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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Wow - cant wait. Is that a first in the UK then?
  2. Give him a ring. Remember the circumstances though. He is running under very stict constriants, I beleive the money front is very limited as the company is closing down. This is why new orders are being processed via PayPal. Speak to him personally (not via PM) and you will get a much quicker response. I think he is still away for a couple of days though on a much earnt break.
  3. Heres a good write up with useful info from StopTech http://www.stoptech.com/tech_info/wp_br ... d_1a.shtml
  4. You and me both. It's definitely rated here (NZ) as Dot 5. Perhaps flick OPIE a pm. I remember reading about this before. DOT5.1 is basically DOT4 that meets the Wet/Dry requirements of DOT5. So technically it is DOT4 (the compound used is DOT4) but it exceeds those of DOT5 (which is a completely differnt type of compound) and thus is termed DOT5.1 . Sure Opie can give us the real answer
  5. The guy doing some of the work is a nightmare, has been in there since early April That's a story for a future thread though maybe You'd better call him and let him know the 370Z has already been developed, tested and built in that time! (Sorry Andy ) Thats gonna be one long thread to explain that many months work!
  6. Got an extra cylinder for my missus 1l Corsa? Its only got 3, so obviously missing one
  7. Chris`I


    First time I've heard that. I can easily make my TCS kick in in a straight line. If rears spin quicker than fronts it will kick in. This is the same on mine from my experience chris, the TCS will not allow wheel spin even in a straight line, it cuts in. Definitely noticed that the ESP gives a little more tolerance in this weather, spun the wheels a few times no light comes on. How odd, maybe there are different system revisions in different cars that allow for different slippage? Mine def kicks in very early, sometimes before I even think it might be about to slip. Was worse with my Rays than Rotas, but thats to be expected as the Rotas are wider so more grip. Maybe its a UK car vs JDM? Or even the year?
  8. Chris`I


    Keep up Mike, its been discussed loads I'm still not convinced on it, but at least you can turn it off and do proper heel toe. I can see a whole load of crashes coming off this when people expect it to allow them to go barrelling into corners, come off the brakes too harshly rather than feeding it in and spinning out Fair enough it matches the revs, but it doesnt feed the brakes out and the throttle in like you need to to drive properly.
  9. Nice little transformation. Heres mine ... Before I even bought it After a few little mods
  10. As I said over PM, I'm in the same boat as Pingu as I have a different screen. From reading my350z and mp3car it appears it will fit well, but it doesnt have VGA so cant really hook a PC up to it later. It all depends on what you want the screen for My screen was removed from its casing completely to get a nice OEM fitement
  11. I think hes after other hoses, not the brake lines. I.e coolant hoses etc. I'd PM the traders on here and see what they can do. I'm not sure I've seen full stainless hoses, just covers. Most people go for Samco hoses.
  12. Chris`I


    First time I've heard that. I can easily make my TCS kick in in a straight line. If rears spin quicker than fronts it will kick in.
  13. larger bore exhausts reduce the amount of back pressure. its not so much loosing power more shifting the distribution of power. a sports exhausts general effect on most cars is that it reduces a little of the low down tourque, but increases the top end performance. basically pulling away you loose a little grunt, but at full beans you can go a little faster. there is a little more to it than that, but its the easiest way to expalin it, thats how i've always seen it. some else may correct me. True, but the problem with the Zed is that it wont utilise the freer flowing nature of the exhaust, so you wont gain anything top end. Hence a loss of low down torque and no gain. So you lose out really
  14. I wouldnt touch cheapo filters. Its the one thing that keeps crap from entering your engine. Unless you get a decent one (say £60+ just for the filter from a reputable name - JWT, K&N etc), the stock one is more than adaquate and at least doesnt damage anything TBH I would spend a little extra and get it off a trader on here. At least that way you know its the real deal
  15. What the guys are saying is correct. The replacement intake can take many forms, from a simple screw on cone filter (Pop charger) to more elaborate full intakes like AEM, pipercross, etc which have either replacement pipes too, or even an air box for the filter to go in. A pop charger replaces the standard air box with a cone filter and retains the stock intake pipe, which can also be replaced. The reason the Zed dials out the mods is that the throttle is fly by wire (i.e the ECU controls it not you) so even if you give it full throttle, it will only open the throttle wide enough to let a preset amount of air through for the revs/load you are under. This is how it limits the power it can develop as it doesnt let the extra air flow through.
  16. Chris`I

    Fog Light Bulb

    This is the one I got - http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2pcs-7440-7443-T2 ... 240%3A1318 Far brighter than any others (about 4 different types) I have tried
  17. Chris`I

    Fog Light Bulb

    Nope on both counts of them. They are the wrong fitment. Give me 5 mins and I'll dig out an ebay item which is the one Phil ships with his (usually ), cos I told him about them!
  18. Chris`I


    Mine spun up in 4th doing 60MPH down a slip road last night, was bloody scary seeing the TC light flashing!! Will be driving like a pansy til the temp warms up to above freezing from now on
  19. Chris`I


    How odd, never heard of that before! Sure mine doesnt do that. Wonder which one is right
  20. I'd still say £/second that his brakes and suspension were better value Love to have a drivable 600BHP in my car though
  21. Give Dan Perkins a call. I dug out my bill for the service and it was £75 for the plugs, but the labour was rolled into the the service, but IIRC when the quoted it over the phone it was £120 for the plugs and fitting. Might be worth a punt (oh and I hear that you can do the plugs without removing the plenum which save a hell of a lot of time, I think thats what they may have done with mine, and its what ESR used to do)
  22. Going by what the guys are saying, I'd guess that one of the door shut sensors is shot.
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