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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. That sounds like a plan. Adriank, can meet you at 1pm at Wickes in Basingstoke? Rob we'll meet you on the way if theres somewhere easy to pick you up around Jct4?
  2. Got the mail, will pay in a mo, have to do dinner first, being shouted at
  3. You correcting the swirls by hand mate? Thats gonna be back breaking! I've just bought a new Kestrel DA polished and some PB SSR to try on mine. Will let you know how I get on correcting me swirlies
  4. Wickes is probably the best place. From the Milestones rounderbout come come off for Morrisons and then turn left into Wickes. Google maps is telling me to come over to Jct4 of the M3 and head down that way. Anywhere around there you could meet me and AdrianK? Phil: Meet at 1pm? Are you likely to be there a bit before so we're not waiting around for you to arrive, or should we make the meet a bit later?
  5. Fantastic film review Is it worth spending £6 on? £6?! Bargin! Its £7.50 round here
  6. Go give em a try. Havent used the 450D, but I rate the 350D I have over the 400D my mate has. Because the 400 has a higher pixel count, it takes noticably more noisy pics at higher ISO (low light) situations. Dont be sold on the high megapixel count, 6-8MP is fine for anything upto A4/A3 prints. Just make sure you learn how to use it, as many people get them, set them to auto and wonder why they take "worse" pics than their point and shoots. Mainly because auto mode on SLRs isnt meant to be used
  7. Especially when you consider my SLR and lense is worth near on £1k Hi carumba i've bought a luminex now and i thought i was splashing out Obviously I didnt pay that much, but on a like for like replacement under insurance, thats what I'd be expecting. Got the lense second hand, but brand new its still worth £300, which isnt bad given I paid less than half that
  8. Especially when you consider my SLR and lense is worth near on £1k
  9. I'll take that as a compliment 4*
  10. Cool, sure I can find some time to have a quick run over and back before the F1. Wonder if they'd put the F1 on in the pub So is it just a coincidence that you are a couple of miles from the TG track or do you have some fun planned for Monday?
  11. Glad to see its sorted matey. Looking at that exploded diagram on the instructions it looks like the bits were cosmetic and not so functional that it would have caused damage to the main unit.
  12. Where you going to be Phil? Isnt that near the Top Gear track?
  13. I pour luke warm water around edge of the window. Always does the trick for me Dont using boiling water whatever you do, dont want any cracked windows!
  14. Its posted above, but it doesnt quite get you to there. Yes its the new name for the Dome
  15. Just make sure you get along to a Wales meet so we can all see it
  16. Nice one dude. Does that explain why there is no responce from ESR? In a South Park voice - "oh my god - you killed Phil!" Looks and sounds a top bit of kit
  17. Always knew there would be a good use for the accelerometer in our phones
  18. +1 - very confusing. I'd ring Phil and get it back in the shop if you can
  19. Yup, should be there again. Have a thread with all the dates in - http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... 785#162785
  20. I'm up for this in Basingstoke/Reading area
  21. They're knee braces....theres one on the left side too. Another JDM factory option, supposedly helps keep you in place during spirited driving. I dont actually notice them at all during normal driving, but they're suprisingly effective and comfortable when you need them I thought as much. I have the little on on the centre console, but never seen one on the door like that before. You obviously drive very spiritedly
  22. Dave: whats that lump above your drivers door speaker? Knee pad?
  23. Lookin good Ho. Watch out for those shady guys in the background of the last pic though, I think they might try and pinch it
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