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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Dont think I want to know Stan
  2. Depends if you trust fixed ones too. I had a fixed one blow out on my on a rounderbout in my old Clio. Bloody moment! Would rather cough up the money for new tyres these days than have that happen again! Was probably a dodgy repair, but its enough to put me off.
  3. Told you they'd go quick Adrian! Cant blink on this place without missing something
  4. See if this works.... Just doesnt do it justice
  5. Looks f'in excellent mate, more so in the flash. I have a vid of you reversing the car out on Satuday, but I think the exhaust is so deep sounding the camera mic couldnt pic it up
  6. Tis a but not been posted in a very long time. Very informative and good for new members to see all the same
  7. On a side note - CS - nice to see you have a good sig now - good to let people know what you are offering
  8. I suggest you get the HEL braided lines as Dan points out above. Makes installation a lot easier, only 4 lines stright to the callipers, rather than a mixture of hard and soft lines Ask Alex how to remove the lines without spilling the fluid too, it will make bleeding them a lot easier than if you let the fluid drain too much.
  9. +1 - Alex will be able to supply everything you require and also give you guidance of how to fit it all
  10. If only I knew what I was doing, so many things I could do. Whatever happened to the chap that was doing auto folding mirrors? Still want them
  11. Looks nice mate, what are the specs? There is an ever increasing collective that run that kit. Does suit the car well
  12. Wanna bet? I can change EXIF information on my photos, its dead easy. Thats why in court they wont accept digital photos as evidence. Also, why you should always keep a film camera in your car in case of accident Having said that, a digi photo with the time stamp will be more than enough as most people dont know how to change the EXIF data. The counsil dont understand that stuff so if you have a photo then they will accept it as long as it has some kind of relative measure so they can see how deep it is. They are also cheeky buggers, I have heard a few stories of people not getting a photo on the scene, report it and go back to get a pic only to find its been filled already!
  13. The stock air box in the Zed is known to actually flow really well vs a CAI. From 06 onwards I beleive they have a venturi ring (one of the selling points of the JWT) which is even better. On the US forums they say the stock 06 airbox smoothed with a better filter gives the best flow rate of any intake. Doesnt change the noise though, which is what we are all after Also with regard a stock car, the standard air box can flow more than enough air for the engine, so a faster flowing filter will do bugger all. Same goes for pop chargers or whatever, non increase the airflow I've seen from OBD logging (just quick logs). The FBW throttle dials out the extra intake and just opens the throttle less is my guess.
  14. I think ESR did the gasket for me, but TBH I cant see it making the smallest difference! Fitting is pretty easy, only mistake I've heard people make is doing the bolts up too tight and stripping them. They torque up with hardly any pressure so most peoples torque wrench wont even register it. If in doubt do it hand tight, the heat cycling of the engine tightens it all up apparently.
  15. Its so the missus can watch while you drive. Keeps em quiet
  16. Ditto. I fancied getting the KW V1s at some point. Any idea if it works with V2/3? I'm sure when this was last posted, it wouldnt work with the V3s, I assume its becuse they have more to them the housing is not compatible.
  17. Very impressive chap. I hope you are taking one of his kidneys as payment! Thats one hell of a job. I nearly killed myself just going over mine with a DA polisher and thats soft Nissan paint and light correction. This is truely a mamoth job! Looking forward to some finished engine bay shots
  18. Chris`I


    Yup, I told him that loads of times He just wants more noise! Ad: Went back to TGM today and Tom rebled the brakes. Got a bit of air out of it and now I've reset the brake pedal position (was out of spec according to service manual), brakes are all good Also told him you'd be after de-cats soon!
  19. Chris`I

    Leather seats

    I like my heated and electric seats over Recaro
  20. Good man Anybody else travelling up on the Tuesday? We might be
  21. Jim, get the tracking done after you’ve fitted your new tyres… +1
  22. Yup or CAB ( http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/ ). So long as you have dated photos with measurements then you shouldnt have a problem claiming it. Hate bloody potholes and man covers with a vengence. My mates dad went over a man hole cover which was 2" deep and threw him off his CBR. Was a nasty incident which needen't have happened
  23. what did he expect to acheive?!
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