (and same for MTB), you re-use the original banjo bolts. From what Mark says, the Brembos dont use banjos as stock, but Goodridge etc assume you do, so thats what you need
  12. We could put you on sedatives for a couple of weeks if you like? I'm sure Phil would pay for them
  13. Congrats buddy! Dont watch Sky, so I dont care what drivel you put on, it wont effect me Need to blag them for a car allowance, then you could have the Zed. Just wait for Sarnie to tell you to lower and spacer the 500
  14. Mines the same sans Bond as we didnt book the tickets quick enough. Saving that for next weekend
  15. It already is You wanna be at this end Got any ETA on when my email will make it to the top? Or shall I send my message by pidegeon?
  16. Replied to your mail, cheers chap
  17. When you getting one then?!
  18. Because the G's image has been forever tarnished by you having one...
  19. I think it will grow on us. Better interior is always good in my books. Although it still looks a lot like the 350z inside. Think they could have done more
  20. Go for it mate. There has been plenty of times on here when people have said something wouldnt look right, then once it was done, all praised how good it looks. Give it a go and see
  21. Yup, god love the heated seats. Just need a heated body so that I can start it and let it defrost itself! Had 3" of snow on it this morning! -1C on the clock and intake temps of 1C! Brrrrr. Didnt appreciate going sideways down a straight bit of dual caridgeway. Was only doing 10MPH so was ok with a bit of opposite lock
  22. +1 You be amazed at how quick the Sunday goes, and how few people you get to meet. I have been to 2 and think I still only met about 20% of people on each one. At this rate I need at least another 3 before I've met everyone once!
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