Cant beleive you lot have debated about a Dyson for so long
We've had 2, one was a refurb off eBay which is still going strong in the garage for car/van/garage cleaning duties and the other is a smaller ball one as Amanda couldnt handle the beast I got from eBay! Both work flawlessly and pick up plenty of crap, you just need to remember to clean the filters.
One thing I find surprising from so many is how they equate price to how much a product costs to produce. Coming up with new ideas is not a cheap business, and its the R&D that costs the money. Once the R&D is largely paid back and they have tooled up to produce higher volumes then the prices will fall. Its all good and well saying the ideas he has are simple, but lets face it, none of you came up with any of them otherwise it would be your name on the vacume/hand dryer/fan
And yes I have an Apple iPhone and iPad *hangs head*