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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Sorry to say, I've heard the same about US orders. Seems to be common.
  2. Wont be able to make this either chaps. Somehow managed to screw my neck up, and was a bit painful driving to work today. Gonna be bad enough getting home, let alone out to reading again
  3. Course you can. You need a long (about a foot) posi drive screw driver. Down the inside of the light about 2/3 back from the front, you will see a smallish hole with a set of teeth at the botton. Slot the screwdriver down there and you should be able to turn them. I had to do something like 30+ turns to get mine high enough where it was right on the road, and never get flashed
  4. Looks good chap! Glad it all fitted in the end, such a difference, exactly how the Zed should have been from the off
  5. If you hit a proper chunk of ice, good luck doing anything! It'll all be over before you can think, and forget about TC that wont react quick enough either. BUT, should you hit a patch of ice and then back on normal tarmac, you should steer into the skit, pointing the front wheels where you want to go. So if turning right and the back end kicks out, you should give it some opposite lock (turn to the left) but keep the wheels pointing in the direction you want to go. If you are past the point when opposite lock will work, then you prob dont have the room to 360 without hitting something, but in theory, keeping the wheels turned to the right would help
  6. Glad you got it sorted in the end mate. Did it take much trimming? Makes my Varis lip worth the extra outlay just for the ease of installation
  7. Damn credit crunch, thats a bargin if you have the cash.
  8. Sweet matey! Where are those headlights from? Cincity? Clear Corners? They look very professionally done (read: expensive!!!) Can you loan them to Paul to copy?!
  9. I was thinking that! What year is the swap engine? Mine is just over 60k miles, but tbh, I know it runs sweet as a nut, so would only swap for a 313 engine, because whos to say the engine they give you will be a good un?
  10. Yup, good little set up. Chaps know their stuff, and a body shop next door is a bonus. My car will be going in for fitting of my braided lines soon
  11. Indeed they are, as an Ex K20A (DC5 Integra) owner, i used TGM for everything then, and since with my Mini Cooper S Works and now the 350Z. Knows his stuff reguardless of car!. Also has good relationships with TDi among others. Sounds like a good history. Now lets make them Z experts - 350z &370z when it arrives
  12. Still on for this tomorrow? I think I will be heading down for around 10:30am if thats ok with you chaps?
  13. janz70: you're doing some big millage to get into the FP services. I just miss them, but isnt it if you do more than 18k miles a year you need them? Supprised to see them costing less than the standard P level service. Usually you can get L level services which are cheaper, didnt know the FP levels were cheaper too.
  14. +1 thats the brilliance of the whole concept, it can be a number of different people. I agree though that lap in the r500 was just pure driving class! Oh indeed. I cant see the actual Stig turning up for some of these "apearances" he makes on the show, they'll have a standin for that. The only bits the real Stig will do is the actual driving and tutoring the celebs. Even then it can be more than one person so long as they have the same height and build. Would hope for integrities sake though that the Power Laps are done by the same person otherwise it doesnt say much for the car performace as it does for which driver is in it.
  15. Shame its sooo far for me, I always see these tunnel run threads and want to go, but its just too far Sounds like a cracking event, sure you'll raise loads of money
  16. From what I've Phil told me, the ranking he gave them was the 309BHP was the best all round, but mods were hard to come by. The 276BHP was better than the 296BHP as the latter has more power but less low down torque. He said you dont really notice the extra power, but you do notice the torque as thats what you want for day to day driving. He said he had a couple of customers wishing they had gotten the original 276BHP and saved the money to mod it. In todays market though I would plump for a 309BHP for the better revised engine and interior. But it depends if you want to mod the engine or not. I personally wouldnt bother other than an intake to get you more noise
  17. +1 As you say Adam, theres so much rubbish on the net, its good to have someone we trust to back up these things as either being true or not. The reason I never fitted the valve was having to remember to turn it on again if it got cold. I would no doubt have forgotten and possibly done damage to my engine, and for what? Well as it turns out now, nothing!
  18. 150,000k a year I thought he would be on a lot more all things considering All what things considered? £150k a year to spend your week thrashing the best cars on the planet...........I'd do it for free! +1 150k a year is a very well paid job No wonder this country is on its arse with southern wussies wanting a kings ransom all the time. its a very well paid job, just thought with his fame as the stig he would be getting alot more, he is not getting 150 from top gear alone, he does other jobs that amount to that, just thought he'd be close to the mill mark a year with all his coverage How can he be paid for being famous when no one knows who he is? Exactly. Anyone can turn up in the Stig suit with a helmet and no one would be the wiser. TBH most people would kill for a £150k job, let alone getting that much to drive the TG cars all the time. After all £150k/yr is what about £575 a day! That would do me.
  19. Chris`I

    Brake Problem

    This is true, especially if the pads are warm when you stop. I get this which is why I now park up with the car in gear and not on the handbrake and try not to let the car stop on the brakes when pulling up to park
  20. From my experience, it doesnt make any difference to shine, but my god does it make them easy to clean. When I got my Rotas new, I did 4 coats of wheel sealant (Poorboys stuff), and the muck just wipes off, no need for nasty wheel cleaners, just use a bucket of car shampoo and an old wash mitt
  21. Looks excellent. Gloss black wheels look smart too. When I get my Rotas done again I want them gloss black
  22. Oil or water based paint? Chips Away told me it costs more now with water based paints, plus costs them more to dispose of the waste properly. Booo to the environment
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