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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. 19"? They shouldnt add anything with the right tyres, rolling radius stays the same. Speedo should also read about 5-10% more than you real speed as by law they have to overread (or so I hear).
  2. Im never nasty dude, just sarcy And you soon learn to give as good as you get. For example to shut Louis up, on could simply say, "shut up you girly boy, go drive your fiat!"
  3. I beleive you are correct from what I've heard before. Hence why I said to goto a bike MOT tester
  4. We should really formalise this as its only just over a week away. Mark you heard back from the council yet?
  5. Should have sat on the limiter with your hand to your ear mouthing "sorry I cant hear you, speak up!" He sounds like a proper c0ck! As Ho said, MOT centre will likely have a dB reader, definately if they do bike MOTs
  6. You can save them. Top right, there is a "link" button, click it and it'll give you the URL to get back to it. I did that for the Wales run
  7. Its all good now, they've settled it and its paid up and done. To be fair to the guy who did it, it sounds like after the first day, he got some very very bad news and was understandably off the ball the second day. However he should have told Lexx this and at least he would be expecting it
  8. At least after all that faf, you know why it wasnt up to par. Just very unfortunate circumstances. All sorted
  9. Well we aint going to "win" on there! Lexx - I think you now see why he did not to a top notch job, which is to be fair a pretty valid excuse, and should just draw a line under it. He should have phoned and told you he had stuff on his plate, but didnt, and now we're getting flamed for dissing him. I think it best to say that you've settled it and draw a line under it. At least he did a good job of the machining
  10. maybe they already know ya Anyone with Zed affiliation?
  11. Where else are you meant to air your opinions?? +1. Reading on DW it seems he has "reasons" for why it wasnt up to par, so I think he needs to explain these to you (maybe family problems or whatever) and come back and sort it properly. I'm fair if someone gives reasons for mistakes, but from what you posted on here, he didnt seem to care. I was given absolutaly no reasons as to why the job was so half arsed done. Im half tempted to post the email exchange between me and him - however I know that would be going too far. Yeah I'm trying to carefully craft a post where it states you are not just out to diss him and you have your reasons you beleive he just wasnt interested in sorting it out, but I think I'll just get flamed for being a n00b! Some people are sticking up for ya though bud
  12. Where else are you meant to air your opinions?? +1. Reading on DW it seems he has "reasons" for why it wasnt up to par, so I think he needs to explain these to you (maybe family problems or whatever) and come back and sort it properly. I'm fair if someone gives reasons for mistakes, but from what you posted on here, he didnt seem to care.
  13. Feel for you mate, I really do. I know how much care you take looking after your car, and you should be safe in giving it to a DW member as they are generally very very good. I just hope others on here and there learn from this and dont use him. I cant beleive he isnt even remorsful over what hes done. Have you had the car under some decent lighting to check out that theres no swirls, marring, hologramming etc? Would hate to hear he had inflicted defects onto the paint
  14. Look its normal to have a few spare screws at the end, there always is. Just take the bag and be happy
  15. Thanks for that Phil, certainly does shed a lot of light on what went on. It is truely shocking how half assed that detail was. I was my mums old beater better than that! It sounds more like a job your local car park car was people would do! Did he machine polish any of it? I'd say get on DW and name and shame on there, what he did was truely shocking for the money that you have paid, and I would have expected more from even a novice detailer
  16. +1 Might have taken the view that you are not paying so gave you a sub standard job. If thats the case then he shouldnt have taken it on. I am very dissapointed that a member of DW would make such schoolboy mistakes, the work on their is usually top notch. I would defiantely tell them that you are going to post on DW and see what they say. It will certainly tarnish their rep
  17. Definately enquire at Detailing World. I'm sure they are on there. This is the most important bit. What did you pay for exactly? What does a full detail consist of? Full correction and protection? Does seem like they have been rushed and not done a full job. Quite shocking as most of the guys on DW are very proud of their work and are pretty anal when it comes to getting things right
  18. Looking good buddy. Does that mean you have a spare centre console up for grabs soon?
  19. I know they are great cars but didnt quite know they had that sort of effect on the ladies.... here we go again another interesting answer I guess english sense of homour It is mate, and tbh its what makes this forum great. If you want dry answers I suggest you head on over to my350z.com (US forum) and ask questions there. Equally you wont get an answer but just get flamed Its just how it is
  20. Thanks Chris, plates recieved yesterday
  21. Man or mouse?! Shouldnt that be butch or bitch?
  22. Gixxer are you suggesting that there may be some damage to said parts? You could have done all sorts, should get it all checked out. Hold out for the new wheels, as the others have said, if you pay up yourself you will never get the money back. If all else fails threaten to take them to small claims court for the damange or get a solicitors note, you'll be amazed what they can do
  23. Shhh, no ones meant to know Oh and Phil said its looking good, not many spare screws left over
  24. I'm thinking more and more that my car should be in our garage. Atm it lives on the drive as the garage is tight to get through the door due to the angle of attack and have always thought I'm more likely to do damage myself than someone else doing it. Things like this make you re-think that
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