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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. When are they going to learn that prevention is better than cure. Oh thats right, teaching people to driver properly in the first place doesnt bring in anywhere near as much revenue as hammering them after they do it. And if everyone was a better driver then who would they fine :rant::rant:
  2. They certainly look like it, but you can never be sure. How much does Phil do them for? I would pay a little extra for the sense of security you get having someone like Phil to answer to if anything goes wrong
  3. Did Phil finnally hit you with the sanity stick? This doesnt sound like the Jay that used to bang on about going as fast as he can. All sounds advice non the less rtbiscuit: spot on mate, I dont think many people realise how much you need to monitor and tinker to get it right in the first place. Once you have a sensible tune, I think you can pretty much leave it, but the nature of the beast is you always want more. In real terms, becoming a better driver will make you faster. If you CBA with that then get an Evo! Has all the tricks and gismos to make you quicker without knowing what you're doing and can be easily tuned to silly speeds. Just dont expect any respect from me
  4. Wasnt that the one that Clarkson test drove and the torque steer near as damn it took him off the track? Looked like a monster! With the new Focus RS, Ford reportidly have made FWD a lot better with respect to putting over 200BHP through the front wheels. It used to be that more than 200BHP in FWD was a no no, but apparently they have some new trick diff and stuff that sorts it out. Will be interesting to see it when it comes out.
  5. Wasnt there a post by TDi where they said they'd seen gains of only a few BHP? I seem to remember them eventually saying that they didnt think it was worth it. And also that the plenum is more useful for FI applications where it gets those bigger increases? I could be just imagining it, but I'm sure thats what they said. andlid: As Zedrush said, its nothing against you, but we have been around a while and know what mods give what gains. If someone comes along with something new with gains we havent seen before then we are sceptical. Its nothing against you personally, just that the gains are more than we expect. Hence my comment on the dyno they used. If I came one saying I've just had my car reflashed and am getting +50BHP from a filter and plenum spacer, would you beleive me? I wouldnt beleive myself
  6. the problem is the polished lip on the nismo's isnt that big so it may not look right. if i had a deep dish i would def leave it polished. Small polished lips can look just as good. Old pic, but you get the idea
  7. Yeah go for it. Just bump it a day or so before so eeeediots like me dont forget
  8. LOL, this has turned into one of the funnies threads I've seen in ages. Cant wait to see Adams car when its unveilled, seems like a beast. I saw you could get ITB for a while but the cost is astronomical! As for you son Simon, I think its something about Liams tbh. We have another on here who seems to talk out his behind rather a lot (you know its true Sarnie) :lol::lol:
  9. Im not sure, I think he has ruined this sale by starting high at 50k now down to 17k over a year and a bit, noone will take him seriously, if he keeps dropping perhaps this time next year it will be a fiver And then you can have it back again Wouldnt want that back, its the wrong colour I'm sure if you got it for a fiver you could afford to get it reprayed
  10. Depends on so many things. Depends if the Mini had been fettled any more than just being a Works. They pack quite a lot of punch and in a straight line they will probably give the Zed a good run for its money. The Zed isnt all that quick for what it is, and could certainly have been designed better (i.e. more power, less weight). At the end of the day its all about the driver. I had a run in with an RS4 when I had only had my Zed for a few months, and on the straight, he mullered me, but when we got to some local twisties I left him for dead. Equally, my mate drives some right sheds, but used to be into rallying (and so is his dad) and he leaves me behind no matter what hes driving as he knows his limits and they are way beyond mine! He outran me down the local twisties in a 1.2l Clio when I was in my old Leon Cupra
  11. +1 Would be easy to just go out and buy just another 4wd track slag but where is the fun in that? It's all about being individual and making the car you want. I can't see myself selling the Z anytime soon and FI would be a logical next step but I think I would personally get more out of the car by upgrading the brakes, coilovers first etc. +1. It depends what you are after. I think you can get a "faster" car by improving your own driving before getting it turbo'd. Then theres brakes and suspension, these again will give you more effect, coupled with good driving, than a turbo and poor driving. If you have the money to do that and get a turbo, then I'd say thats the best outcome of all. But that will set you back near on, what, £15k?
  12. Im not sure, I think he has ruined this sale by starting high at 50k now down to 17k over a year and a bit, noone will take him seriously, if he keeps dropping perhaps this time next year it will be a fiver And then you can have it back again
  13. Yup, the other thing with going FI is that you WILL uprate everything in the end. You say, "Oh I'll just get the PE kit and be done with it" but you will blatently will end up getting forged this and uprated that. The true cost of FI is shocking. And Jay, I agree, most people would be better off spending the money on driving tuition. My mate has an Evo putting out around 310BHP and unless its wet, I can loose him in the twisties. Its all about the driver. Learn the true limits of the car before you go adding more serious power So many people bang on about how much power they have, but it means nothing about how quick they can drive. Look at the Wales run. Some people pootle along (and thats their perogative, nothing against it) and some absolutely hoon down the roads
  14. Ah crap, forgot about this, sorry chaps! Got a new AV amp so been hooking it up and playing NFS:Undercover (I got a 370z on it )
  15. From what I've seen, the parameters are tighter than a nunns chuff, so good luck getting anywhere with it. We're still waiting for the magical pill that can get us to have a car that rewards the mods. +1 - always up for something a bit different
  16. They might well have, but you have no way of proving it. Just hope you can weld it up and its sorted. Otherwise contact a trader, they tend to have OEM back boxes gathering dust. I lost a wheel nut once, after Nissan had serviced it, and obviously hadnt torqued it up right, but no way to prove they did it
  17. Chris`I


    Surely the 370 will have a different plate size holder for the UK or I agree its gonna look poor Nope, think its gonna be all the same for everywhere.... Apature looks like it will take both... It will make them cheaper to produce... Anyway, nothing a little carbon diffuser wont fix Yup, always silly to have different bumpers for different markets. Then again they did that with our cars
  18. Chris`I

    K2 Discussion

    and this vid Mike, how big is the clip? I'm sure me or someone else can host it on their FTP server for you, even if its just so someone else can re-encode it for youtube
  19. Sounds interesting. Be warned that due to the nature of the Zed ECU, it has a tendancy to tune out any gains that things like intake and exhaust offer. I wanted to get that out there so that if he does notice it offers no increase in BHP then you know why. The ECU is clever sod and only works within its own limits, which basically means if you increase flow, it just wont use it. The throttle is fly-by-wire and as such even if you give it full beans it wont open all the way Still, you can make it make a nice noise Andrew: I sent an email through a while ago to Phil. Its not urgent, but need it sorting as soon as he can once he's back. Dont rush him though.
  20. Him and Marty and Mike are the event organisers
  21. I'm not sure thats the typical ISO fixing point that I'm used to seeing Doesnt seem fixing the kids seat to there is going to do much in an accident
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