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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. And brake fulid will soak up water making them easier to boil and go spongy
  2. Envy (thats their username) do post, shared between Gav and Kev I beleive
  3. Do Envy do servicing? They're not that far away from Newcastle, perhaps closer to you than ESR were
  4. +1 on all of that I complained to West Way Nissan Basingstoke about my problems with their sales staff during the purchase of my Zed and they threw in a P3 service for free (quoted about £315 for it at the time), so you can turn it into something useful. Then use a different dealer from now on
  5. Looks like an errrm interesting outing! Not sure I would have done it in those conditions, but it was awesome being up with the front pack and driving it properly at the last Wales Run. Twice a year is enough to keep my Zed happy, you should come to the next one. Is the plate a vinyl stick on one that craigplates does? I was looking to get one on my front and remove the plate holder, but they're not strickly legal, even though they meed every requirement If you've had no probs with the rossers though, I might give one a go I'm also thinking that for the Saturday of the next run, we should have a photoshoot somewhere. Stop on a bit of the triangle and all have a go round some corners and get some cracking pics
  6. Once again another crappy stab at making the roads safer. When are they going to learn that its quite safe to go quicker than the speed limit when reasonable?! What we need is better training, let people drive as quick as they like, but cause an incident/accident and you get a massive fine or a ban. Easy
  7. Chris`I

    350z sold

    Cayan S perhaps, but I took a Cayman around Thruxton and wasnt massively impressed with it. Sure it feels about as good as the Zed (and probably quicker), but it just seemed to lack something. If I was paying that much more over a Zed (in price and servicing), I'd want more. Saying that the interior is much nicer than the Zed. I'm holding out on the 370z
  8. Hi Chris, Nope I'm not in warranty at all - my car is 5 years old now so that doesn't make a difference. So the Lx services should be fine! Thanks for the information. I will give them all a call tomorrow and see what they say about it. Cheers Would be good to ask them what the difference is and see if it tallies up with what I've been told. It sure will save you some cash, I get L services these days and they are much cheaper
  9. RB84 - are you still in warrenty? The difference between a Px service and Lx service AFAIK is that on a Lx they dont hook it up to Consult to read it. What I was told is that each time a dealer uses Consult they have to pay Nissan for it, and to keep the warrenty they have to use it. Once out of warrenty they dont need to, so they dont and pass on the savings to us. If anything really dodgy is up it will throw the CEL light anyway, so you're not missing anything
  10. Ditto with me and Amanda I assume if we are aiming for a week long hoon, it will be the week before, culminating in the Hoon or would we do mid-week to mid-week? Dont fancy a drive home the day of the hoon
  11. Probably the google bots out again. They hammer the site and slow it down
  12. Chris`I

    Mega dish!?

    I'd go and see a quack Stew As Adam says, its down to width and offset, but also the wheel design itself. Would be best to speak to Adam or Envy and see what they have to offer in way of specific wheels
  13. Wooo, a box, you are so easily pleased Martin Now open it and tell us whats in there
  14. Its not difficult Stew, just follow the service manual for getting the passenger A-pillar off (remove door trim weather seal, then pop off the A-pillar being careful of tabs, best to use a trim removal tool), and there is a block with IIRC is 3 cables, red, black and pink. The funny thing with the light is that its activated by a selective ground and has permenant power. I think red is power, black is permenant earth and pink is the selective earth for when the doors are open or locks blipped. You want to wire in to permenant live and selective ground. Make sure you test with LEDs so that it will only work when done properly and cant damage it if done wrong. Scotch block them in, run the cable down the gap to the footwell and jobs a good un
  15. Wow, where can I get me one of them?! Never seen such a good install :lol:
  16. I had previously wired in a LED bar into the roof of my car, taking a feed from the circuit of the lights already in the roof. So I just ran a feed off that down inside the A-pillar and across to the footwell LEDs. Not really difficult, but knowing there is already a pre-wired plug would have 1/2'ed the job time - Ah yes, I looked there too. Then found the wires leading off to the A-pillar, and after quite a bit of searching on my350z realised that there was access to the wire in the A-pillar. my350z is about the best resource I have found for mods, theres always someone on there whos done the mod you are thinking of doing, its just finding the info that takes ages
  17. Nissan Slough, Dan perkins, i went there for my P3, top quality service, had a p3, and they fitted my ferrodo ds2500 pads, plus skimming the disc's, o also chucked in a free m.o.t, managers name is mark, his a nice chap. I went up there from essex, so much cheaper than down here, worth the drive and great service with me Also got a letter from Dan Perkins yesterday. They are soon to be doing a loyaty scheme and also will price match other places. I will see next time I am in there if we cant wiggle some more discount off them if we get some more guys going there regularly
  18. Gawd I wish I had read this before I did the same job to my car 2 weeks ago. Ended up wiring it a different way but works the same as the standard interior lights. Used 2 LED light bars on each side which cost me something like £1 each from the local cash and carry. A bit of creative soldering and the job was done Does look very good. I think if you get just the right tint of light with similar vanity lights, it looks very classy. Where did you end up wiring it from chap? Always interested on how others have done mods
  19. This is far to high if you have a new fully charged battery. As I advised previously, Get Your Charging Rate Checked to avoid further unnecessory expence. What should we be seeing Alex?
  20. You can with limited success. Search for my posts on re-colouring my Alezan seats. Works well if you keep the colour the same, has limited effect if you change the colour completely like me (its wearing through on the very outer edge of the drivers seat)
  21. Thanks for the comments guys. I've decided to plump for the Goodridge too see what they are like Yay, xmas pressie to me, from me
  22. I'm inclined to agree. While the weather isnt the best, the TC is kicking in even when the tyres arent slipping, it just thinks they are. Just drive it like a normal car and you should have not probs. Be gentle on and off the throttle and dont hoon round corners and shouldnt even notice you dont have it on. BUT the option I would pick is to bite the bullet and have the tyres changed ASAP. Its a cost you dont want, but its one of the most important things on the car, so I'd take the hit
  23. UK cars have autoleveling lights. So if you put something heavy in the boot, it will level itself back to where it should be. All Xeons in the UK have to have that and washers by law IIRC. That doesnt mean however that the reference level is set right and it may be too high in the OPs case
  24. Would be a wary as they are in Spian and postage is £80
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