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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Does make me wonder why they didnt do it in the first place. I have my suspicions that its a business reason as time is money. As if most poeple dont nitice it thats a hour saved off each paint job which would soon add up I guess. Bit annoying they dont seem to take the care they used to, but they were friendly enough and sorted it all out so wouldnt put me off using them again if needs be
  2. Hey guys, Just to let you know the conclusion on this. I ducked out of work at lunch to go and see the paint guy, and he was very helpful, and managed to flat and polish the bumper there and then! Took him all in about an hour and he had to swap out the car he was working on to fit me in. Very impressed with his work, looks spot on as you can see below. Its now better than the OEM Nissan paint! Need to ask him how much to do the whole car Sorry the weather and light is a bit crap, picture doesnt do it justice. Before: After So my baby is happy once again. Just need to get her sealed and waxed and its all good
  3. did have a look at smd's but from what i read they were designed for mounting straight onto curcuit boards, i have some different super chip leds on there way and will have a play with them to see what i can come up with ideas always welcome Ah yes, that would make sense. Dont know how they do it in the LED light strips I have, but they have some kind of flexible PCB under it which they are mounted on. God knows how that works There was some guy at the Reading meet last night with some LED headlight (R8 stylee) and my god they were the brightest I had ever seen! God knows what he used for them but the LEDs looked quite big! Should have got a pic really
  4. +1 tbh I was exepecting that. Looking at last season, if Ferrari and Mclaren are faster than the others then they wont fit it. The extra weight isnt worth it for a bit of extra boost on the straight. I can only see one or other fitting them if they arent quick enough on a certain track and need the extra boost down the stright
  5. +1 - Wales is for driving, shows are for sparklie paint and polished bits
  6. Have to agree with whats been said before. The main sticking point in my head is that there is an invisible force that stops owners going below £10k. I have a 53 Zed with 63k miles on it, and I know its worth squat now, but knowing that I wont sell it. Even though I want a 370z, I'm having to keep the 350z as its not worth selling it. I think we had a time where people were trying to get out before the prices crashed which is why there were loads going cheap, but now thats dried up a bit more, prices are stabalising as those that are left, dont want to sell. Its your typical supply and demand model. Dealers selling them for £20k were few and far between from what I saw and it was just to get rid of stock they couldnt shift before the 370z lands. Keep trying and you will get lucky, someone in these unfortunate times will need to sell quick and the price will reflect that. Most now however dont appear to be in a rush to let them go though.
  7. This is like watching neighbours! Or is a cliffhanger as or doesn't finish a sentence! or not? or oh my god your brother is really your father? or I'll swap my kangaroo for your koala? or the world will end? Which is it????? I'm hanging on here!
  8. Yup good to see some new faces. I think Adrian was getting bored being the only one there for a while! Roll on the summer months with better light and warmer temps
  9. 1147 since you changed course I think the leaders might come unstuck soon, they going to need to change heading to keep on course, unless they know something we dont!
  10. I cannot reitterate enough how much you need spacers when lowering it. However much you think you need to lower it, you need spacers as least twice as much! Adrians car is a key example, looks cracking now
  11. I’m sure it can be arranged, when I speak to the fabricator I will get a list of options etc… Make it really expensive, we need to teach him it costs to be different In seriousness, I wouldnt have thought it'd be too hard to make one that has a bit extra to cover the other exhaust hole. Making it look right might be somthing else though. Ian: think you should get busy in Photoshop and make us a mock up
  12. Pfff your soooo difficult with your single exhuast. Always trying to be different
  13. +1 - but good to highlight the issue to those that missed it first time around
  14. I for one will definately want it in carbon if I got for it, to match my Varis front carbon lip
  15. Thanks for the honest reply Chris. The pads seem very reasonably priced, not much more than some of the other offernings from PF, Ferrodo etc. I see the are obviously priced outside the realms of EBCs offering, but as you say, good for people to know what exists. I hear very good things about Project Mu kit, shame its outside of my price braket at the moment
  16. +1 - price dependant of course
  17. Out of curiosity what do Project Mu offer in this price braket? I always assume (maybe wrongly) that they were quite expensive and much more a proper performance pad/disc rather than a slightly uprated option over OEM as I see the EBC offerings?
  18. Going to be about 8/9C tonight so wrap up warm! I have my club fleece
  19. We have some contractors here from India that have ear hair like that. Not good when you see them in the kitchen when you go to get lunch
  20. Dont ever buy a yacht then! Well unless you pay for a captain and crew too
  21. Also, personal preference, but I think the SMD leds would look better as they are more flush. Any plans to use them? So many mods I want for my Zed now, I think it will be cheaper to get a new 370z
  22. Chris`I


    If you can change the number of things it polls, then if its running over OBDII then the less things you have it should speed it up significantly. Say you can get it to poll 10 things at once or just revs, if you have revs showing in both cases, in one the refresh of revs should be a lot quicker than the other. The reason for this is the OBD isnt designed for fast refresh and there is only a certain number of things the OBD can report at once. So say it can poll something ever 1/10th of a second, if you have 10 things running, it can only poll each every second. If you have one it can poll it every 1/10th second. If that makes sense? If it doesnt speed up or slow down the response then likley its over CANBUS which is designed (from what I've read) to handle the polling quicker.
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