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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. The car park at the Marina isn't a bad choice. I think it was only Z Boy who couldn't get up the ramps but on the basis I'm pretty sure he's now sold, it won't be a problem So long as my Varis lip clears it, I'm all good
  2. Its one of those secrets that everybody knows but pretends they dont... Shhhh!
  3. I would expect there are part numbers for everything, its finding it Might be worth trying Nissan to get the part number then contacting someone like Chris@JDM Performance or Mike at MJP as they both seem to have good access to getting weird and wonderful parts.
  4. That sounds like a weird concept. I would guess that it detects you depress the clutch and move the stick and blips the throttle for you. Pretty much sucks, as its taking all the true skill out of being a driver. Boring
  5. Hey Kwame, welcome to the board! Cant help you will your issue, probably best to try some breakers for that. Do you work at Z1 with Adam?
  6. I'm sure Chris@JDM will sort you out. I think hes used to doing it the other way around, so shouldnt be difficult. See the links above.
  7. In terms of slows speeds you wont notice much difference, as the number of revolution the wheel makes at that speed is not much different to the "standard" as remember its a percentage change of the RR, so given a 5% change - at 30MPH isnt much - 1.5MPH, but at 70 it is much more noticeable at 3.5MPH. Remember that by reducing the RR the speedo will over-read this much so it doesnt really matter. Use GPS and be happy
  8. Probably have to wait for him to get home. Might be some time depending on when he left
  9. Looks good buddy, glad you got it all sorted in the end :cool:
  10. While I had Phils GTR keys in my hand last Sunday I made him tell me what it was going to be. Should be so cant wait to see the pics And yes he has an excellent sales strategy. Doesnt have to spend any money on sales or advertising!
  11. If it's his living then he shouldn't jeopardise it by doing shoddy jobs and then threatening customers with court action. Hes now taking a week or 2 off work, so I guess he learnt his lesson Been posted on DW.
  12. I looked into this and quickly gave up! I think Acree managed to get them all done in 12hrs once Have to change the dial fronts as well as the stock ones have an orange tint to them. Right mission
  13. That link works, the other one doesn't.... You need to be signed in at my350z.com to see it. Pic doesnt work for me but link does
  14. Search for Race Logic TC on here and you should find what you are looking for.
  15. Took the car for abit of an test, don't know if its the tyres or the lower profiles but ride and handing has improved. Also did not have the TCS come in once even when I pushed it alittle harder than usual, but then I've only had the TCS come in once before and that was in the rain and on a big roundabout The speedo won't be accurate though.... But as the RR is smaller, it will over-read, so at least its the safe way round The car's speed is limited to 155mph but the digital will go up 160 on stock 313's...guess it will show now 163! Thats something..... Get yourself a nice GPS unit. No lies there Or get clocked by the coppers....even more accurate!!!! I wouldnt be so sure! Theres plenty of room for error from them, no holding it right, not having it callibrated recently. I'd trust GPS more I think
  16. broke it You they not have some kind of locator for that. I mean how the hell can you ask for help if the phone is broke! They should be able to detect its last whereabouts and send someone out with a new one
  17. Took the car for abit of an test, don't know if its the tyres or the lower profiles but ride and handing has improved. Also did not have the TCS come in once even when I pushed it alittle harder than usual, but then I've only had the TCS come in once before and that was in the rain and on a big roundabout The speedo won't be accurate though.... But as the RR is smaller, it will over-read, so at least its the safe way round The car's speed is limited to 155mph but the digital will go up 160 on stock 313's...guess it will show now 163! Thats something..... Get yourself a nice GPS unit. No lies there
  18. Lexx requested it was deleted after Wonder Detail gave the full story, after which I think it was understandable why he didnt do a proper job. If only Lexx had known this, none of it would have kicked off
  19. Im never nasty dude, just sarcy And you soon learn to give as good as you get. For example to shut Louis up, on could simply say, "shut up you girly boy, go drive your fiat!" Thats not nice chrissy wissy But since when have we been nice around here, well except to n00bs
  20. Drag cars are mad though. Cant remember who posted the article, but I read that the compression in a drag engine is so high that they border on hydrolock, and once going, they dont actually use a spark to ignite the fuel, the exhust valves are so hot, they do it themselves
  21. Took the car for abit of an test, don't know if its the tyres or the lower profiles but ride and handing has improved. Also did not have the TCS come in once even when I pushed it alittle harder than usual, but then I've only had the TCS come in once before and that was in the rain and on a big roundabout The speedo won't be accurate though.... But as the RR is smaller, it will over-read, so at least its the safe way round
  22. Yeah I'd go with that. I guess you could argue get it first and get some gains (surely tiny) then another map when you've added a decent amount of mods. Does anyone in the UK have any real figures for fitting this stuff though? It seems like crazy money to spend on 20BHP, unless you are planning to go FI in the future.
  23. The difference to power of the cooled air versus the normal air is neglagible. Hence why they dont bother doing it Power gained through colder intake is completely negated by the power required to run the air con compressor
  24. If its over-reading then you RR must have dropped as it thinks the wheels are spinning quicker than they are. Must be over-reading by quite a bit if its higher than the GPS, GPS will usually be lower than the speedo. Although your stagger must be right or you'd have probs with TCS. Also, speedo's by law are not allowed to under-read. So therefore they have to be dead on or over-read
  25. You ever seen a car with water injection on a track? One of the lads in MLR had it and went for a run with him for 6 laps, and afterwards he needed another 2l to refill the water injection and intercooler sprayer
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