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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Agree with the above, your lucky that they didnt come upstairs or anything. I keep a Maglight (4D nice and heavy) next to me at night and that would be used as defence. I think if you have your missus or kids in the house, so long as you dont mame or kill the little scroats, the law will be on your side. Was just the other day talking to our neighbours about getting an automatic gate for our cul-de-sac. We are quite lucky as we live in the corner and there is a decorative arch you come under to get into it. We might all chip in and get a gate on it to stop the scroats getting in
  2. Chris`I

    My New Lip

    Thats not bad given the rarity of it. I didnt mind paying so much for the Varis when hardly anyone had them, then a batch landed on the other side and everyone has them Still mines mattered and bruised now, so I'm not so bothered. Hopefully the little cut back bit in the middle will help you with clearance, thats the bit that catches most on mine.
  3. +1 - everybody has to try them with the lights off and think they are broken, its a right of passage
  4. Wouldnt have thought it would be too difficult to have a random banner. I would give it a few weeks before expecting anything though guys to let the admin get our current performance problems sorted first
  5. If you want to insure a performance car but have no experience of driving that or similar, unfortunately not. How often do you have to drive the car in the first year to be experienced? My missus drives the Zed and hopefully going to insure us both through you next time around, but she doesnt drive my Zed as the main driver. Shes a cracking driver and the fact I let her drive it shows I trust her too. I've had my Zed for about 2yrs now and shes driven it for about 18months, maybe more. Good stuff, its reknewal time soon, so will be giving you a call in the next month or so Think you'll be OK.
  6. Someone who comes to the Reading meet (Ad!) get this bought. We can have drifting contests
  7. Chris`I

    My New Lip

    Nice, I like that a lot. Along the lines of the other carbon lips, but different enough to look individual, nice one
  8. Yeah, bit odd wearing on the outside, usually its on the inside from my experience. Dodgy tracking most likely, or are you hooning around corners faster than you should?
  9. If you want to insure a performance car but have no experience of driving that or similar, unfortunately not. How often do you have to drive the car in the first year to be experienced? My missus drives the Zed and hopefully going to insure us both through you next time around, but she doesnt drive my Zed as the main driver. Shes a cracking driver and the fact I let her drive it shows I trust her too. I've had my Zed for about 2yrs now and shes driven it for about 18months, maybe more.
  10. Yup, I'm with you guys. Coolant heats up a bit quicker than oil, so wait for the coolant to level off and the oil pressure to drop, then we're off! One thing that amazes me is how long the Zed keeps its head when turned off. You can leave it a good few hours and the coolant is still warm when you get back in. My old cars always went cold within an hour.
  11. Chris`I

    Exhaust broken

    As said above, go for a Scorpion from CS, cheaper than a Nissan backbox and stainless so will actually last. Improves the look/sound/flow at the same time aswell. If you fancy a new exhaust (and who doesnt) then thats the best option. However I still stand by the fact that you can have it welded if you want to save some cash. Dont listen to Nissan, they will just throw parts (and your money!) at it until it works. Wouldnt be supprised if they tell you it needs a whole new system! Welding is easier and cheaper, and if dont properly will be better than OEM no doubt!
  12. Should have said, I would only have it as a second screen (ie LCD for normal viewing and projector for movies). I know its more expensive than a plasma on its own, but I can dream
  13. At least carbon is sturdy stuff! I scrape mine all over the place now, given up caring. Really shouldnt given the amount it cost and how much it would cost to replace now Is it an original UK Nismo bumper? If it is then its only fibreglass so any damage should be repairable.
  14. Yup agreed, for anything over 37" and HD, it has to be plasma. But they tend to be more expensive, so I would still go for LCD for the cost reason alone. I have a 40" LCD and if I could afford it I would have the plasma, but you know what, 1080P projectors are around £900 now, so for the price of a decent plasma you can get a good projector. That wins hands down!
  15. Chris`I

    Exhaust broken

    Very common problem, I'm getting a Nismo fitted this weekend as mine has just gone too (albeit did a bit better, a 53 reg with 62k on the clock). Most use it as an excuse to get a new exhuast, but the most economical thing to do is to get it welded up. A few have done that with good results. Dont involve Nissan unless you have money to throw away!
  16. don't think you'll get white noise that way, you'll just get black or blue Can sometimes turn that off in the settings, but its probably more hassle than pulling the arial lead out! Unless the TV is flush against the wall of course. And of course you meant to say pull the arial out of the TV didnt you Liam, not the Sky box. Pulling it from the Sky box will just result in a "No Signal" type message. You want it on good old analogue terrestrial so you get the snow show
  17. Wouldnt know unless I told you Guess he's being honest!
  18. I'll let Jay do the honours
  19. Chris`I

    How fast

    Bah, thats not fast
  20. Bit far for you to travel, but if you do me a shoot gratis, I'll do you a nice testimonial Honestly dude, you will have plenty of real customers on here to do a write up, you dont need statements from others that have just seen it. They will likely want signed documentation of the work which I am sure all the guys who have had a shoot with you will be more than happy to supply - at least they better or we'll send Zedrush over to apy them a visit
  21. For £35 its worth a punt, so long as its reversable if you dont like it. I cant see why it wouldnt be though. Then just go from there
  22. Just dont pay too much for it. Jessops are like the Halfords of the camera world, convienent but expensive
  23. Ealry JDMs dont have the front ciggy lighter. Nixys link to Tims thread shows that he took it from the HU connector. That would have been my guess to. Shouldnt be hard to scotch block onto the HU connector and run the feed up behind to the cubby. Plenty of space and the dash is easy to dismantle. Might be a bit much for the layby at Wales run, but shouldnt take longer than a half our to tap in
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