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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Chris`I


    The thing is they support all OBDII codes, but Nissan doesnt provide most of them. When I got my OBD scanner, it went through all the codes and Nissan didnt support half of them. Doing a bit of googling, you either needed add on sensors (like it says on that link) or its on the CAN bus, which you need something like Consult to read. Was just wondering if this is purely OBDII or if it supports the extra code set that Consult uses? Got any pics of it up and running? This is the digital dash I have embedded in Centrafuse on my CarPC (displays on a 7" monitor)
  2. Chris`I


    Do you have a definative list of stuff it reads off? Does it just do the generic OBDII stuff or does it have Nissan specific codes?
  3. Chris`I


    Dont get sold into it too much. Ask them what the 350z really supports. I have some software called DashCommand which is a software kind of the same as this. Thing is Nissan only does OBDII read outs so you wont get anything that interesting. All the interesting stuff is either not available OEM (i.e. you need add on sensors) or its on the CAN bus which is different to OBD. Ask the people that make it what stuff you can get out of it
  4. All good then Yes they are a sod at first if they've never been touched since the car was built. Just need to persude it a bit. On an old car I had used a screwdriver on one of the tabs and walloped it. Got that one out
  5. You know you can get an updated Dyno for the PS3? Meant to be more accurate than the Xbox as its more powerful
  6. Chris`I

    Seen this today

    Yup, this one says it alters the air temp reading. Probably telling it its nice and cold and so fuels more to try and increase power. If you want, go for it, but I wouldnt let some £15 chip feck about with my fuel mixture! Thats what a decent tuner and piggy back ECU are for. There is a reason they cost so much!!!
  7. Yup. Its easy though, only 3 bolts on each side along the top of the light To remove the connectors turn them 1/4-1/2 turn and it should just come out. Assuming you used my guide, I cant see how you can get it wrong http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... indicators
  8. Fantastic news. Phil will have to let me know what the DVD is like, Amanda has gotten it for xmas for me
  9. I got Mario Kart coming for the Wii at xmas, with an extra wheel :yahoo:
  10. Ohh thats such a shame Craig, it looks like you "have" to get a set from Alex (/end sarcasm) Wish that would work around here. Amanda would tell me to go out and glue it back together
  11. I cant remember Dan Perkins, Sloughs prices, but they are cheaper and better enough than Basingstoke for me (as I work in Slough). I think they are about the prices of Newbury/Swindon and offer a club discout, albeit a bit unofficially as they knew Ricky.
  12. They do fit quite well...i'll get some pics up with the round edges
  13. Looks good. Any pics around the edges? How well do they fit? I've been tempted before, but the edges left some GM paint showing so wasnt convinced.
  14. Just check ya wheel nuts afterwards, I lost one when they fitted my new brake pads and discs. Only noticed when cleaning a few weeks later, and they were the last to touch them
  15. Chris`I


    Seems hes onto a winner with the bubble gum
  16. Yup, mines very twitchy at the moment. Amanda is banned from driving it for the time being, she aint impressed
  17. I think it was the lip I was getting confused with I'd have a V3 if I didnt have my Varis lip
  18. Cant wait to see some vids of your runs
  19. Not to say it isnt safe, just from what I've read its abrasive. I used what I think is the same metalic T-cut on mine to remove some finer scratches befoer I got my Poorboys SSR and its at least as abrasive as SSR2/2.5 from what I've seen. When I next get into the garage I'll have a look what the stuff is I have. Just warning you as Nissan paint is :censored: poor and thin
  20. Please tell me you didnt do that all over?! Just for a few scratches perhaps? T-Cut is massively aggresive and will take your laquer off in no time, especially on a Nissan Looks good though i used metallic t-cut so it doesnt take off any layers, normal t-cut will do as you said AFAIK all T-Cut is abrasive and as such you shouldnt use it like a normal paint cleaner. It will take a layer of laquer off and if used regularly will wear through to the colour coat Did a bit of googling and everyone says its abrasive. Dont know if its as bad as normal T-Cut, but it certainly does 'cut'.
  21. Please tell me you didnt do that all over?! Just for a few scratches perhaps? T-Cut is massively aggresive and will take your laquer off in no time, especially on a Nissan Looks good though
  22. That'll teach me for talking when typing!
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