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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. LOL, how random! Well done for working it out, think it might have taken us a while to realise! Mine is earthed to the right, but thats just because it was the natural place to earth it.
  2. Would it be possible to steal those files from you? I currently run a CarPC with Centrafuse and Igo embedded in that, would be good to have the Nissan and Zed logos
  3. Welcome mate. Thats a nice sellection of motors you have
  4. Good luck with the sale. Hate to say it but you need 50 posts here to advertise the sale. Does that mean we should remove the thread mods? As just having it here advertises the fact that he is selling one? Sorry to me harsh mate, but we're trying to stop people joining purely to sell their cars.
  5. Speedo should never under-read, thats illegal. Should always be more than the digi gauage and GPS by a few MPH to about 5-10MPH at top end.
  6. remove the brake lights and you can reach down through the gap Thanks GIXXERUK, so removing both rear brake lights i should be able to get access to the indicator's, is it a pretty tight fit do you know or ? Yeah its quite tight mate but doable, i changed my indicators for chrome bulbs, much cleaner look cool, thanks guys will have a little look tommorrow, thanks again , im thinking along those likes GIXXERUK Its dead easy mate, just 3 bolts and you're in. More than enough room to change the bulbs if thats all you're after Does your beast have the clear fog light? I cant remember of the top of my head. That definately cleans up the rear end No not go the clear fog light, where could i get one of these, see what ya mean, just had a look, would defo clean it up a bit IIRC bigphil does the lens and red led for £65 Yup, this is going to be a moment. Should have got Phil to fit it when you got the kit done. Makes a big diff on GM/silver cars Not sure how hard it would be to fit now on your kit, its a bit of a pain with the standard bumper and that flexes quite a lot.
  7. For the rought texture, a quick clay will sort that out. Then use a nice polish or pre-cleaner to remove any residue. Then you are ready for sealant/wax. You are doing very well only having 2 chips mate, I have in excess of 20 one mine! Though it has covered 60k miles Right, for the rusting stone chip, get down to Halfords and get yourself some Krust. It turn the rust into a paintable surface so ready for touchup. For toching in the chips, goto paints4u and enter your paint code (post the specs up here if you dont know the code). They deliver very quickly and you get a lot more than you will from a stealer (paint, laquer, some farcela and applicator swabs). Use their instructions to touch them in. Dont use stealer touch in pen tips as they are MASSIVE compared to what you need to apply. Apply a little and layer if needs be. Dont apply blobs! They look crap and fall out. Metallic flecks sink in them giving really weird appearance from certain angle. Also try reading the stone chip repair guide on Detailing World
  8. I'm afraid I'm going to have to bail on this one guys. Some tits at work have fecked up a release and apparently I'm the only one that can fix it :rant: Still I'm getting paid pretty much what I want (read: more than I would normally make in 2 days) so I cant really say no Hope you all have a good one, looks like its going to be excellent
  9. remove the brake lights and you can reach down through the gap Thanks GIXXERUK, so removing both rear brake lights i should be able to get access to the indicator's, is it a pretty tight fit do you know or ? Yeah its quite tight mate but doable, i changed my indicators for chrome bulbs, much cleaner look cool, thanks guys will have a little look tommorrow, thanks again , im thinking along those likes GIXXERUK Its dead easy mate, just 3 bolts and you're in. More than enough room to change the bulbs if thats all you're after Does your beast have the clear fog light? I cant remember of the top of my head. That definately cleans up the rear end
  10. What the hell happened to the car then? Written off?
  11. Take it back to the shop mate, they should swap it straight out, no need to wait for MS to get it back to you and you get a new warrenty for a year. My mate is on his 3rd now from Game There are ways to fix the RROD too, mine has had it done as some scally did someting naughty to it apparently and it cant be sent back to MS. Works perfectly fine after the fix
  12. Well done guys for making the calendar, and Martin for all that effort I have to say, I'm starting to agree with Sarnie over the professionals bit. I did fight the corner for other members allowing to submit photos of others purely so you could get pics in of your car that werent static (i.e. if I was out on track and someone shot my car, I could submit it), but when half the photos are made up from one person, it does seem to be a bit of a monopoly. I dont want to detract from Adams efforts, they are all cracking, but having that many in there might be crossing the line. IMO a professional in this context is anyone who takes payment for the photos, end of. We'll have to up our efforts and hide Adams camera for next year
  13. +1 £38 for the front set and £54 inc the rear one from ESR if I recall Sounds about right
  14. Why stuff the servicing? They were a multisite dealer, and after speaking to some of the staff at the Ford bit (where the servicing was done) I realised that not a single one of them knew a thing about Rotary engines. Sounds like you made the right decision! Its bad enought they dont know enough about normal engines, let along a rotary! I had a terrible time at Basingstoke Nissan because of one of their salesman. I think I was unlucky as I spoke to a couple of the others and one was well into his cars, and if I had him, my purchase would have gone much better. To be fair to them, I complained, and they sorted my out my next service free (P3) so couldnt complain too much.
  15. And still an upgrade over standard. Bargin
  16. Gotta put the shocks somewhere. Yeah but surely they dont need that much room? In the Zed, IIRC the bit that protrudes into that bit is just the damper, not the spring, so it really shuoldnt need a lot of room. I'm sure they could shave more off that! And agree that the 2 compartments were better
  17. What the hell have they done in the boot?! They've move the strut, but your still left with the turrets! You still cant use the space much more other than for taller items Looked more puposeful in the 350z.
  18. £39, thats nowt. I got some Dodojuice Supernatural thats meant to be nigh on £70 Which trade secrets book? It depends on how deep the scratches are, whether through clear coat, base coat, primer or bare metal. If they are lights, then a light polishing compound can be used. If they are heavy then you can touch them in or potentially polish them out if you know how much paint you have to work with. Never use T-Cut! Get a professional opinion if its that bad!
  19. Chris`I


    I'd say Octavia RS or MK1 Seat Leon Curpa. Both can be tuned very hight (Cupra R can get to about 270BHP just from a remap, no other extras). Handling no where near as good as a Zed, but they dont half shift still. Also very stealthy. Other than that I'd say an older Audi RS/S4. Funny how they are all made from the same bits
  20. In all honesty mate, it doesnt make any difference. The intake on the Zed can provide more then enough flow even with heat soak etc, temps never get that high to notice the difference and as it flows more than it needs to already, a smooth or rough finish will not effect it noticably. Get the one you prefer the look of
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