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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Do you not think when the 370 comes out you will see a lot of 350s traded in against them, resulting in more on the second hand market pushing down prices further? I've still not taken the plunge yet, that's what's stopping me. I'm not conviced they will, reading what I do here and other places. The majority want a S/H 370z to let someone else take the biggest hit on depreciation. I think this will leave a lot of people keeping the 350z, at least for the first year of 370z sales. For me for example, my 350z is worth £10k if I'm lucky and although the 370z is a massive step up from a 53 car, its not worth me forking out £20k for. If the S/H prices of 370z are anything like the 350z though, I will be more than happy to trade in
  2. Nurrish is the man you want to speak to. Give him a PM
  3. Really think we need to get one of these days to co-inside with a Wales run guys. Drifiting on a Saturday, then a nice drive out on the Sunday. Would be awesome
  4. I'm with the others in that someone had sent you a PM but before you read it they deleted it. Only way I can see it happening
  5. Thats how bad you know it was though. Nissan (and all Jap cars) are quite well known for having higher levels of orange peel than say our German counterparts. So for the car to come back with something worse than OEM, you know its bad! Shame Nissan paint is so thin otherwise I'd have the whole lot wet sanded!
  6. The Varis lip is supprisingly good at going over speed bumps. It doesnt really drop the front of the car at all (only by the thinkenss of the CF so a couple of mm). Where you do fine its a pain is if the road drops away before going back up again quite sharply. That scrapes it
  7. Whens that (sorry might have missed it), will make sure I am defiantely free then and pop along
  8. Looks very nice mate, but I would say that You soon get used to the sound of crunching That Top Secret diffuser looks nice, but cant rationalise spending that much on something I never see
  9. Ditto! I nearly went north of the island just off the start, but then the leaders went south so followed, oh how I was wrong
  10. Yes direct connection to the battery positive terminal. If you take the surrounding trim off from around the battery in the engine bay, you will see there is a grommit in the back. This goes through the firewall and into the passenger footwell area. Pop the cable through that (will need to make a hole in the grommit) and you will be able to pick it up in the cabin. Probably best to remove the kick plate finisher and passenger foot well finisher, both very easy to do, see the service manual (do a search for the download). You can then run the wire under the kick plate area in the provided trunking. Pop it up behind the seat and job done Oh and remember to make sure the wire is fused before it goes into the grommit as I think you're meant to fuse it less than 18" from the battery.
  11. A man rubbing his face??????? thought it was a man shaving at first
  12. Can still delete all your posts. I'm sure that would make you cry Anyway, shouldnt you be keeping an eye on the little un, not messing around on the forum?
  13. Once your over 50 I'm old before my time then Thats why your a mod Touche. Now where did I put that ...
  14. Sounds about right, mine is about that. My old Dell laptop used to boot super quick as the boot screen was almost non existent. The Mac takes way longer to POST so slows it down Take it you have turned off all un-needed services and disabled any devices via device manager that you dont need. That can shave off a few seconds.
  15. Thought about D-I-Y and visiting Hobbycraft ? I'm sure I did this when about 14. Yeah, you might be able to get something where the epoxy badge is split in two and you can pop in the logo on a bit of paper and stick them togther. That might work if you can get kits for those things. Something like this - http://www.sourcingplanet.co.uk/moreinf ... BADGE.aspx
  16. I'd probably be up for it. I seem to be finding more places every day where I scrape it
  17. Shhhh On that point, you might have some trouble trying to knock up a copy of copyright logos. Most places wont touch em. You might get lucky though and just tell them its your own, they might not realise
  18. Didn't fail my MOT. As long as they are the white ones and not blue. Indicator bulbs can be changed from just opening the bonnet and getting to the back of the headlight there. No easy and quite fiddly but do-able. Even me with my cabbage hands managed it. Yup you have to be careful. My white LEDs failed last time as apparently they were too blue Nissan Slough kindly swapped them out and left the LED ones in my ash tray, all for free
  19. Yup thats the one. Bloody geeks, always out to confuse people
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