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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. Those in blue (REO's) can now PM upto 50 people (or at least you should be able to!). Should be enough for you Mr Wasso sir Will look into a mass announcement for the clearing of inboxes.
  2. I'd imagine Mark will let you take a later spot. Best to turn up earlish and be ready to fill a spot if there are any no-shows
  3. Looks like I cant make this now as we've already got something arranged. I tried to play the "but its not on the calendar and mine is" but its for the brother-in-laws birthday so cant get out of it
  4. I'd probably go with a lose running order if people can agree on it. If you're not there in time for your slot then you lose it and will be added to the end if there's time. Else you run the risk no one turns up for the early slots and will be a rush to try and fit people in later in the day which isn't fair on Abbey given its being done for free.
  5. Couple of rides for us this weekend. Headed over to South Wales to test out the bus and get some riding in. Hit up Afan for a day and Cwmcarn on the way home on Sunday. Bus + 4 season sleeping bag meant we were nice and toasty, not so when actually out riding, although it was nice and sunny! Amanda was flying along, really getting her confidence up. She even scalped a few lads on the way down Cwmcarn final descent much to their bemusement Got some piccies, will upload later. Amanda is getting too quick now though for me to get ahead and take them at decent places!
  6. Nice roof on the van Keeps the rain out and the heat in, what more can you ask for! I'll get a better pic at the weekend!
  7. Peter my 350z seats are long gone. You need to ask SMD where they went, he threw them in his car and whisked them away
  8. I dont really get what it was all about either, other than there were a few ads on C4 which made no attempt to explain what it was all about. Some of us had real work to do keeping this Nation moving
  9. Come and spectate, Haydn and I are And me, only because the bus will put Zeds to shame
  10. I can confirm that we werent driving like Miss Daisy on the way home. Ian did have a good bit of drafting for a long part of it though He is now fully schooled in the methods required to save fuel whilst making good progress. A lot of it is down to not slowing down and speeding up all the time. If you keep momentum you can make surprising progress at a descent speed and also get good MPG.
  11. Funny how the ASA dont have a "comment" section after their ruling on their website. They do however have a twitter account should you want to let them know your comments - @ASA_UK - feel free to let them know
  12. Some of them appear to have become images rather than smiley code in the text, which then are referencing the wrong place on the server. So if they'd been kept as text (as per the old forum) then it would work fine, but as the new software seems to convert them to images for a lot of them (no idea why) then this has broken it.
  13. Wouldnt imagine Chris will fall within PCIDSS unless he is taking/storing card numbers. As most payments will be over PayPal, they are responsible for that so its all ok. Data protection will however be applicable as he will be holding customer names/addresses/phone numbers/etc so data will need to be store securely and restricted access. I would recommend just getting something like crashplan to backup your data to their servers which is encrypted. Safe enough in terms of security and redundancy
  14. What are you wanting to store Chris? Most cost effective is just buying a few HDDs and storing them off site, however its not very easy to keep them up to date and can be a pain to manage. I currently run a Synology DS411slim ( http://www.synology.com/us/products/DS411slim/index.php ). This takes 2-4 laptop HDDs and will keep the data safe on them, replicating it between the HDDs so should one fail you can replace it and rebuild from the other. I also run CrashPlan on it which backs up the data to their servers over night to keep it extra safe. Costs $5/mo and well worth doing.
  15. Quite common unfortunately. It means they get very little profit compared to selling you the tyres and fitting them. Some fitters (like Graham's) take it as an opportunity they'd normally miss and welcome the small bit of work, but a lot of bigger places that have a good long queue anyway, can afford to refuse hoping you then buy from them. You'll be surprised as to how many fall for it, as if they didnt, the fitter couldnt get away with it Micheldever Tyres (Winchester) are very good and will take tyres from Camskill and fit them, or with Black Circle you can get them delivered direct ready for fitting. They do an excellent job and are the only fitters I take my cars to. I've never had anything mis-balanced from them and they always nip the nuts up with torque wrenches, not air guns.
  16. Seems, not, Mine are missing :'( Do you want them back?
  17. No probs Mark - also updated the first page with latest details from a few posts up
  18. Added this to the calendar, if people are interested in attending then please RSVP on it so Mark can see who is thinking of coming - more than just who wants to dyno. http://www.350z-uk.com/calendar/event/25-abbey-open-day/
  19. I think this has run its course, nothing else to be said unless there is a reply from RS. If RS read this thread and want to reply, please contact the team and we will be happy to unlock it.
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