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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Can you see the artifacts in the view finder? Sounds like its on the sensor rather than the mirrors. First thing is to find out how to lock the mirrors up and have a look at the sensor. First I would suggest something like a blower ( http://www.warehouseexpress.com/product ... ku=1024240 ) would be the next step. I would be cautious though as any fiddling can introduce more dust. I think in this case it looks like quite a big bit and is effecting every photo so would give it a go. Small cases on the mirrors I would leave as you can only see it in the view finder and it doesnt effect the picture itself. Good guide to cleaning the sensor - http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/readf ... angemode=1
  2. hope your knee is ok buddy! Bikes can be heavy, I have nearly dropped mine of paddock stands a couple of times! Sounds like a possible lucky escape! Can autobalm be used on exhausts? With the immenant arrival of my Nismo, I'm looking for something to protect it from the 300 mils a month I do!
  3. Vin Diesel and Jay (Zedrush) arent that disimilar, both built like brick outhouses!
  4. Any suggestions on how i can solve that bud? Buy some wheels that fit F'in hell, you didnt say spacers You feeling ok?
  5. I first fell in love with the Zed at Bedford. Went for a track day with my mate in his Evo and the Zed looked excellent out on track. Was by no means slower than anything else out there and my mate in his Evo struggled to keep up with the Zeds there that day. Things alredy noted, its probably best to uprate the pads and also brake fluid. Everything else seems to cope well. A few members have big brake kits and suspension, and they say the car is a lot quicker than some exotic metal afterwards. Alex has what cant really be called a Zed any more, but is an impressive track weapon. What he doesnt know about Zeds aint worth knowing
  6. I beleive its the phone arial for the car kit. I thought it was the mic, but was told differently last time
  7. Its a lot more about the driver than the car TBH. Also Mini's (especially Cooper S) are dead easy to tune as is any FI car. They could have been modded to have more BHP/tonne than the Zed and probably easier to handle being FWD. The Zed is a very quick car, but you have to be very commited when driving it. There are a few corners near me that if driven half heartedly can cause the Zed to understeer through, but fully commited, you can take it at a shockingly quick pace. I find the Zed quite hard to judge when not fully commited and can feel like its on the edge, but pushing it makes it feel more planted and a lot quick
  8. I'll buy your girly car for a fiver. Amanda wants a replacement for her corsa give me £5 and your car and ill think about it
  9. I'll buy your girly car for a fiver. Amanda wants a replacement for her corsa
  10. 10K , dont sell it, keep it and carry on enjoying it Sarnie's right. I have a car pretty much the same, 60k miles, 53 reg, I reckon its £10k max. Keeping the fooker now, probably for a long time! The only problem I can see now is I spend so much on it I could have bought a 370z new
  11. I'm sure someone can show you how. Do you have the front ciggy lighter? IIRC the imports dont always have them. Theres always other places to take the 12v feed from, tis quite easy to get at, probably run it from the head unit if all else fails. Not sure of anyone up your area, but someone must be able to help. Or bring it along to the Wales run and we'll do it in a pit stop
  12. Yup. We use a 1.5l watering can to fill them up usually. The missus Corsa takes about 2x at a push if you're lucky, mine took just over 4x!
  13. Its when you see it like that you realise why it takes soooo much washer fluid to fill them up! Mine must have took about 5-6litres last time I did it!
  14. Well there is that Um... TomTom? Lots of people use them on here and say they're good. I can make you a CarPC and wire it in for you for say £1k. Bargin
  15. Get nurrish to make you one Far better looking than TomTom as it looks OEM I run the same software he has on it in my CarPC and its brilliant
  16. Need to update your sig I will resist girly and gay comments for now as I know its for the good of your little un
  17. Yeah, push to make, rather than a toggle. Basically it only supplies power while you told it down, like a PC switch. If you use a toggle switch it supplies power until you press it again to release it. That will confuse the little thing Did you downoload Igo in the end? I thought it came pre-installed?
  18. Seen the youtube one, think it was posted in the Aftermath thread Definately should get some good footage this year
  19. Need to get my Zed V6 in the back
  20. Thats us screwed chum, always next leg!
  21. Nice work, good 50/50 How old is the car? The swirls look reasonably bad for what I guess is quite a new car
  22. I call it meaty gearbox, its a man thing Shouldnt be jolty or jerky in terms of acceleration though, just takes a bit of effort to get it in gear some times.
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