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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Or bump it up onto a couple of planks of wood. Thats what most people do to raise it. I'm tempted to dig myself a pit in my garage, far easier i'd love a pit in my garage. one of my friends has one. but he also has a huge double garage. i only have a single garage, and don't really think there is the space for it. not enough room to move around the outsidfe. i am planning a work bench for the end of it though. going to have tool boards and clamps, everything with its own hook etc. just got to wait to buy the shed to move all the other stuff out the way so i can put it in. I'm quite lucky in that although I only have a single garage, its quite spacious. If it was much longer I could fit 2x my missus Corsa in there and its wide enough that once my Zed is in there you have about a 2-3ft each side at least, so really wide of a single. My Evo owning mate only has about 1ft each side in his and theres no room to do anything on it in there!
  2. Dont let them get on boost and you'll be fine
  3. Or bump it up onto a couple of planks of wood. Thats what most people do to raise it. I'm tempted to dig myself a pit in my garage, far easier
  4. Yeah I agree Stan, the retail price of it is high in the current climate, but who would be mad enough to buy one new. I dont think anyone on here would do that. Second hand prices will see a massive drop I think, so could be some bargins to be had for them if they manage to sell any in the first place. I can see some cracking deals coming out otherwise they wont shift any!
  5. Mean no disrespect Stan, but I dont think our cars are expensive on up keep. I find mine cheaper to run than my old Leon FR (1.8T). Servicing is cheaper, petrol isnt much more expensive. Parts are cheaper to replace (what with the Leon being a VAG car). I admit its not the cheapest car in the world to run, but its a hell of a lot cheaper than an Aston or Porsche!
  6. I have very little will power as it is so don't tempt me! Well if you're upping the game to a GTR you're going to need GTR brakes
  7. Shame its so far. I would have been up for it, but its not really feasible in a day for me. Steve: how easy is it for you to book these days at Oulton? The reason I ask is its just down the road from where we meet up for the North Wales Runs. After the past run, quite a few of us thought it would be good to make the next one a 2 day event, Saturday and Sunday with the proper drive on the Sunday. Was thinking it would be awesome if we could arrange this drift day on the Saturday at one of the Wales Runs in the future. Sure you would get loads of interest
  8. I hear you can jack on the sills if you can find a pinch weld adapter. It basically makes the jack seat like that of the OEM one with the slot down the middle so it puts the pressure around the weld rathter than on it. Like this - http://www.eastwoodco.com/shopping/prod ... uctID=2061 Or - http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Floor-Ja ... veQ5fTools Or is somone knows a fabricator, we can get some made up
  9. Sorry to hear this. I fear it will not be seen again, having been stripped for parts. Its far to identifiable as a whole even if it looks standard on the outside.
  10. Bit of a shame he cant fit us in, but I'm still up for a scout around. Should get a club modding day, I think theres plenty in the south that want something done
  11. Think that may be pushing it on a Sat morning! Maybe we need to arrange a club day to get it all fitted? Perhaps they would be interest in opening a full Saturday (if they dont already) and do just club cars? I'd be up for getting mine done ASAP (as in this weekend) if possible, but would pop down and see others if we had a dedicated day down there Will be good if it turns out to be the equivelant of ESR in the south, they will make a lot of business
  12. Also consider when the brake fluid was last changed. Again I *think* its meant to be every 2 years according to Nissan. Or just get a big brake kit done while its in the garage
  13. Cant wait to see that on Traffic Cops
  14. I would do an oil change to be on the safe side. Its pretty quick and easy. Battery will probably be gone too, but thats easy to do again if its shot. I think I once heard that petrol degrades over time too? I know on motorbikes I've read to drain the tank as much as possible before storage and stick some new fuel in when you get it out again? Dont know if the same applies to cars? Might be worth having a billy can of petrol ready just in case
  15. Well the only way to find out is to try it, and atm I dont have any cleanser, so will give it a go. Atm it has 4 coats of DD SN on there, so it might be a while before it needs doing. I washed the car for the first time in 3 weeks yesterday and was covered in loads of crud, and it just slid off with no effort at all. Well impressed with the wax and PB wash
  16. I've PMd Adrian asking to get a rough price if he happens to speak to them, but I'll PM him again to ask him to definately get a price and see if we can be fit in
  17. I know Basingstoke have an unmarket Silver Octavia. My mate nearly got pulled by them the other day
  18. Chris`I

    9.5 rota gtr

    Think mine are 9.5 ET25 on the back and clear them easy. Not sure about a 9.5 ET30 on the front. Would be close I imagine. Best place to ask it RareRims as they are the UK importer
  19. That's what the White Diamond does mate. It has a tiny amount of cut in it, and definitely cleans the paint and gives it the finish you see. Awesome product for lighter colour cars. As for the wax, I put a proper permanent one on with the Collinite, so the finish with the P21S on top is amazing. When the sun goes out, I'll show you some White Diamond'd 'flake pop'! Oh, my bad When I saw it was a glaze in your original post I assumed it wasnt a cleanser. Seems it doesnt both, might give it a go as I need some more paint cleanser
  20. Brake lines and fluid recieved, cheers Andrew (sorry shoud have posted this earlier )
  21. Madness! When I first saw those suits, I did think how long would it be before the nutters get hold of them and start busting tricks! Didnt have any audio at work, but do they use thermals or anything to get that close to the rock? They look their they are losing hardly any altitude and so close to the rocks!
  22. Looking good matey Although you didnt polish it, I'm supprised you didnt use a paint cleanser of some sort. Something like Dodo Lime Prime, brings the paint out lovely. Gets rid of any oils and such left after the clay leaving it perfect for gloss/sealant/wax. For wax I'd definately say Dodo Supernatural after trying it. Its expensive, but I'm finding it lasts a lot longer than P21S/R222/whatever it is these days and gives much better pop to the flakes. I found the biggest difference to my car though was to give it a light correction with a machine polisher, got rid of all the swirls (and now wash with 2BM)
  23. Wonder if TGM want to do us a spcial deal as welcome to the Club as I need mine done too. Get their name on the forums and all Would you be up for that Rob, or would you stick to your original plan? I'm up for it but just checking with the social secretary that I'm free.
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