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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I'd say that the cold bite isnt the best it could be, maybe a bit worse than stardard pads, but it only takes a few applications to get some heat into them, and tbh its quite hard to notice. Making sure you break them in properly is the main thing to getting good performance from them.
  2. +1 to the above. I have that exact combo (EBC Turbo grooved and DS2500) and they are very much noticably better than stock. Although I have never tracked my car, the pads can take a serious beating, much more than stock. You wont be dissapointed
  3. +1 only really deal with paypal online saves so much hassle I would have to agree with international payments. With domestic payments, I've never had any problems doing bank transfers. Very quick and easy. I do find it very hard to beleive that neither bank can track these transactions nor cancel them. You'd have more chance of success by sending the payment by messenger pidgeon!
  4. Maybe we should all just wait for Alex to reply rather than blow the situation out of all proportions before we know both sides of the story
  5. Looks like its coming from the joint itself. If it ever dries out I'll take a closer look, but I think the worst it can be doing it being a bit louder than normal ( ) and also lose me a bit of back pressure, but thats no biggie
  6. +1 - been itching for an excuse to mod mine. Currently has a massive 200GB drive in it which it doesnt need, will be good to see how the SSD runs as I've heard mixed reviews as to whether they are faster or not
  7. I'll be having another service in the next month, so I'll ask again when I pop over and see what the official answer is.
  8. I looked at them before, but decided it was too expensive. Seems pretty good stuff, try places like Detailing World and Piston Heads to see if there are any reviews of it. Race Deck is used a lot in the States and gets good reviews, I think this is pretty much the same stuff.
  9. From what I was told at Dan Perkins - L level services are the same as P level services but they dont hook up the computer to read anything off the car. If you car is in warrenty, having an L level service invalidates it as to keep the warrenty they have to read the codes (if there are any!) at every service. The reason its cheaper to get an L level service is that its not the official Nissan one so they dont have to pay through the nose for the bits and they dont have to pay for the computer usage which I was told they are charged for. When I compared the DP L level to P level, you got more in the L level, so they must be saving money somewhere to allow them to do it. L levels services have always been fine on my car, no probs to date.
  10. But well worth it in my experience. Seeing Adrian having to trim his CF lips nearly brought a tear to my eye. When I was sold my Varis lip, I was told if it didnt fit by just offering it up to the car, I would get my money back. Thats the quality of the stuff, well worth it if you can afford it
  11. If you can wait 3 weeks, I'll have one going on mine. Might be able to get the dimensions then
  12. My discs were shot at about 32k miles and I think others have gone well before that. Its all about how you drive and what pads have been used too. If someones using something more aggresive like DS2500 or red stuff or harsher, they will wear the discs quicker. Also, its quite common that for some reason the Zed eats its inside pads (especially on the rear I think) more than the outside. What might have happened on yours is that if the inside pads were shot, there may have been some metal/metal contact going on which has prematurely aged the discs.
  13. Well done matey, bout blimmin time! Website looks excellent, very clean and professional
  14. Did you follow the bedding in procedure to the letter? I had this exact same probem, went out and bedded them in again and they have been fine ever since. Every other person who has said about the squealing (bar Sarnie ) has bedded them in again and been fine from what I know. Go give em a good ragging
  15. You'll see it in a 3 weeks No i wont i dont have the pro racer that everyone else has, mines the race spec one :-) I thought you were on about the black box/cover BTW, I think I made a good choice with your exhaust, I was out today investigating my wonkey one and found it was blowing as I thought. Think it will be ok for 3 weeks?
  16. Does the vibration change at varying speeds? I.e. vibrate a lot at speed and slower as the pace slows? Have you been out for a spirited drive and then come to a hault with the brakes fully appied? It sounds to me like you have 2 problems. One is the normal brakes rusting which is fine. The second is that you have imprinted some pad material onto the disks which gives you the judder. You can get it skimmed off the disk or try breaking in the pads again and hope to get it off.
  17. Chris`I

    Glenshee today

    You f'in nutter! I found it hard enough getting out of our close as it was under a few inches of snow. No way in hell I would be taking it where you did! You should get a Landie like Stew
  18. Get them bedded in again, Alex posted a great how-to. Mine squeaked quite a bit before I bedded them in properly. I have exactly the same combo and they dont sqeak at all. Cold bite is a bit worse than standard, but I find after one good application of the brakes they are fine
  19. I used the same procedure Alex posted, but only used one cycle not two. Cant see it does any damage just doing one. Just remember not to allow the car to stop while your foot is on the brake as you will imprint a pad shaped load of material onto the disk and it will feel like you have warped it. I did this first time around and it take much effort to get it off again! Once you have them done, they are awesome pads
  20. Looked great in HD England need to book up their ideas when they play a good team though!
  21. Its the headlight washer bottle. Nice supprise when you use a USDM guide to fit clear bumper reflectors and find them
  22. Yup, looks like your local SMART repair job - ChipsAway get my vote
  23. Looks likes it still Perry looking at the code for the page ( http://stats.superstats.com/b/ss/perrymccarthy/1 Hes back
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