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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Chris`I

    Hi Beam

    Wont fit mate. You need wedge bulbs, same fitment as the indicator and fog lights. Cant remember the correct fitement, perhaps T20? Do a search for the indicator and fog lights, sure you'll find it
  2. Car looks nicely done. Different yet not over the top. Liking the spoiler (dont normally like anything other than the stock lip spoiler), but I do hear that Strosek stuff is expensive
  3. That looks like a decent hike. Any idea on the £/lb or £/bhp for the increase? I think the increase in torque is more impressive than the increase in bhp, but thats what was expected. Would be interesting to see the cost of this is worth while if you are not planning to go FI
  4. You'll be supprised at what they can tune these things up to. Christ, head over to MLR and see how easy it is to get the power up. On Interceptors they quote the official OEM specs not what they have tuned them to, of which 275BHP would be right for an Evo VIII. Also remember that they are advanced drivers, not some pillock with too much money in an M6. Sooo many times I have seen poor cars outdo fasts ones because the driver of the slow car is better. My mates Dad is an advanced police driver and he took us out in his Volvo T5 once, and it was rather rapid. I dont think it was tuned up, but the skill of these drivers is very very high (well his was anyway!)
  5. Order something and see. You might even get some other freebies to try out. Matts a good lad and cracking service
  6. Well you didnt say you were fuelled on beer, that makes all the difference I guess if you're just trying to keep where you are then thats a good workout, will work your stamina mroe than anything else. rtbiscuit: I remember those days fondly. Its pretty funny when you get so ripped in a work out that you cant move for days. Especially if you do an all over body workout and can hardly get out of bed
  7. I think most UK dealers try to stay away from JDMs or at least charge the earth for bits for them if they have to deal with them!
  8. Christ £11.5k! If I get the new contract I'm after then I'll have it with my first 3 months pay cheques!!!
  9. I have a feeling this is the real culprit Plus also as Ian says, colder engine will run the choke for longer so less efficient and burns more fuel.
  10. I hate that the two buttons are so close together, the amount of times I've gotten soaked when trying to turn the TC off as I pull away with the roof down is ridiculous! Tell me about it, spent a good couple of hours cleaning the zed and then off out i go and bang You soon learn to clean your windows when you set off, just before turning the lights on
  11. Only takes 50mins to an hour m8....if you do things properly... Will be seeing my lass in half an hour...will ask her for details n will keep you informed.... Yeh if all you are doing is a basic work out! 50 mins is a warm up bro! Stretchin 5 mins Cardio sesh norm 60 mins Weights easily 1hr 30 mins Strethcin again 5 Cool down cardio 10 mins But hey what do i know If you can do 1hr 30 on weights then you are not pushing hard enough on what you are doing. When I used to train at uni the general quideline was if you can do more than an hours weight sesh, then you need to be pushing harder. Add to that 60mins of cardio before and you definately aint pushing hard enough
  12. +1 And I had some free sweets from them Ooh yeah, free bubble gum, forgot about that
  13. Yes I have used them too, very good service. I can also recommend http://www.i4detailing.co.uk/ . Matt provides an excellent service, speedy delivery and discount for forum members
  14. The forum is very good, it helped me get a free P3 service when they gave me pi$$ poor service when I bought it.
  15. Shows the Zed as being 18/20 atm and 45/50 when they change. Meaning nothing should change for us as they are the same ratio
  16. Press the button under the steering wheel, by the TC button (with lights and engine on) MAGIC MIST AGAIN
  17. I'm tempted to say raise the rear very slightly, but thats being knit picky! Looks good to me
  18. Doesnt bode well when mine is the same age and has almost double the miles Oh well have to keep it until some 370Z come around second hand
  19. Chris`I Going down as a business trip right? Need an excuse to get my pass from the other half
  20. Changed anything recently? Had any knocks to the wheels? Check all the nuts are torqued up right and that the wheel balance weights havent fallen off. And that theres no buldges on the tyres. Other than that, I'm lost
  21. 1. AdrianK 2. Chris`I Dependant on time and location
  22. No sounds for me either
  23. Nice one. Their after sales is much much better than their sales team. I will never buy from them again, but the service chaps are pretty good
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