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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Its not actually metal mate, its just plastic with a silver coating. What you need to do is remove the 2 pieces that are directly to the side of them (looking from above). These can be quite fiddly but you can pry them from the centre of the car back towards the respective side of the car and they will come out from under the other bits of trim that overlap. Sounds like you've done them already. Then you need to loosen the big bits to the back and front of it (if looking from behind the car into the boot). The bits that swoop from one side to the other from the boot floor up the strut to the other side of boot floor in one big piece. You only need to loosen these in the middle where the silver cover is. They are on several poppers so go careful or you might break them. Use a trim removal tool or at a push a screwdriver in by where the poppers are. Just make sure you dont snap the lugs. Then the silver bit should be good to just pull out, nothing holding it in from what I remember. I had to do it when re-trimming mine in Alcantara
  2. 1. martinmac 2. Chris`I 3. 4. Tell her to get the beers in, this sailing melarky is hard work!
  3. Bin it dude. Never been a fan of having brands on non-branded items. Bit "try hard" if you know what I mean.
  4. Could it not just be the wires for the airbag? Maybe they think they are heated as there are wires? Or maybe they are heated I guess if it was a JDM option. Definately dont look like the GT leccy seats though!
  5. I think the pump for the washer jets are bolted pretty much directly to the water bottle below them. So removing one would disable the headlight washer for the passenger side.
  6. Do you mean the plastic bit of trim on the strut in the middle? Its just poppers I think that hold it in. Or there may be nothing holding it down. Just need to take of the plastic around it. Oh you do need to do the side bits that come up and aound from the boot floor though, they hold the side of it to the top of the strut.
  7. Chris`I

    Leather seats

    Nice to know, I'll send him a message at some point then
  8. Chris`I

    Leather seats

    Any indication on price? I'm hopefully going to get some plain seats off Andy so I can send mine away. I want to get an indication of price as CS is quite a trip from me and local places might be able to do it cheaper. Phil was previously the cheapest, wish I had done it back then
  9. What you guys need is a little friend called a valve core remover. Use said friend on said prats cars and they soon learn their lesson
  10. Chris`I

    Leather seats

    Just to bump this thread. I got annoyed at my recolour leather wearing through, so thought I would see how much one of their kits are for the zed. Now given this is just for the leather and you have to fit it yourself, you might want to sit down.... £565 + VAT Bit more than I was expecting! I've been told I can get it all done and fitted for not much more than that! I guess given their site says 2 seater sports cars start at £295, I was expecting us to have a price around there! This is nearly 2x as much
  11. Its because the export of the old DB was in one character set and the import in another. Confused it a little bit. See the posts above
  12. I'm going across too Was impressed with your island hopping
  13. As the others have said, Motordyne is the most reliable I have heard of (and the one I have!). If installed correctly it will not invalidate your warrenty. Only way it will invalidate it is if you fit it incorrectly and it causes damage. No loss of torque at all, but it doesnt really add owt at top end either. Its all about getting more mid-range torque and you can defiantely feel it. Its not a lot, but make daily driving easier to pottle around.
  14. Thats a real shame, it was a lovely car. I was so excited sitting in the drivers seat starting it up I am glad Phil got to experience it before his turn though, as he was originally holding out for a UK car which he never would have seen or driven.
  15. Chris`I

    Exhaust broken

    Although no excuse for an aftermarket one now I used mine as an excuse to get Adrians Nismo, cost 10x as much as your repair, but it sounds 10x better in my opinion
  16. +1 - hardly cutting back in these hard times are ya mate? I bet you're geting withdrawl symtoms of no polishing the engine bay for a few days too No rain here in sunny Slough either, car looks lovely in the sun, amazing how much it changes in good light
  17. Says Nurrish with his GTR humping avatar I think he meant himself Yup, you sure do. Everything else you go back to drive just feels slow and unresponsive! Never quite get used to the parking though, cant chuck it in spaces like my old cars. Think I need some parking sensors and reverse park it everywhere
  18. What do they look like? Like the Clear Corners ones?
  19. The reason it only picks up 63PIDs is thats all it supports! ScanXL is what I have an eval copy of (made by the same people as DashCommand which I use) and it only displays the PIDs the car supports. It polls all PIDs when you first connect it and will only allow those that are answered. I beleive the other stuff we want to poll is on the CANBUS and needs Consult or similar to get at it.
  20. Lookin good once again matey. Wish I had 06 lights they looks sooo good. Although saying that the 03-05 lights are looking good too!
  21. Yeah man, did you not know Stew is a stunner?! Why do you think we like Stew so much
  22. Sorry bud, I never looked at them properly. They look to be manual to me too. Looks like an adjuster bar on the passenger one at the front, I assume thats where it is on the manual ones? And what looks like a back rest adjuster on the drivers one which is electric on the proper ones.
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