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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. You can get yours at Wales. Means you have to come
  2. You make my head hurt man When changing wheel sizes, it is impreitive to keep the rolling radius of the wheel the same. Google, tyre size calculator and stick the old wheels in then change it to 20" and adjust the profile until the RR is the same as you currently have. Thats the size tyre you need. Keeping the same profile will make the RR bigger and make the speedo under-read. Can also balls up the TC if you dont get the front to rear RR stagger correct.
  3. Chris`I

    Bucket seats red

    Price seems very reasonable too, just too far out of my price range
  4. Chris`I

    New seats at last

    You have PM. Could you drop that same pm to me bud Something i will be doing this year Can someone pass that on to me too. I guess being up North it will be a fair bit cheaper, but I'm currently pricing up seat re-trim vs new bucket seats.
  5. Chris`I

    Bucket seats red

    Could always try these http://my350z.com/forum/interior/419058 ... -knob.html
  6. Chris`I

    New tyres

    He's humping your GTR The Falkens are far better than the Bridgestones in this country. In the dry they are fine, but get the Stones wet and its a nightmare. He is right in the sense that the Toyo/Falken are budget performance tyres, but they give you most of the benefits of something like MPS for a fraction of the price. If you have the money get MPS, but if like me you dont, Falken or Toyo are a great choice
  7. As the others have said, this is a free site and all are welcome. No hidden areas for paying members, all benefits of the forums are open to all, we are kindly funded by traders and donations
  8. Well it was good to see the Evo boys put to shame by a Datsun either way!! Was brilliant to watch and he definately let the lad go in the end for fear of the Evo being stuffed into a barrier! Car sounded awesome too. Would love a 240z to restore and tinker with, nowt you can do with a 350z as its all electronics. Nice and relaiable mind.
  9. Rob, stick them on photobucket. It'll resize them for you, then post the IMG code it generates
  10. Classic! I suggest speaking to the various detailers on the forums (Muddy, Envy etc) and see what they suggest. I wouldnt want to chip anything in to find it damages the car
  11. Rob So was it your 240 at Japfest I have seen tourmenting young Evo drivers on the track? I must say, that Evo last year didnt want to give up, and I assume that you backed off thinking he was going to crash? Cant remember which Evo it was, but saw you had a good little battle with him but he was much closer to the limit, fish tailing out of corners. Was some cracking driving Unfortunately, I wont be able to attend JapFest this year as it clashes with out Wales drive out
  12. Popcharger and induction kit are the same thing (pretty much). A popcharger is just a cone filter element that replaces the stock airbox. An induction kit can take many forms, one of which is a cone filter to replace the stock air box. A Cold Air Intake (CAI) is essentially the same thing again, but the filter is moved out of the engine bay (to the front bumper for example) or housed in its own box with a cold air feed (as the K&N Typhoon is). So popcharger (or other induction kit) and plenum spacer will give you a nice growl and a bit more torque than standard
  13. Plenum spacer sits between the upper and lower plenum and helps balance the air flow to all 6 cylinders. The stock plenum slopes towards the front, which starve the front 2 cylinders slightly. This spacer, balances out the airflow for a better A/F ratio in the front 2 cylinders. Popcharger - replces the airbox and gives a nice roar. Meant to flow better than stock, but the Zed doesnt use it so all you get is a nice noise
  14. You were just waiting to post them werent ya mate
  15. Added the new dates for 2009. Next one is next Tueday. Dates: Mar 2009 - Tues 17th Apr 2009 - Tues 21st May 2009 - Tues 19th Jun 2009 - Tues 16th Jul 2009 - Tues 21st Aug 2009 - Tues 18th Sept 2009 - Tues 15th Oct 2009 - Tues 20th Nov 2009 - Tues 17th Dec 2009 - Tues 15th
  16. thats a bit surprising chris, can you or any member expalin why!! Have a read about my350z.com. Its been said before by quite a few people that the stock airbox is a very good design for the engine and provides more than enough flow for it. 06 onwards had a slightly redesigned box with a venturi ring, which supposidly gives you the best performance bang for buck out there. I think this is down to the fact that its shielded from the heat, takes in cold air from the bumper (not the engine bay) and flow is more than adequate. Doesnt give you the nice growly noise though I run a pop charger for whats its worth, no noticable difference in performance, but does sound nice
  17. Best in what sense? Best flow? Stock air box Best noise? An open filter such as the popcharger Best bling factor? ARC intake Take a look on somewhere like www.Z1auto.com to see what you like. As said above, non offer any performance upgrade with the OEM ECU but do give a better noise and bling factor.
  18. I'd get an OBDII error reader on there to see what codes it threw. I'm not always convinced this resetting of the ECU is always beneficial. You still need to get to the cause of the error. Glad you had a good day in the end though
  19. Welcome back bud. Cant wait to see some piccies With regard the dash, would a retrim in leather or Alcanata (or both) not sort it?
  20. Hannah. As the others have said, make sure you do pop along to Wales. Its a very friendly and fun meet and the driving is cracking
  21. I thought I'd try and get into good habits Chris. I have a 3/8 torque wrench, so wanted a crowsfoot before next Mod day. They have them in the US on ebay (could take weeks!) , have tried EBAY, AMAZON, MACHINE MART - no luck Think you'll just have to do it the old fashioned way by hand! TGM didnt use a torque wrench on mine the other weekend and I never used on on my bike when I did that either, so I think you'll be safe
  22. You doing the brakes chap? Why do you need a crows foot? Cant you just do it up with a normal 10mm flare wrench? I assume you are trying to torque it up properly?
  23. I would guess that both sets of tyres when they have full tread would be not quite right, but right enough that TC behaves. Then when the rears wear more, it puts teh difference between them out even more causing TC to get confused. I would get the same tyres on the front and see what happens from there. We have had loads of examples on here where tyre stagger (rolling radius) has been slightly wrong and thrown TC off.
  24. 1) Pads as said before are pretty cheap 2) You need to find out why this isnt working. If its a bulb, nice cheap and easy fit. If its the lamp housing gone wrong - that will set you back over £100 from a dealer (I know, mine went under warrenty!) 3) Not sure what they mean by windshield wiper and washer switch. Its a stalk on the steering column, and if thats broken, it wont be cheap to fix. I would get some clarification on points 2+3 if you go to see it, and if either are broken, unless its an amazing deal, just walk away. There are plenty of good Zeds out there at knock down prices.
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