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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Chris`I


    Well he is driving 350+ miles today guys, hes not going to answer the phone! Leave him a message and I'm sure he'll get back to you
  2. Give Spit and Polish a shout. They were going to do my Rays time attack style (black with a red lip) and quoted about £60/wheel + VAT
  3. Chris`I


    , God i really do feel the hate-rid now guys , What's a guy supposed to do aye Trust that Phil will do a good job and your car will be ready on time
  4. Thats if your car comes back in one piece. Phil was saying yesterday they took the car apart but cant remember how to get it back together Just kidding btw, before you have a heart attack!
  5. £165k for a dailly driver: http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/sales/759027.htm Well if you have enough money, why not! I can think of worse things to spend it on Not quite on the same level, but the old CEO of O2 used to drive his DB9 as a daily driver. Used to love it when the underground car park was full, he parked it out the front of the office. Stunning
  6. Chris`I


    Yes he is down in Surrey visiting some friends today, should be back later today, but not sure what time?. See the "Pub Meet" thread. I tried to steal his GTR, but didnt get away with it
  7. Chris`I

    Hi Beam

    Mark, which ones did you put in you numberplate lights? Mine started to do a disco (not suppising for ebay cheapies), but didnt know if these would be too much - http://www.autobulbsdirect.co.uk/501-le ... 17114.html Gonna get them for sidelights, just dont know about number plate lights, hmmm
  8. Shows you how loud it is too, as we were all speaking and you cant hear us in that clip. Sounded even better when it just started and was warming up
  9. Its more like an extra £65,000 per 0.1..... Looked awesome in green imo though..... Man,your lucky you got shut of yours when you did. Yep, i'd be floggin it for £25k less if I had held on to it till now They touched on Aston depreciation too, laughing at Clarkson as he has one. Although to be fair, like he has to car about depreciation on that care with the money he has! After seeing Phils GTR yesterday, I'd keep the cash and get that over a G
  10. Its Interlagos Fire, not Brickyard. I got into trouble for that one Very similar though.
  11. Just pray its wet if you want to outrun him
  12. Nice to meet you all, and to see Phil and his beast Few pics for ya - Dodgy character hanging about ... Some yobbo trying to nick the car What an awesome car! Was honoured to be able to start it up, and my god did it sound lovely Cant wait to get up to see it at ESR and get a drive out in it!
  13. PM Martin about it. I wanted one last year but it wasnt an option. My missus wants one too as well as me
  14. Nice one Ricky, glad to see you back on the road in tip top condition!
  15. Hi, hope you enjoy it here Paul. You car looks nice, you should post some pics of it at some point Glad the nets all sorted matey
  16. Sarnie's internet proxy is in Poland more like! Should have guessed
  17. Yeah they all have their place, just saying that it can be useful. Guess I'm just lazy
  18. Could be some peoples work having a proxy in Poland? No idea really Good search bots?
  19. Sorry to hear that bud! Still gives you time to sort out the calendar votes
  20. I think Shutter priority or Aperture priority have their uses. Sports photography for one. I cant move quick enough to constantly change the settings, but if I know I want 1/125th or 1/60th for panning shots I can leave it set and let the camera sort out the aperature. For static shots though, manual is the way to go
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