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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Cheers Colin Getting there, will still be a few weeks before its all clear. And remember Phil, no driving with those tablets, give the keys to Andrew
  2. I'd say they're Rotas, but remember Rotas are copies of the Nismo, so wouldnt be supprised if the old 18" Nismo dished that much. Things that tell me they are Rotas - no centre caps, lug nut holes are not like the Nismos I've seen before and they dish too much. BUT to defend the dealer, if you didnt know about Rotas and saw they had a Nismo sticker on them, what the hell would you say?! Rotas dont have (AFAIK) any obvious marking they are Rotas other than the centre caps.
  3. £50 P&P too on top of that You could probably get a set of Rays off here for as much as these will end up going for!
  4. , think it was a supra !!!!!!!!! Think you will find it was this guy.... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=uWUslYuZ9 ... re=related I have to disagree with the copper though, the A1 is definately a play ground
  5. Snow I can handle, its when it snows, partially melts and then freezes again that does me in Bring on some drifting if its just snow EDIT: Looks like no snow here tomorrow, dont know if thats good or bad
  6. Fair do's. I wasnt meaning an extreme HDR like most people go for, just a slight fiddle to get some more detail in the darker areas. Looks great as it is though
  7. Looks good mate Did you take any braketed shots? Would be interesting to stick them through an HDR prog and see how they come out. Get some better detail out of the shadows
  8. Does Bigphil sell them?
  9. Those things go f00kin fast though Mike, I would consider them to be pretty extreme! The guy who used to own the Extreme Sports shop I used for my roller hockey stuff used to say he held the the speed record when kite buggying first came to the UK about 9-10yrs (maybe more) ago. Guy by the name of Mike Shaw.
  10. I'm with the others, doesnt look quite right. I dont like the bits that stick out to the side on the bumpers. Wheels look ok though. Must say it definately doesnt have the same wow factor that the 350z Nismo (original v1) had Still think that the aftermarket folk will do some nice stuff with the 370z though
  11. Just wait til you start doing bank transfers rather than CC, thats when you need to run away and hide
  12. What age is the car? I have a 53, and couldnt get mine off when fitting my new wheels, but fortunately the wheels clear the bolt anyway, so it didnt stop me fitting. Been meaning to go back and try again, but it might take a bit of effort to remove if its a but older and rusted
  13. Whip it off (should be on the front to stop you putting rear wheels on the front) EDIT: Phil beat me to it
  14. I have to agree. I'm off to hide now before she comes after me ....
  15. I think about 165MPH would be a reasonable to expect. Much higher and you need a lot more power for each MPH you gain. I've hit 140MPH before (private test track of course) and it felt like it had a lot more to give, but at those speeds you soon run out of power due to the wind resistance.
  16. , Never had no probs with mine squealing, and the brake dust is a tad higher than OEM i think on the ferrodo ds2500 pads, but the stopping power and feel is so much better and worth it Did Phil bed them in for ya? , He supplied them and got nissan to fit them when i had my P3 service, also had the disc's skimmed Hope you bedded them in properly then otherwise you are missing about half the stopping power they have to offer! With doing a lot of motorway driving, I see mine drop in performance over a reasonably long time frame if I dont do some spirited driving, as the layer of transfered material from bedding in gets worn off, then I need to bed them in again to get them back up to performance. Makes a very noticable difference
  17. Could look at it like this, the £225 your going to save, modz or a deposit on a florida holiday instead Mine will be going towards Freesat+ if I can wait that long
  18. Paul has to get this Also, as Amanda would kill me for getting it - heres one on ebay starting at £25+£10pnp http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Scalextric-Sport- ... 286.c0.m14
  19. Best call him just in case prices have changed but the pop charger is about 95 quid and the bonnet lifters about 25 quid. IIRC the chrome pipe is quite expensive, but dont want to say incase I am wrong. Just call ESR, if Phil isnt about then Andrew can tell you in a few seconds And yes there is always Envy and the other traders to try
  20. Yup that HDD will be fine. As AK says get some more RAM. I'd say dropping a 1GB stick into it would be worth while. Shouldnt cost too much either. I'd say at least 512MB as its only £25. http://www.crucial.com/uk/store/listpar ... 0%20Series
  21. +1 to that and what Stew said. I think older (read second hand) Zeds have taken so much of a battering that it doesnt make sense to sell them any more, which means prices will stabilise where they are. New Zeds however will have to fall as the 370z will be priced near as damn it as the new 350z are atm. 370z may be a bit more, but its marketed at the same people as the 350z, so have to be priced about the same - ~£30k. Cant see it being over £35k for a top spec.
  22. Did you all have snow chains on then Cmon Cara get some pics up!
  23. Happy B'day buddy, hope you have a good one. Hope you got some nice pressies for the car
  24. , Never had no probs with mine squealing, and the brake dust is a tad higher than OEM i think on the ferrodo ds2500 pads, but the stopping power and feel is so much better and worth it Did Phil bed them in for ya?
  25. Purleeese...... When did dealers ever charge £100 for an OEM SatNav??? : That is not what the guy is saying Mark. The simple answer is they charge that because thats what they can get for it! If people refused to pay that price they'd drop it, but they obviously have enough numpties paying that much to keep it profitable so they keep it that way. I guess their argument would be its not a generic unit like a TomTom, its been specifically develeoped to fit into that car with custom buttons etc. In truth we know they all have the same routing engine, but as they get away with it, they will continue to!
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