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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Just get an iPhone and be done with it Plus, if things go to plan and I get the contractor role I am after with them, it will be financing a 370z in less than a year
  2. Quality job Paul, especially as it was dont in one day. You must have been knackered!
  3. Oil pressure is a lot higher when cold, as the oil has a higher viscosity when cold, making it harder to move around. When warm it is a lot easier to pump around and will need less pressure. I find the Zeds oil tends to stay warm for quite some time after a drive, more so than other cars I've driven. Can be warm for hours after a good drive and not take much to get up to temp. This is probably what you've seen. When warm they should all behave the same, if one has higher oil pressure I'd be worried about what oil they have in it.
  4. I just lost 60k places over the weekend :lol::lol: I need autopilot!
  5. Damn credit cruch! If only my new contract had come off already, I'd have had you putting them in the post this afternoon
  6. +1 - Rolling and encrypted I would suspect. They wont be able to get them, its too difficult. Far easier ways to steal the car
  7. +1 - if you were in Blasingsmoke I have a set of Rays with only just legal tyres sitting in my loft that you could have used. Saves the worry of it falling over, which I am sure is highly unlikely!
  8. Oh also, forgot to say, when powdercoating, make sure you use someone good. I seem to remember if you bake them too hot, it partly melts the structure of the metal, and can cause the wheel to become weaker than normal. IIRC its something like keeping it below 200C when baking them. Any good powder coater would know this I guess
  9. How warm or cold were they? If mines cold and I rag it ( ), I can get the needle right the way round the guage. When warm however, it moves between 1/2 and 3/4 when booting it. For me, if coasting I get about 1/4, normal load is about 1/2 and booting it gets it to about 3/4 way round. All 3 Zeds I have driven do this when warm
  10. +1 - and dont get any temps other than outside air temp on my trip computer.
  11. Do a search on here and my350z.com for piccies, there are quite a few about. I know I had a thread with some in but it was a while ago, so cant remember where it is EDIT: Heres a few I found in my photobucket
  12. Oi, those kids keep me in business in these times! Without it, O2 wouldnt require my services and I'd be out the job (well on the bench) I'm glad they are not seen as a luxury any more, its going to keep me going until the economy picks up again
  13. Speak to O2 in the shop and try both out. Then see if you can wing a test drive of both. If they really want your business, they will allow you to try both for about a week. Vodafone do this when you upgrade, and last time I did I couldnt decide between two SE phones, so they gave me both to try. Just send back the one you dont want. And dont try nicking one, they have you CC details and will just bill you for it
  14. Looks good Ian, glad you got round to it eventually Unfortuantely, I may be going through that all over again. Some numbnutt old lady reveresed into my drivers side rear bumper the other day Maily just a scuff to the corner, but its snapped the left hand connector of the bumper/fog light. I'm hoping its just the bumper as they admitted liability so getting a new one, but think it will be a sod to find a new clear fog light
  15. How much you expecting it to fetch Timbo? Would be interest at the right price, but will keep an eye on eBay, I think you'll get more from bidders on there
  16. The Fair Lady - not got going yet though! Havent had time to play, will do tonight
  17. It did to mine. When it came back from the first MOT, the lights were pointing with the cut off about 3m from the car! Meant it didnt light up sod all! Now I have it so that the cutoff rests on other cars number plates so that its nice and high to point down the road, but also low enough it doesnt dazzle people. I never get flashed
  18. ESR were based in Sunderland, so likely to be around there. Only visited once (well twice in 2 days ) for a plenum spacer to be fitted. Workmanship was spot on as was the tea and biccies. Put TGM Sport in Fleet to shame in the tea and biccies stakes (you taking note Adrian!), I think its a northern thing
  19. So are you all Volvo Group or Volvo Cars Employees? I see a tick box saying I am to register
  20. Yes you can. There still needs to be adjustment so that you can set a reference level. That is what we are changing. The light will assume this is the right level for the ground you are on and if you put weight in the back end (load the boot) or remove it, it will then move the lights automatically to keep it at the reference level The cutoff for both my lights on is like -----\____ but there is overlap between them, so normally the low cutoff of the passenger light is lost in the high cutoff of the drivers light. Park in front of a wall and stand in front of each light in turn, you'll see it As bullet magnet has pointed out, its so you dont dazzle oncoming drivers, but still light up road signs etc.
  21. It will cover anything that has a Technical Service Bulletin out against it, of which I am pretty sure the synchro mesh is one of them. So is Bose problems and Clicky Axels. All problems you find on here that are covered under the normal warrenty will be covered with the extended. Mine saved me from a blown BCM, which if I had to pay would have cost me £800 to fix
  22. As the others have said, its probably a bit of a few things that compound into making it hard to buff off. Collinite is notourously hard wax to apply but does last long so has its rewards. Next time, make sure you do nice thin layers, should hardly see it on the car, just a blurry look to it, doing a panel at a time, and it should be easier to shift. The cold wont have helped either as it would be hard to get it to spread evenly and thinly if it was cold.
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