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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Cant we run a query against the database to flush them out? Drives me mad. Just edited Robs ISTS post as it was driving me nuts
  2. Getting into track car money for someone to strip it out and race it! Good luck with the sale bud.
  3. Have you done it before? I did it on my seats and now its wearing back through to the original colour. The stuff I used wasnt hard wearing enough for a daily driver. Guess it will be ok for PlayStation type seats, but if you want them in the car I would get a proper retrim which is what I am now going to get.
  4. Already signed up How do we get notifications? Do you send out messages manually? And do you really have pink fluffy dice hanging on your mirror (just kidding ) I assume thats you as the admin of the group.
  5. Hairdryer, followed by glass polish or nail polish remover for the residue
  6. Not see one of them before. Bet you're well chuffed!
  7. Blimey, and we thought £1.5k for ~30BHP on the Zed was bad money! (new ECU and remap will net you ~30BHP). FI cars are meant to be cheap to tune, did noone tell BMW that?! As the others have said, theres always something quicker out there. When I was at TGM Sport over the weekend, an interesting lad came in. He was banging on about how his mate has a Nova that can do quarter miles quicker than a Lambo, until on his second run that weekend (against a Lambo again), he blew the engine wide open. The Lambo driver just drove home Some people just dont get it
  8. Stew how bout this?! Good to see you're keeping him in line bronzee
  9. I think you're right from what I remember from my Leon (effectively a rebadged Golf). The VAG protocol that lets you read all the funky stuff from the CAN bus is not compatible with standard OBDII. You need a generic reader for fault codes, or there are more expensive software which can read the Nissan CANBUS (eg Consult), but IIRC they are quite expensive. This is what you need though if you want the same level of info as VAGcom.
  10. Plugs to go for I beleive are the Denso Iriduims. Do a search, the product code has been mentioed before.
  11. Good stuff buddy, cant wait! Shame it wasnt on BBC HD
  12. Stew give the girl a chance. Shes not been on here 5mins and you're already hassling her
  13. Nice one matey, you must be over the moon
  14. Grounding kits are always a bit hit and miss. It depends on how good the original grounding is in your particular car. Some have good std grounding and the kit does sod all, some have pants grounding so the kit makes a decent difference, most have reasonable grounding, so it makes it a little smoother, but not a lot Mine smoothed the idle out and that was about it.
  15. emailed her dude, I know she is away at the mo, so probably not checked, she is back saturday so will ask her what she thinks, deal or no deal kinda question Ah nice one fella. I don't know about deal or no-deal. It'd be good if she just said Hi on Facebook......at the moment I don't even know her name! Dude dont sound too desperate, girls dont like it
  16. Got mine of a company called Delsa Motorsport on eBay. However they seemed to have stopped trading last time I tried to find them They have a website, but they dont do everything they used to. Tried them out - as you say, they no longer appear to have an ebay shop, but they have them on their own website for $48.95. Only trouble is getting them shipped from the States! If I can't find them anywhere else I might give it a go. Thanks, Chris. Shipping was pretty quick for me, less than a week
  17. How many miles have you done on them? Can take upto 100 miles to wear off the mold release agent, and thats damn slippy! That could be the culprit tbh
  18. I get on average about 30MPG thats with my daily commute along the M4 of 35miles each way. I do have some A and B road fun in there though On the argument of 99RON+ vs 95RON boggo std stuff, I find that with 99RON I get enough extra in terms MPG to cancel out the extra expense of using it. I guess it probably gives me a wee bit more power, but its not noticable from what I've seen, although I've only used 2 tanks of it out of the 100 or more of 99RON! Dont worry about 3FIDDYZ either, he picked a silly username and has been bitter ever since. Aint that true Mark And now you've found that search button, you're all set. Most things have been covered before. And if the search button dont find it, try googling it with the site name it the search. Google is sometimes better at searching the site than our search funtion
  19. Lightweight I stole Adrians old Nismo and put it on my car. Now he wants it back as it sounds the nutts and his isnt loud enough. Time for the BuddyClub mate! My fuel consumption is now down the pan as I drive everywhere with the windows open and booting it
  20. adncd: Might be useful to list the actual sizes of the tyres to avoid confusion
  21. Got mine of a company called Delsa Motorsport on eBay. However they seemed to have stopped trading last time I tried to find them They have a website, but they dont do everything they used to.
  22. I shall let you more experienced Hooners decide on the details, just let me know what I need to book and where I need to be Zedfest would be good, but Amanda dont have enough holidays to get the rest of that week off up to the weekend. We can only do a week in total and I think she'd rather see the lovely Scottish scenery than sit in a field
  23. Yeah I think it would be good to work out some kind of vague itinerary. Just like where people are planning to stay and what they are up to (if they are planning to do stuff with the club of course!). Me and the +1 are planning to make a week of it, but have no idea what to do in the time. I was hoping there would be some club "excursion" to see the sights
  24. You need to play drunken CS! We used to play at uni on the LAN when everyone came back from a night out absolutely trollied. Was brilliant fun, knife only fights were always a laugh
  25. If it was oil, you got off bloody lightly! As Mart says, usual causes are worn or incorrect tyres. Were you giving it progressively more beans as you went around the corner? If you stab the pedal, I have found sometimes it puts enough power through the wheels to kick the TC in momentarily and then it plays silly buggers for a second or so. I also find that unless you give it constant throttle around large bends the Zed can be a little unsettling. Weirdly, it seems to like more throttle to settle it into a corner than just maintanance throttle
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