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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Why not get a couple of F-connectors and an F-connector joiner to temporarily join it back together? Will keep your reception until you can get up and re-wire it properly
  2. Not in this weather Good luck with the Zed hunting, hope someone wants to trade ya
  3. Seibon and Varis don't belong anywhere near the same paragraph, let alone sentence But Chris is right, some weave imperfections are a bit normal Do you mean Seibon and Varis arent anywhere near the same quality? I thought they were about the same. You know me better than to assume I was on about Varis/Seibon making strut covers though I was simply saying that until you step up to the sort of costs involved with owning their stuff, CF is generally pretty cheapy quality and cant be expected to be anywhere near perfect. My Vairs CF front lip is a work of art though
  4. Chris`I


    I dont know how to explain it any more than I have already. Bike riders will get what I am on about. When you down shift and rev match, you still need to keep some throttle to keep the revs up where they have just been matched to. In Nissans system, the revs will contiue to drop, but in proper heel toe, they stay there as your heel stays on the throttle. Its not in every case you do this, but you should do it. More prominant in riding bikes as engine braking is much more violent and has a much bigger effect in unsettling the balance. Go get a bike, down shift, rev match and then get off the throttle. You'll see what I mean when the bike lurches
  5. Are you getting the new one off warrenty? Sorry dont know how you bought the car, but if its from Nissan, get them to change it! Really its a half bumper off job. If you have head light washers, then there is a bottle there that gets in the way from the wheel arch. I had to take half the bumper clips off to do mine.
  6. If it was an absolute must, Nissan would have put it there But its shiney Sensible point there Ian !!! Not a must but it does do what its supposed to so a reasonable mod! I'm not arguing with it, I'd have one if I had the money. And it does add some functionality. Just pointing out if it was absolutely needed it would have already been there. Nissan obviously decided they cost too much for the function they offer so dont include it.
  7. If it was an absolute must, Nissan would have put it there
  8. It is a real shame that no one offers it in the UK AFAIK. They would for sure make back whatever it costs to buy the TechnoSquare system (if possible) in no time, so many people want it!
  9. Chris`I


    At some point you have to roll off the brakes and back onto the throttle. At this point, if you are on the brakes and the clever thing rev matches for you, you are only on the brakes and the throttle is constantly dropping as you are not applying it. With proper heel toe at this point, you seamlessly go from brakes to throttle to not upset the balance of the car (the whole point of heel toe I might add). But with this system, you are on the brakes and off the throttle, which you now have to "get back onto". I can see some people being far too blunt with this, jabbing the brakes, shifting down and whacking the throttle back on again. Completely upsetting the car balance and stacking it into a kerb/tree/ditch. I'd have thought the TCS would kick in at that point. And they'd disappear off the road by not heal and toeing anyway in that instance. I think it gives a good opportunity to shift the left foot across to the brake earlier if not playing heal and toe, especially when you're not Ari Vatenen in the footwell! Left foot braking eh, hmmm, yeah you could try that. But I'm going through the window with DJsickboy in that case! I guess the TC will save them at that point, you're right.
  10. +1 - its not normal but it depends on the circumstances. If its under normal wear and tear, then thats far too early. If its been uprated, then fine, and equally, if the OEM bits were defective then its fine as long as it was done under warrenty (before it ran out). If its been done recently I'd be suspicious.
  11. Load of mods available. You've found the mods section so just have a look around. Also look at the Photos area under Media, plenty to see in there. There is also a monthly meet in Reading by the footie stadium. Yet to find out dates for 2009 but watch out for the post. Also a meet at the Pheonix Inn on 1st Feb ( http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18630 ) - pop along and say hi
  12. The throttle thing is correct. I get about 85-89% throttle position when giving it pedal to the metal. Ripped from TechnoSquare website who offer ECU reflashing in the US.
  13. Heres Zedrush's take on who he thinks hes speaking to http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9224
  14. Thats good to know for us southerners. Fancy a meet there at some point? Fleet is pretty central to a lot of the club down south, sure he could make some good customers out of it
  15. Chris`I


    At some point you have to roll off the brakes and back onto the throttle. At this point, if you are on the brakes and the clever thing rev matches for you, you are only on the brakes and the throttle is constantly dropping as you are not applying it. With proper heel toe at this point, you seamlessly go from brakes to throttle to not upset the balance of the car (the whole point of heel toe I might add). But with this system, you are on the brakes and off the throttle, which you now have to "get back onto". I can see some people being far too blunt with this, jabbing the brakes, shifting down and whacking the throttle back on again. Completely upsetting the car balance and stacking it into a kerb/tree/ditch.
  16. So thats why the site is slow, everyone is searching it
  17. Do you know if you can get different kits? Mine seems to terminate in a square block rather than a banjo, so I'm guessing it doesnt bolt to the calliper directly? Just trying to work out what it replaces. I assume it mounts to some kind of hard pipe at the calliper end?
  18. If thats your cat, I'm never coming over to visit
  19. Depends what your definition of horrific is
  20. Even at £9k I think you'll be lucky these days. As you say just dont look and keep it as long as you want, theres no point selling it.
  21. Good news Nix. Tell your son he needs an exhaust with a removable baffle next time. And that he lost the screw to the baffle hence why its in his cubby under the seat and not on the exhaust. Works for me
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