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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Mines just crept over 60k miles, but a lot of motorway driving, so I'd expect it to last. Done 2 Wales runs on it so far, maybe the 3rd will kill it, then uprated clutch and lightened flywheel will go on
  2. I would either get it in writing that they are going to only replace the ECU and if this doesnt resolve the problem that they will refit the old on at the cost of only labour, or put it in writing yourself that you only authorise to pay the to fit the ECU ONLY and see if that solves the problem. Do not authorise them to do anything else, and if they do so it is at their cost and not yours. That should stop them buggering around with the usual "process of elimination" as mentioned above is the current way of doing things these days with so called "mechanics".
  3. Depends how far you plan to drop it. Up to ~25mm and you should be ok. Any lower and you will need the kit. Ususal suspects sell them, Envy, Z1Auto and I think CS may do them too
  4. Still, a bargin at £5k! Fit a nice new bumper, some nice wheels and its good to go, cheap as chips!
  5. Speak to JDM direct. I've not heard any problems with the Motordyne, not sure, but I seem to remember some problems with the Skunk2. Give Chris@JDM a call and have him talk you through them. At the end of the day £20 is nothing!
  6. Chris`I


    What an idiot!! Cars just arent designed to take that much pressure in that area is the problem. They expect you to get hit by a car in the side, but that disserpates over a much bigger area. Lamp posts/telegraph poles will always do that at slower speeds as the force is much more concentrated. He could have probably done that as at little as 40MPH.
  7. I would try Nissan GB. I've no heard of it before but tell them that the garage has already told you its a common fault and you want to know why they havent rectified it. As its a known common fault I would be telling them I want it fixed for free.
  8. Shouldnt do that, if anything it should make it more stable as it has a wider track. Have you had allignement done recently? Who set up the suspension? Seems a bit odd to me
  9. Yup been posted a few times, but its very cool, so we dont mind
  10. Do you think thats from where the rust forms on the discs or something more sinister? I normally find mine arent too good for the first bit of braking, but it doesnt take much more than one stop to get them back to good. Usually drive along my close with a bit of left foot braking sorts them out
  11. The majority of mods for the Zed will be for noise only. Plenum spacer is the only thing it cant cancel out as you are not effecting the flow rates (in or out) but just distrobuting them better. The ECU in the Zed controls the airflow to the engine via the FBW throttle, which means even if you put your foot to the floor it wont open the throttle all the way. It knows for a given revs/speed/temperature/load how much it should be flowing (within a fixed range) and it will adjust the throttle to give that flow. If you increase the flow (intake/exhaust) it will just dial them out with the throttle. A piggyback ECU or reflash will stop it doing this.
  12. +1 If you dont care about keeping it, you may be able to eBay it and make some money to pay for having an aftermarket unit fitted professionally. Plenty of stuff to consider in the ICE section
  13. Sorry to hear this too. ESR and Phil especially was a source of constant guidance for me and everyone else on the forum and will be sorely missed. I wish all involved in ESR the best of luck for the future.
  14. Only 8? I have 12, 2 for each cylinder, hooked up to throttle bodies
  15. Wow - now thats a meet! Puts our 50 cars on the Wales run to shame How much money did you raise then? Bet it was a decent amount with all those cars.
  16. Christ, the one where the car barrel roles into the couple is a bit grusome! Have to agree with teatowel and rtbisciut though, it has nothing to do with speeding, its all about observation and driving within what you can see (i.e. being able to stop in the distance you can see). Everyone should do advanced driving courses, or at least read Roadcraft. Its comon sense when you've read it, but gives you a lot to think about.
  17. That would be my guess too, which is kind of inline with what lotuscc is saying. Its below the boot carpet now, which in effect is just the same as putting extra bracing to what was already there. Will be interesting to see what it looks like when someone strips out the boot area
  18. Looks excellent mate. Exactly what I would have done if I was going for a kitted Zed. Only thing that I dont particularly like is the cut outs in the skirts and rear bumper, not a big fan of cut outs. Re the outside tap, dont worry about that too much, you can get DIY kits to add them. I did that the first weekend of moving in to our house
  19. Chris`I


    Thats in demo mode lol Do you think I can hold Ctrl+PrintScreen at the same time as driving?! It would also be fecking hot if my intake temps were 50C+ It does a demo mode so that you can see how the dials will behave Cool, will be good to see it when its done. Proper hardware versions of this stuff always performs better than the software ones. I got the dash fro the guys that make it, they were selling it on mp3car forums and did one very similar as a demo and let us download it. I modded it to just include what the Zed supported (that were useful for me too, it supports other less useful stuff). Keep meaning to add a second screen to it, with tabs like the proper R35 dash to show other stuff it supports like fuel trim etc.
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