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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. I'll go anywhere matey, you know me The route in TG looked good, some nice photo ops up there. Was a bit worried when they didnt take the SLR some places, are these the extra bits you do? Was just trying to work out what date we'd be going up as my mum wants to visit relatives around that time and would convoy up with us, but I think it clashes with her holidays. Saves me the hassle of doing shifts in the Zed and her A4!
  2. It's normal, windshield has higher priority, thus the headlamp wash will stop before the windshield will. It's also a good indicator to top up your screenwash. +1 - thats how I usually tell I need to do mine when the weather is crap (ie most of the time in this country!)
  3. That would be brill mate, just about the time I'd have the money to get the retrim done. Where I recoloured the leather on my seats its wearing though to the Alezan on the drivers side Just need to find a good retrimmer who doesnt charge the earth
  4. I was tempted to have them as donor seats while mine got re-trimmed until I realised it was pick up only and miles away from me
  5. Bit far for me to travel in a day, but if I'm even in the Logica office in Altrincham, I'll give you a call Mike, we can wire them up in the car park I must warn you I've never been to that office in 3yrs, so its unlikely to happen! Wales Run maybe
  6. Chris`I

    Squealing Brakes

    Just re-read the OP post and you might be right. Would have thought it would take a bit of effort to blast out the copper grease though Did this happen since they were fitted or only since they were washed?
  7. See his sig in his post above Mine has a Zed shell
  8. +1 - I thought thats why they stopped offering them. Interesting to see how you get on matey
  9. Chris`I

    Squealing Brakes

    What discs and pads have you had fitted? Usually with high performance pads its because they need bedding in properly. There are links to a few guides on here if you do a search.
  10. Chris`I

    My New Lip

    Looks good matey WRT to low profile jack, just drive up onto some planks of wood and then jack it up, saves buying a new jack
  11. Ta Just been back and read page 6, doesnt look like things have moved on as much as I thought since I last posted
  12. Are we doing the week before or after the weekend? Sorry havent had time to keep up with the thread Anyone bring me up to speed in one sentance?
  13. Its a bit of trial and error mate. On the passenger side there is a nice lip as the dash goes under into the footwell. On the drivers side there is similar, but you have to lift the steeringwheel up first as the plastics are tight. As for fittings, I used bits of Velcro and that holds it nicely, allowing for adjustment as I put it all around the light strip so you can rotate it to get the right angle.
  14. ... i dont think i have any. I dont remember putting them on when i first fitted the wheels last august, and i definitely didnt put any on yesterday. Anyone know where to buy? Are they standard/generic? I beleive they are quite specific to the car/wheel. I guess there must be standard sizes for them though. Some of the traders should be able to help out with the specifics.
  15. You most definately get what you pay for with carbon. Use trusted makes that are backed up with trader/owner testimonials. Fitment for things like carbon lips can vary massively, and you pay to have perfect fit and weave.
  16. Yup if they are perfectly balanced, then I would guess it something to do with spiggott rings. Either they are missing or you have them on when you dont need them. I made the mistake of one of my Rota rings being stuck to the hub when re-fitting my Rays and that caused judder. Also meant that when torquing them up, I had to keep redoing it. I'd whip the wheels off and see if any have spiggott rings Although I did feel it on my Rays at about 30MPH+ so started at a lot slower speeds
  17. Absoultely spot on. So many people wrongly assume they should give the same result. DynoDynamics try to compensate for this by having all their dynos hooked up to the net to share results and download updates to the software which is very admirable, but rarely works. As Adam says use the same Dyno and try to keep the conditions the same (temperature, humidity, etc). Make sure you get a base reading too, dont assume Nissans power claims are correct
  18. Sorry, all my money's going on IoM trip and harnesses. However if you did buy it, I promise I'd come play with it! Yeah yeah whatever! Lewis, bully Ben into buying it. Stick an Evo shell on it and he'd have it
  19. Love too chris, but im in the same boat, just blown my spare cash on the Z, gotta be careful for a couple a months now! How about I send my money for your exhaust direct to Lewis? You have no choice then Plus you can mod these little beauts much cheaper than the real thing! Cracking deal Lewis, hope it sells soon. If my new contract had come through I might have had it (missus would go mad) just so I can have someone to drift with me at meets
  20. Agreed! btw, phosphorous grenades will be great for booby traps, hehe. incase anybody is wondering why, it's because phosphorous will stick to the skin and burn due to exposure to air. the only way to stop the burning is to submerge into a body of water. So if one of them goes off at head height, then your choices are limited to drowning or burning to death. Spread the love dude
  21. But could you stand me starting over again???? I've got plenty of pics to post Think I need to brush up on my PHP skills to make an auto Sarnie post removal tool
  22. Yup they did for me. But if they arent taxing it for you, then they dont need to see your insurance. Thats the problem in this case! They have made a big balls up, and I'd be tempted to repor them for it. Not only is it illegal, its down right dangerous for you as it invalidates any insurance you have. I would be demanding a years tax off them for the hassle they have put you through and the fact that you cant drive the car until the tax arrives.
  23. Hmm tempting. My seats need a retrim.... shame they're 3hrs away
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