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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. An Alfa Spyder DIESEL!!!! After some lovely lady decided to reverse into my drivers side fog/indicator and scrape my bumper, its off to be repaired and this is what I get to drive while its away for a few days. Not really the weather for a drop top! Only 5k on the clock, but it does leave something to be desired in the handling stakes!
  2. Someone near Basingstoke get this. I need someone to go drifting with my HPI drift car. They're great fun.
  3. But please remember your a southern Jessie. For once this is actualy proper snow! Its like I remember when I used to live up north. No southern jessie 1" snow like usual, its about 4-5" outside here
  4. Lol! Is my Zonda still in the car park at the marina? Have to arrive in style
  5. didn't log on till this morning, forgot to last night to change my sails I learnt that lesson with the original "Fairlady" when I didnt look all weekend and ran aground
  6. See ya there mate :bye: I cant see us going different ways though, as given the wind changes that are due, theres only one sensible route, and we're both going that way! BTW, you were miles ahead of me til I closed you down
  7. Can you hit other boats? The Biscuit Barrel is in the way, and I'm upwind which I think gives me right of way!
  8. + a billion. Insane. + errr. 2 billion I was actually really worried that I would never get it back in the hole once it had come out! Why couldn't Nissan have just made it straight like every other car ever made?? Especially where you see it moved to now! Why didnt they do that in the frist place?!
  9. Chris`I


    None in Blasingsmoke just yet, but the gritters have been out which is nice. Last time the ringroad was like an icerink, not fun going sideways towards a queue of traffic
  10. Sorry guys, having to do overtime today, need to get our project delivered for tomorrow, so not going to make it. Was really looking forward to a blat down the Alton road too
  11. +1 - I tacked to get away from the main land, and the winds musta changed, becaue looking at my plot, it didnt go anywhere!!!! So just lost about 9hrs
  12. Nice one buddy. I'm waiting out for the winds to change and fly me all the way home Bring on the next round, although Amanda thinks I'm sad
  13. I'm following you then, just make sure you go the right way
  14. +1 - remember it doesnt take much time of bodyshop man hours to rack up a big bill! True Nismo just bolts stright on the OEM mounts, no drilling, filling etc!
  15. Which corner dont you like?
  16. I prefer the Zed with a front lip and just the OEM rear lip spoiler. Looks classy
  17. When I came to get my Zed 18months ago (maybe nearly 2yrs now), the GT cars were demanding about £1500 more than non GT. Even then, no one was touching non-GTs. I think its a hard call, depending on how long you keep the car, whether you want syncho-rev-match, which lets face it, is what the pub convos will be about when you say you have one I'm sorely tempted to get one (when I get my new contract at work), but my head says to wait a year and see what residuals are like. In the current market, I can see you getting a 1yr old 370z GT for about £20k easily if not less! Also, I'd go with the 19" wheels. Dont think the 18s fill it enough without larger profile tyres ( ), and the 20s from the GTR just look too big, even if you used lower profile tyres. As pointed out in the GTR wheels thread, look at the resemblance to the old Zed, really does follow the old design lines
  18. Martin, hate to throw a spanner in, but unless these runs were done at the same time on the same dyno, it doesnt mean an awful lot. Dyno readings can vary widely, let alone on different dynos in different countries. I would agree however, that the extra amount of pipework in the STS kit will lead to more lag, and going by your plots, I'm suppirsed its only about 500RPM behind your TT in spooling up
  19. Plus its like 20 quid to get it all for the whole thing!!!
  20. Spending money is cheating, Martin is disqualified
  21. I've had this a couple of times. Sometimes I've changed course and then the wind must have changed so left with no go!
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