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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Thanks chaps Play nice and I promise not to be too hard on ya
  2. Ta The usual plan is to try and squeeze in near the Evo/MLR chaps if we can purely cos I travel up with one. Dont know who will get there first, but it you can grab a patch for a few of us opposite the MLR that would be spot on Do we know how many are coming? List time 1. Lou-Lou 2. Adriank 3. Chris`I 4. SunsetZed?
  3. :lol: Cracking :lol: See you at the finish then bud!
  4. Wouldnt worry about it to much chum, its when we hit the Doldrums we have to worry. Go look at the winds around the equator, you'll wish you have an engine when you get in there! You havent bought one
  5. Dont think I want to know Well done on keeping it Stevie
  6. Wouldnt worry about it to much chum, its when we hit the Doldrums we have to worry. Go look at the winds around the equator, you'll wish you have an engine when you get in there!
  7. 2033rd pace Gonna loose some places now though as I'm planning a change in course
  8. Yep between the mirror fold/unfold button and the window switches are the two buttons in question. - nearest to you enables/dissables the passenger window - next to that operates the passenger door similarly. These are antihijack measures as described by Nisan but i would like to think its to keep your prize from eloping They can still get out the door, they just have to unlock it with the switch on the passenger door handle first. The missus did get a bit worried until she worked that one out!
  9. I'd be up for a bit of that when my new contract comes through, if it works on UK Zeds And by the looks of it, if you are handy with it you can flash other peoples cars and they dont have to buy the unit. Seems like something we could make a database of settings for verious levels of tune and use them as a good base for tuning
  10. Yup you learn that lesson quick! Even if you set it up based on the predicted wind, it still changes to look nothing like it! Bring on 10am to see what the winds bring us!
  11. Mate, no offence, but you need to do some homework. I havent heard of this upgrade before, so you need to do a bit of googling to find out what it has on the car, and if it even works with UK fuel (many dont!). Then you can go tackle the guys that sold it to you about why it doesnt have the stated power, either it just doesnt work, or the tune is crap or something is broken.
  12. Blimey, winds dont quite reflect what the 12hr forcast said! Flying along now at nearly 30KPH Off to get some sleep
  13. Chris`I

    Wider Tyres

    Yes but the wheel is only 8.5" wide. I think this will be to wide for the wheel to take, the tyre will buldge over the edge. I'm not sure if thats too much but I have a 9" wheel on my rear with a 275 and it looks spot on. On a wheel that is half inch thinner I think it will buldge out too much. 255 would be good, 265 probably pushing it, and 275 is too much. RR doesnt matter its the width that is too much.
  14. Please dont t-cut it, far too abrasive on Nissan supersoft paint Get a light polish with filler like Autogylm Super Resin Polish, then top off with a good sealant or wax like AG Extra Gloss Protection (sealant) or Dodo Juice wax. AG stuff is good and can be had from Halfrauds for not much money
  15. If you bring the missus, Amanda might let me come to play
  16. IIRC its faily easy to get at. Have a look in the service manual (its around here somewhere). Is the Apexi meant to be a piggy back ECU or is it a reflash of the original? If its a reflash then you wont be able to tell by looking at it as its not physically been modified.
  17. Sorry to keep repeating myself, but just trying to piece together the full pic. The car was imported by Torque GT and then tuned by RC Developments? Did you buy it from Torque GT and then have it tuned by RC? They are both very reputable setups so wouldnt expect this from either of them, especially if the car has been retuned since landing in the UK for UK fuel. I would get it along to a proper tuner, as I dont think we will get to the end of it on the forum
  18. Chris`I

    Wider Tyres

    I think 245 and 275 would be too wide for the Rays tbh! I have 8.5" and 9" wheels and have those widths! Thats wheels a clear half inch wider than the Rays! I think you could push to 235/255 on the Rays, but I wouldnt go too much. Another thing to watch is adding extra traction to the rear and not the front. The Zed already has a tendancy to understeer on the limit by design, so even wider tyres at the rear will make it even more likely to understeer, and we dont want that
  19. Sounds to me that something plastic is hitting something hot rather than the clutch if the clutch isnt slipping. Have a look underneath and make sure there isnt a platic bag stuck to some of the exhaust or something.
  20. What is this ECU upgrade and is it a JDM (import) car? If so I'd say its all down to the fact that its mapped for Jap fuel, not UK and hence why the power was higher. And what readouts did the dealer see? Reputable place? Maybe it was mapped and dynoed in Japan and now it doesnt hit the advertised power cos of fueling? If you can give us as much detail as possible on the car then there are guys on here that will no doubt find the problem
  21. Very easy at the start as we're all together! I almost headed south to where the leaders are but after studying the weather charts went North to find the winds are nothing like predicted
  22. And what dyno do they use? (sorry if I missed that!) Some dynos read lower than others.
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