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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. You bought a few credits then? I refuse to pay 20 odd quid for a few aids! I'll do it all manually...... and lose
  2. I agree with the sentiment if it was an Envy outlet down south, it just seems to be someone keeping the stuff in their garage? I hope its a benefit i really do, it just seems a tiny bit odd to me thats all, no malice intended....... Sarnie, it does make perfect sense what they are doing. Stocking things like carbon bonnets, suspension, etc, means we can pop along and see the goods before we buy. That has been a major sticking point in the Zed community in that the good traders always seemed to be up north so we either had to buy blind (well on pictures) or go there and see it. Take my Varis lip for instance. Its a great bit of kit, but theres no way in hell I would have forked out that money without seeing one first. Potentially that would have meant a trip up north or to a show were someone else has it, but now I can pop down the road (in relation to up north!) and see one. Great move
  3. I think that would do the trick I do like it, I just like my Zed more
  4. Well obviously not all at once! Just have it so you can have a go whenever you like on the day they have the real race, and its just against the clock, everyone gets the same winds, no other boats, and then score people based on time. Simple!
  5. I think I'll stick to the games arrows for wind directions, its far easier to read. Does the game do the in port racing too like the real race? That would be cool
  6. What about an oxyacetylene torch. Anyone want to try that?!
  7. I used to have a great Seagate prog that allowed you to do proper low level reformats of the drive. Shame I cant seem to find it any more. Now a days they charge a fortune for doing something very simple. I can see in Windows how it would leave a trail of mess to follow, but there should be something cheap and easy to do in DOS to love level format the disk. Depends how desperate you are. Maybe we should do some experiements and see if MrLizzards lot can get it back. Sure the geeks there would be up for some fun
  8. Are you planning to sell the PC or are you just binning it? If you dont want to keep it, then a hammer and some elbow grease will make it unreadable again. I went to the extreme of putting some nails through one of the sensative ones I destroyed, aint no bugger getting that back. Also as Marting says, you can get software (must be some free stuff somewhere) that will overwrite your files with random characters which stops anyone recovering them. I would suggest this if you are selling it. Even then I would reformat the PC and install Windows fresh for the next person so it gets rid of any hidden files you dont know about. When you reinstall, tell it to do a full reformat (not quick reformat). It will take a while but should erase any data that is left
  9. Unfortunately it might have to be the Scotland Hoon as Amanda might have exams just after the next Wales run. I'm working on it though, she might get a study weekend in Wales in a nice spa with the driveout on the Sunday When does the next leg kick off? I feel lost at work without a boat to command
  10. As long as its only virtual As long as your virtual beers can be redeemed at the next Wales Run or Scotland Hoon
  11. Wouldnt count on it these days. Mine hardly fell at all at 25. Just keep your license clean and make no claims, thats the best way to keep the quote low. Also keep it in the garage if you can. My insurance quote was £150 higher if I kept in the garage Madness. Also wouldnt trust confused.com. When I got my Leon, the cheapest I could get on there was £1200 but in reality I got it for £800 (20k business miles was the killer!). Adding a woman to the insurance is always a good idea, always lowers it. Although confusingly having my missus and mum on mine was more expensive than having one or the other. The missus won, so mum cant drive it! I guess what we are learning is you need to have a play with each insurers website and see how you can make it fall.
  12. Wouldnt count on it these days. Mine hardly fell at all at 25. Just keep your license clean and make no claims, thats the best way to keep the quote low. Also keep it in the garage if you can.
  13. She was the only reason I watched Strickly Come Dancing with the missus. Shame I didnt have Freesat back then, no BBC HD, that would have been good!!
  14. Well the sun is out and its -2C here at work, so I guess that means on the way home I will have to have the top down :lol: Noticed a few of new annoying/dissapointing things today (1) The washers refuesed to work all the way on my commute today. Zeds normally start working 10mins after engine in warm and the pipes have thawed out. I'm going to put this down to lack of antifreeze in the washer bottle. Will buy some from Tesco later! (2) Window seals are pants when its cold. The drop like ours, but it never made a proper seal again all the way to work apart from the last 5 of 35 miles Again Zed never done that before. (3) Fuel consumption is pants for a 2.5l Diesel. Zed averages 30MPG on motorway slogs, Alfa manages a measly 33MPG. Who said big petrol cars were gas guzzlers! Keyfob, starter button and auto lights are cool though
  15. Yeah worked that one out one night when I set my course and 9:45pm-ish and then next morning hadnt gone anywhere because the winds had changed
  16. i want the officals to check chris's boat for V8 powerboat engines. well done chris, good leg on your half, found all the good wind and produce a great overtake and finish Cheers matey Much to the dislike of the other half, I was there for a while playing with sail and course combos. Found that if I stayed on the front edge of that provailing wind, I got the best speed using the jib to get me into the wind and then the spiniker to sail down it. Also the winds seem to change at 10am and 10pm (or there abouts) so you need to be around to catch them otherwise a course you set at 9:30 wont be much good for long!
  17. Chris`I


    TGM Sport in Fleet are meant to be very good. Adrian swears by them. Not sure they are a Zed specialist, but they certainly know their stuff. Not sure if thats anywhere near the area you want though, its more Hants/Surrey
  18. All done, placed 55288. Beat Biscuit and thats what matters:P
  19. Give it about 3hrs and I'll be over the line too hopefully. Dont know what happened to my man Biscuit though!
  20. Well I had to put it down to see what its like. Two problems with it, it takes ages and you cant do it when moving! I was spoilt with my mums old SLK, that was much better, quicker and could be done from the key fob I do like the remote boot opener from the key fob though, we could do with that
  21. So far, dont go for the diesel! Will report back when I can actually drive it though, if I have it long enough. The accident was only a parking mishap with my car being stationary. Happened round a good mates house and the lady came and rang the bell straight away. She admitted liability and got me the insurance ref by 10am the next day. Shes been really good bless her. They reckon it will only take 3 days to spray a new bumper and get a new exhaust. Unfortunately they werent open to me getting after market exhaust and bumper, but they seem decent. They're even giving my my clear fog light back if its broken so I can fix it
  22. CS: Its a cracking looking car, and they do say to be a true petrolhead you have to have "had" an Alfa (does this count ). My neighbours will think I'm mad though, thinking I've just bought a nearly new drop top when its snowing! I would normally agree, but on the way back into our close, it was sliding all over the place, but the Zed was nice and planted on the way out! Very weird. I guess the TC is very touchy in the Alfa. Zed did have to be dug out though, it was compacting more snow than it could get up when trying to reverse it Hopefully the weather will pick up so I can get the roof down. Was told by the other half I wasnt allowed it down in the snow
  23. +1 - there is a league that runs "country" wide, but seems to be all up north
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