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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. It might be a bit lardy compared to the S2000, but it can easily handle itself
  2. +1 to all the above, they look much more modern and use less leccy, so good for the environment apparently
  3. And if its like last time, Nemo can go for a swim in the car park at Bala
  4. Got some! Have you had the paint work corrected Stew? That by far made the biggest difference to mine in terms of glossy/glass look in the end
  5. Rob Quads aka Mr Feather Foot! Its all about keeping up momentum. You dont have to have a lead foot to drive quickly you know
  6. You've been waiting for the excuse for years havent you! Hope Nixy doesnt have a leaky spoiler, she wont hear the end of it Go on Nix, you know you want to, its a great time
  7. Its the price of LPG not the mpg that makes the difference. However, you need to be doing enough miles to recoup the outlay. +1 - I priced this up and even doing 300 miles a week, I didnt see enough reward to do it If its already been done, then its a good deal. But remember if it becomes popular, it will get taxed to hell and back. I'm waiting for petrol to go more out of fashion and become cheaper still lol!
  8. If that doesnt work, try leaving the engine on for a bit. The frozen water in the pipe work might be stopping them from retracting rather than the washers themselves. Nice warm engine should thaw them out
  9. They are Goodridge Stainless Steel Brake Lines for Brembo (i.e. all UK spec 350Zs) equipped Zeds. And a bargin at £50! I just paid £90 and havent even recieved them yet. And still a bargin at £90
  10. Rob - you need to get some Dodo Supernatural. I got a pot after my P21S ran out and its aaaaaamazing! I normally think people talk crap when they talk about flakes "popping", but this stuff along with a quick correction detail I gave it (with my shiney new Kestrel DA polisher), made such a huge difference! I even did a test panel of each after the correction, and you could tell the difference, and I am very sceptical of these things. I wont ever go back to P21S, DD SN lasts so much longer and looks considerably better. True P21S might add a little more wet look for a day but its really not comparable. Would love to see some of the stuff above on my car though
  11. 1. Dont know, do a search for Oilmans posts, he details the pros and cons of different weights of oils 2. Seems reasonable around the Berkshire area. I paid about that for Dan Perkins to do mine. 3. Again, seems reasonable, I paid £75-80 for them off Dan Perkins 4. No idea, sorry, cant remember what my last P2 cost 5. ESR might still have some left, they are sending me some PS What brakes you got
  12. Chris`I

    Leather seats

    Yeah I'd be interested to see how this goes. Normal re-trimming seems to like its becomming very expensive with some people getting quotes in the thousands whereas it used to cost hundreds
  13. If you do ever need to use ChipsAway (or MyAlloys as they are called in Basingtoke, same team run both of them), tell them Chris with the 350z sent you and you might get a small discount. They do a top job, more than happy to recommend them. Glad its all sorted btw
  14. The idea of the plenum spacer is the following By removing this restriction you add more mid range power by allowing the front 2 cylinders to burn the fuel more efficiently. I also beleive that this was included in the newer revisions of the engine (07 onwards?)
  15. Looks like a good little turn out. I was originally planning on attending then got told that we were away that weekend so couldnt Should be up for the next one (how many times have I said that now ), weather permitting
  16. Alas its the same everywhere for Nissan mate from my experience. Nissan Basingstoke are just the same. Dan Perkins Slough seem better, but its not Poker or Audi dealer. You truely do get what you pay for. But you also save a hell of a lot by not having a Porker!
  17. Good find matey. Posted it to my Evo owning friend to show our lovely torque curve vs his
  18. Insurance is pretty simple around rear ending someone. Its your fault if you go into the back of someone. No matter what the circumstances, you should have left enough room that should they do an emergency stop, you can stop too. I found that out the hard way when some old biddly decided to stop in a roundabout feeder lane in my old Clio
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