Took the car for abit of an test, don't know if its the tyres or the lower profiles but ride and handing has improved. Also did not have the TCS come in once even when I pushed it alittle harder than usual, but then I've only had the TCS come in once before and that was in the rain and on a big roundabout
The speedo won't be accurate though....
But as the RR is smaller, it will over-read, so at least its the safe way round
The car's speed is limited to 155mph but the digital will go up 160 on stock 313's...guess it will show now 163! Thats something.....
Get yourself a nice GPS unit. No lies there
Or get clocked by the coppers....even more accurate!!!!
I wouldnt be so sure! Theres plenty of room for error from them, no holding it right, not having it callibrated recently. I'd trust GPS more I think