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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. That seems like a fairly decent bit of kit for the price Nurrish. All other advice given above is sound too Software wise, CF is the way to go. It does cost money, but its worth it as it actually works and you get good support! Other software out there is a lot more involed in setting up.
  2. Very nice mate. That hourly rate is very good! Very good value for money.
  3. Temp ban (suspend) is the most fun. Bit like roulette, Liam will never know how long each temp ban will last
  4. Yup, as they are not main stream, installers charge a premium, for what I've seen as very poor spec PCs. Bang for buck, a Mac Mini is perfect for CarPCs if you have that much money to spend. Most start with an old laptop or PC and go from there.
  5. Yeah thats the right one but how much? Its only 2 RJ11 connectors and a bit of cable, jesus. It amazes me how much they charge for ready made cables. If they want to get more speed out of their connection I can whole heartedly recommend replacing the master socket plate with one of these ADSL Nation XTE-2005 ( http://www.adslnation.com/products/xte2005.php ). Its a dedicated splitter and gives you a dedicated ADSL port and phone port. It got my connection up from 2MB to 4MB
  6. If you do a search for 350z installs, on here and MP3car you will find an install where they flushed the buttons into the bit of plastic that goes from the front of the cubby back to the screen. Looks wicked The other thing you can try, is some of the Lilliputs allow you to switch to composite when there is a signal on it. So it stays on VGA, but when say the reverse cam kicks in it auto switches. Might work with the DVD perhaps.
  7. What he said I'd go for Autosol. I tried Adrians NXT polish last weekend and it worked as well as Autosol but apparently it has some anticorrosion stuff in it, so is good to top it off with.
  8. 619GL-70NP/C (3rd one) is very similar to the one I have. You will need to remove the outer casing to make it flush fit, but its pretty easy to disasemble if you are competant at DIY. The main thing to check (via MP3car.com forums most likely) is that you can make the screen come on when power is supplied. Otherwise you have to press the button. Usually you can enable this through the service menu. Looks like you are on the right track, but its been a while since I installed mine, so may want to check out mp3car.com for the latest models. The newest ones come with transflexive screens which means they are much easier to read in sunlight, which is one problem I have with mine. HTH
  9. Excellent work again chap. Bet the Ferrari owner was well chuffed
  10. You could try to put them on the wrong way around though I didnt realise how easy discs were until I saw it done. Very easy. But if you have someone elses hands to get dirty, then why not, I'd do the same Mike Try getting the caliper bolts off Ah a good soak with WD40 an hour or so before should sort that out. And a nice long socket
  11. Will see what the social secretary says. Not sure I'll be able to get a day pass, doing a RR the next weekend and the hallway needs decorating Would be good to see a few more faces though
  12. Yup, Dan already has his and fitted, think he went stright to HEL in the end to get a 4 line kit.
  13. Could you post up some options on here Adam? Always good for reference and with 63k on the clock, I'm not sure how much life mine has left. Not slipping yet, but you never know! Just rough ball park figures, what you can get in each price braket.
  14. Thats an excellent idea. You never know when it will be needed and when it does it means your not one of the mindless morons on the scene just standing and staring at the victim You kind of go into autopilot and before you know it the ambulance is there. With regard to loud and bright bikes, what you have to remember is that the sound is dampned a lot by cars sound insulation and the light is only coming from a very small point, so it is hard to see. I know when I'm out on my R6 it is difficult to see me, so road position is ever more important. The kind of crap they dont teach you in the bike test. You really have to keep yourself safe and drive for every other muppet on the road and assume they will all pull out on you or cut you up.
  15. Chris`I


    I've had that a few times Stew, bugger to get the car defrosted! Window seals all stuck, wipers stuck. Lots of cold water to thaw it out!
  16. Wouldnt work too well with a couple of bikes though would it? I think there was a member on here that had something similar for his surf board though
  17. Think we just need to close this now. Babes section is gone and wont be returning. Its a decision thats been made and if you want your daily kick of women, feel free to PM Sarnie, he has a nice long list of websites for you
  18. You could try to put them on the wrong way around though I didnt realise how easy discs were until I saw it done. Very easy. But if you have someone elses hands to get dirty, then why not, I'd do the same Mike
  19. Is that for everyone on the policy or just for the main driver? I'm guessing for everyone, which is a shame as my missus is 24yrs and been driving my Zed over a year. Was looking forward to a good deal this year
  20. Yeah I'd be up for something like the boofsquire, looks less damging than my one! The one on the boofquire has HIGHLAND stamped on the side who appear to make gutterless roof racks. Guess it could be a case of working out which one boofquire use and getting hold of one. Looks like boofsquire just knock up the bit in the middle and modify the lengths of the roof bars to work with the Zed This looks similar to what they use: http://www.cargogear.com/infolib.aspx?l ... ofrackBjpg
  21. I have this: Was made by another member, whos dad works in race car fabrication. Use the tow eye as a mount and has 2 stabalisers under the bumper to the crash bar. Requires 2 small cutouts on the bumper which I havent done since having it repaired. Not sure it will get used again now I have my Nismo exhaust on there I havent heard of any other UK members having bike racks or roof racks. Would be interesting to see someone having a Boofquire, they look quite good.
  22. Wasnt he the waste of space that didnt lend a hand all day (just kidding buddy )
  23. Shame I'm not at home, could have done some photoshopping
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