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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. To top it all off the Police were a complete bunch of tw@ts! They didnt even come to look at the crime scene and then sent him a letter saying that there was no evidence so cant proceed! What do these fat t0ssers do all day! This really gets my back up as they spend all day and thousands trying to catch people doing 5MPH over the limit where it is of no danger, but someone has their car almost written off and they cant even be bothered to come round!
  2. OMG I dont think I've ever seen so much vadalism to a car that hasnt been burnt out! Hope they catch the little scroats that did that and pour whatever they poured on it over their heads!
  3. Guys, just give Kev a ring and ask which model agency he used. Its really not hard to find the model agencies that say Max Power use and give them a ring. Hope you have some dosh though, I cant see them being cheap See - http://www.maxpower.co.uk/babes.asp - find one you like, google her, they will have a website if they are any good. Get the agency details and book them
  4. Can get nice Nismo ones around the £50-60 mark
  5. Ah the lovely Gemma Massey.... I have photos but unfortunalty I cant share them Is she a horse rider? Must resist .... jokes ... too easy ....
  6. The standard car is very quiet but with our new custom exhaust it sound stunning.The car was run in over in japan and went back to the HPC for its first service and software updates so all ready for action, seen 175 mph already at a local airbase on sunday, boy does it get there fast. Wheres the local airbase? Is it an organised event? Do you think you could get to top speed in a Zed? Can't wait to see the GTR Its the one that's top secret but has no doubt been used testing your car too AKA The M1 I can tell you it wasnt the M1, thats far too open to bystanders
  7. Ah the lovely Gemma Massey.... I have photos but unfortunalty I cant share them Oh yeah.... whys that then EDIT: Doh, nothing exciting like I thought, its just they are on the otherside
  8. You need to learn how to drive a fast car first dude so different from the bike Do you ride Jay? Being able to ride a motorbike well makes you a much much better car driver
  9. Right, got the knod from the co-driver and we're up for it! She has requested that we have a castle though after speaking to Phil on Sunday. Depending on how many we get, it might not even be that expensive She wants to know how many people we expect and also where base camp should be near so she can find us somewhere nice Like this - http://www.scottscastles.com/properties ... .php?id=67
  10. 1. Stew+1 2. Martinmac+1 3. Stan+1 4. xstric9x+1 5. Ebized +1 6. Beavis +1 7. Tilly +1 8. AK350Z(Scratchy) +1 9. Adam (Arphotographs) (the man with the cam) +1 10. Zmanalex +1 11. Maccaman 12. Squarehead +1 13. Darren-b +1 14. Lexx +1 15. malross +? 16. Bigphil +1 17. Chris`I +1 (+1 is the woman with the cam - give you a good run for your money Adam ) Must be mad, this is going to be one looooong trip! But who cares, you only live once!
  11. Chris`I

    Hi Beam

    iirc they use the same bulbs - sides and no plate They are the same fitment, but I'd probably want brighter lights in my sidelights
  12. Chris`I

    Good mpg

    Its because it doesnt have to retard the timing and hence you get better bang for your buck (i.e. fuel burns better getting you more power for equal fuel). The engine is optimised for 98RON, so anything less than that and it will not be working at optimum, so the same fuel will produce less power, so you need to boot it a bit more (more fuel) to get the same outcome, so MPG drops. Genius
  13. Stuff like this doesnt help either - http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9b1_1225715503
  14. Its Alezan Any of the traders on here should be able to help out
  15. You're probably right Sarnie, but I've a lot more respect for the boys in blue now that I've met one who does! Yup they do exist out there somewhere, just very few of them left these days. I got tugged in my old Leon, doing something similar to you, shat my pants, just to find he stopped me as my reversing light was stuck on and I was blinding people behind me Just knocked it in and out of gear a few times and was all sorted. Makes you a bit more sensible and chilled out in future after it happens
  16. There are some knocking around from JTS. Kev@Envy had a lovely young lady on his stand and she came over and did a few shots with Rob and a few others cars. Unfortunately I was not on the stand at the time and missed it EDIT: As I'm so nice, here ya go. Not sure this is safe for work, you have been warned!! http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... hlight=jts
  17. Chris`I

    Hi Beam

    You have a link to the exact side lights you have? Sorry for being an arse, but the ref codes dont seem to match up with whats on the website
  18. Sorry Phil, giving you more hassle. I'll keep quiet next time
  19. Aye thats exactly what he told me, but i was limited with what can be done safely, driving home during rush hour! Give it til 10pm tonight then go out and give them a good ragging. Come back when they're smoking
  20. Did Dixel give you a braking in procedure? Normally with performance breaks you need to do a series of high speed stops to get the pads mated to the discs. Should get them performing Look good btw
  21. What not see if Phils lot can do it? Cant be hard for a body shop to strip it and give it a coat of laquer if they are doing other stuff for you?
  22. Lepsons (who are meant to be very very good) wouldnt do mine black, with a machined lip and read outer lip like the LE37s Leemik has. I guess it depends if they are up for the challenge or not? Personally I dont see what would be so hard about it, just have to be good at masking off.
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