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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. RoC is in Wembley again?! Time to see if I can get some tickets
  2. True, true. Still wouldnt want it doing it when I come into my street! Around the town centre though, I wouldnt mind
  3. I might be interest in something similar to Martin, looking forward to seeing the outcome
  4. Buy a Torque wrench it will save you a fortune if your playing diy mechanics good luck with the repair +1 - never try and do anything by hand when it comes to torque! You just cant judge it. From what I remember the plenum bolts dont need to be dont up more than hand tight as they heat cycling somehow keeps them tight. Not too sure other than my torque wrench didnt go down low enough, so let Phils lot do it
  5. As long as you can chose, then thats good enough for me. I dont want it as standard as I want to pick when I want it to be blipped, not done every time (bet the car will be better at it than me though )
  6. I think the reviews will be telling. How many times have car manufacturers come up with clever gimmicks with steering etc. only for them to get a big thumbs down from the enthusiast magazines? Chances are the brake thing and the blipping thing will either be brilliant or pants. Unfortunately, I'm siding with pants until I get a go in one
  7. +1 - given how close they were on the track, it left it standing in the drag race. I would imaging if they did a datalog of both, the Zonda would be quicker in the corners and later on the brakes and the Veyron quicker on the straighter bits. Dont think the TG track is best suited to the Veyron, it would prefer much more open sweeping bends. The Veyron is a truely epic car, but as the others have said it just doesnt do it for me. Zonda F just sounds and looks so amazing in comparison.
  8. Not sure I'd like a variable pedal stroke, would have to try it before I would be convinced its worth it. I like to be able to know if I apply x amount of pressure, I will get y amount of braking. Giving it x at different speeds and getting a different y back, would not inspire confidence to me, as you dont immediately know how much you will get. But in reality, I guess it must work otherwise they wouldnt have done it
  9. Well done Nissan, messing yet another thing up
  10. Whats your workflow been for doing the chips? You need to make sure that they are clean of any crap before you start. Then add tiny bits of paint (like as little as you possibly can) and build it up. Dont fill the whole chip as you need to leave a recess for the laquer. Add that, then you are good to flatten it down again. Lanka Blob Remover works fairly well at this, it only attacks fresh paint, and flattens down the blob.
  11. As the others have said the newer more powerful one is the way to go, unless you like to mod. There arent as many mods out for the newer model, but if you are going to keep it stock, then the new revised engine is the way to go
  12. Where did you see it in the flesh? Was this an "other side" meet?
  13. Daily driver for me, 75mile round trip to work, and worth every penny! Get 38p/mile and it more than covers all my petrol and most of my servicing, but I dont boot it much around town or on the motorway so manage to return about 28-30MPG. Save the petrol for the twisties
  14. Spolier is probably like the current Zed, you can have it without if you want (a lot in the US dont have the spoiler) Nismo exhaust is an option going by the stuff posted by 3FIDDYZ a while back (the scans of docs) looks like they're just showing it off. To me they look like re-branded brembos
  15. Looks crackin mate Personally I like to see them with a polished lip, but I can see why you wouldnt do it. Will be interesting to see them in the flesh (maybe the next Wales run?) and see the colour change effect
  16. Great thread that but depressing reading for roadster owners. The two that didn't sell looked nice... I'd say get it up for sale now. Theres not a lot of interest around atm for these cars (apart from at shocking prices) so get it out there and see what you can get. The whole sell it in the spring as people want them then isnt going to make any difference with the economy as it is atm.
  17. Chris`I

    crap handbrake

    And there's me thinking it was the naughty ones you liked - I will be try and be nice just for you in future
  18. Chris`I

    crap handbrake

    What do you mean, I am nice. I let Amanda drive my Zed To be fair shes a good little driver, did the Evo triangle on the Saturday before the last Wales run. Just need her to drive in trainers so I can teach her heel/toe, she wants to learn it. I'm serious about those women too. If they've been told not to fill up (and they listen) then they are probably highly likely to put the wrong fuel in! Amanda would never get me to fill her car, she'd feel like a right nonse not being able to do it herself!
  19. Chris`I

    crap handbrake

    Its probably safer that way. If they've been told not to fill them up, there must be a reason Amanda is the same as you though, would rather learn how to do stuff properly. Heel toe in heels is proving a little difficult though
  20. You really should stop doing jumps in your car Ian, its not good for it Is it quite an obvious click? I was thinking of ARBs at some point, but as its my daily driver, any increase in noises will drive me mad!
  21. I very almost went for the same option. They only had some small 15" multispoke demo wheels with it on though so couldnt imagine it on mine. Cant wait to see the pics
  22. You need a Blackberry Liam, always on the forums then :lol:
  23. Why do you want one big turbo? Same power as 2 littler ones (given they can supply more than you want) but more lag as it spools up. It makes no logical sense in the Zed to have one big turbo over 2 smaller ones
  24. Hey, I know hes short, but he aint that short Many Happy Returns matey
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