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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Chris`I

    K2 Discussion

    I would expect the K2 to be about the same price as the K1. No where near the old or new price of the Nismo. It should be significantly cheaper as its not the Nismo name on it
  2. i haven't seen this Sarnie, anyone got a pic? Thats about the colour my Rotas are now. Also, are you keeping the polished lip? Darker anthracite looks excellent with the polished lip - but then I am bias!
  3. If going Anthracite, I'd go for the darker. Are they going to be powder coated or wet sprayed?
  4. Me and Amanda have bought ourselves a Wii + Wii fit as a joint pressie, so it'll just be small things after that. Also weighing up if I can get the new Humax Freesat recorder for myself as our reception is getting worse of freeview and a pro arial installer will cost about the same. Mmmm HD TV
  5. First dibs on that when you go back to stock
  6. They should put a bolt through its head right now and put it out of its missery
  7. One known to members of the forum I guess. Respected tuners have proven dynos. Mostly using DynoDynamics.
  8. andlid: sorry but the Zed has been out for years and its pretty much proven that gains arent that easy to come by from what I've seen. I'm not saying you're lying but I havent seen numbers that high before so as you can appreciate I would like to see results from a member that has been around longer and on a dyno that is trusted. Put yourself in our shoes, you've been around a while and not seen these kinds of numbers, then some new member pipes up about how they got such good results from the ECU and tune. What would you think? I'm hoping that its all good and then I can get one PS See the guys whos got 470BHP, and see what I mean
  9. I wait with baited breath! Probably missed this but who is doing the work for you? And what dyno do they have? Will be nice to see results from a more well known member on a proven dyno
  10. KEEEEEEEEEEV! Come on spill the beans Envy, Top Secret and Mines, thats quite some combo
  11. mmm pay me 50% of the cost and I'll do it for you their webpage (cosworth) states 24bhp against standard.... that's some increase My Pure one did 8-9 from standard I might be willing to take the hit on testing this myself (I'll see what santa brings for Christmas...) 8-9HP? How long was it run before you did the dyno? Did you give the ECU time to learn it was there? There have been lots of rumours that if you dyno the car straight after the mod it will show gains, but then if you do it after say a month, the ECU has learnt the mod and cancels it out. Jury is still out on it, but no one is seeing consistent gains over these things other than the spacer giving more torque mid range. proved on dyno sheet, anyhow... mine is a JPM model and not a uk one dont think I suffer for that stuff above Sorry forgot you're tuning with the Haltech, tnought it was with teh OEM ECU
  12. mmm pay me 50% of the cost and I'll do it for you their webpage (cosworth) states 24bhp against standard.... that's some increase My Pure one did 8-9 from standard I might be willing to take the hit on testing this myself (I'll see what santa brings for Christmas...) 8-9HP? How long was it run before you did the dyno? Did you give the ECU time to learn it was there? There have been lots of rumours that if you dyno the car straight after the mod it will show gains, but then if you do it after say a month, the ECU has learnt the mod and cancels it out. Jury is still out on it, but no one is seeing consistent gains over these things other than the spacer giving more torque mid range.
  13. Chris`I


    I'm inclined to agree. Not really different enough to the current Zed and also havent moved it up enough in power or quality terms (from looks) to warrant spending that much cash on one. Saying that, if I can afford one in a year or two I probably will I do already have one in one way, on NFS-Undercover. Nice shiney white one. Will post a pic later when is sooped up
  14. Another way to look at it is that if it was that easy and less than FI, everyone would be doing it!!! Whoever offered the service would have a queue out the door, round the block and onto the ring road!
  15. Agreed. Looks awesome, but I'd get pulled every 5 minutes around here which makes it worthless (and priceless as its good) to me.
  16. Now this is very interesting. Please do tell more. +1 From what Adam posted to get over 300WHP, I'd guess you'd need a 4.2 stroker built like a brick sh*t house to get 470HP!
  17. Chris`I


    +1 - the extra weight of the 3.2 near as damn it negates any increase in power. Better to get the 2l and get it Revo'd
  18. Would be good to hear the details and costs involved in that. We have a very reputable member in the States who is running over 300WHP N/A and it took a lot of work. Do you have a stroker kit or anything like that?
  19. Looking good so far chaps. Cant wait to see more. Wish I could have made it
  20. Agreed! Well done Nissan for getting it wrong again! lol. They should have a USB port and then sell (yes sell) a card reader. Then you can cover all bases even newer formats with new card readers. In device terms, all cards and USB should show up as drives to the HU (as they do with PC) so could read anything attached.
  21. Well getting in to change the bulbs is no more difficult, its removing the lenses themselves that is. So if it was just a swap of bulbs it wouldnt be any more difficult
  22. I know I need to have 50 posts so I can advertise, but I have lost user name and password, as I have been a member for 3 years! Tried to use 'lost password screen but have also changed email address> Guess I'm a lost cause!!! PM a mod with your details (old username and email address) and I'm sure they can resurrect it
  23. What more do you expect. They are out to make money, and the majority wont even question it. Their theiving bastewards at the best of times
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