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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. +1 - theres no sport in it when they dont fight back!
  2. Yup, gotta be careful with rotaries on sharp edges, takes no time to burn through. Result looks excellent though, if I didnt know better I'd say it was a setup How are you with high build primer? I know a bus that needs colour coding
  3. B could have done it too All sorted now anyway
  4. Thats true, but at least the person that submits it has the hi-res version, if we just "liked" them, then he has to work out who the owner is to chase. The stipulation for the calendar entries as it stands is that you have to own the hi-res version. If we can get it into the gallery then we can make it so users submit and Jim can approve them, assuming they are of good enough quality. Then he has access to the hi-res version from the start and can bounce any that are too lo-res. Need to get 5 mins to test it though and see if we can have an album that everyone can post in.
  5. Its mainly because "likes" contribute to your reputation your the profile. Stopping people dishing them out for everything makes them a bit more meaningful as you cant just like every post someone makes to up their rep. I believe thats how its meant to work.
  6. Yes its reset daily, its to stop people getting a bit over excited!
  7. Most likely the easiest way to achieve this is to have a gallery set up so people can upload to it for consideration. We will need to stipulate that only high-res pics are allowed though, so if you find one you like from Photobucket, then you'll need to get the owner to send you the original or they will need to upload it themselves. Not sure how we can make this anonymous though. By having a "like" button, it would be more difficult for Jim to get the original, he'd have to chase the owner for it himself which makes more work for him again.
  8. If you are using the full site (not mobile) then use the Ultra Yellow theme. This has a fix in it to always display "forum" content rather than news/gallery/articles/etc. By default it will display new content for whichever part of the site you are in. So you need to be in forums first for it to display forum content. If you end up with "no content" then select "Forums" as the content type on the left.
  9. You nutter Fancy a lap of Whinners between the 27th-30th Dec? Looks like we are going to be in the area with the bus Maybe get that ride around Threlkeld that you keep promising?
  10. Good work. Exhausts and bits should fit in, just wrap them up good and proper as the interior plastics mark easily. Mark liked my decoration of my Stillen exhaust with yellow Costco microfibres when he swapped mine back to stock
  11. He'll not be doing much more sniffing if I catch him near my bike
  12. Best to hold the race again I think . Pete Nah they should do it proper old school and Vettel and Alonso should have a fight to the death
  13. 370z is definately wider, ours was a tighter fit in the garage than the 350z. We're only talking a couple/few inches, but it can make a significant difference if your garage is a tight fit. The proper numbers should be online somewhere
  14. I'll be sure to wave if I ever see it when we're on our way biking
  15. Cant beleive you lot have debated about a Dyson for so long We've had 2, one was a refurb off eBay which is still going strong in the garage for car/van/garage cleaning duties and the other is a smaller ball one as Amanda couldnt handle the beast I got from eBay! Both work flawlessly and pick up plenty of crap, you just need to remember to clean the filters. One thing I find surprising from so many is how they equate price to how much a product costs to produce. Coming up with new ideas is not a cheap business, and its the R&D that costs the money. Once the R&D is largely paid back and they have tooled up to produce higher volumes then the prices will fall. Its all good and well saying the ideas he has are simple, but lets face it, none of you came up with any of them otherwise it would be your name on the vacume/hand dryer/fan And yes I have an Apple iPhone and iPad *hangs head*
  16. Boo the vid is gone - I wanted to see you ****ing it
  17. Not sure thats much to do with synchro rev though Kev
  18. Now that will look very nice. I dread to think what the Varis costs, it was enough years ago when I got my Varis front lip for the 350z, let alone now. Will all look sweet once its on though
  19. Make sure you test an R6 out first Jay. Not sure it will suit your stature TBH. But you'd be fine on it for a first bike, just need to have good throttle and clutch control and make sure you ride within your limits. Plus if you keep it in the town, you wont find anywhere to go fast enough to die Seriously though, if you just rev it like a car (ie upto 5-6kRPM) then it drives quite sedately, its when you get to higher revs it goes nuts.
  20. Of course Nope - should have got a van
  21. That's rich coming from camper van man He knows its all in jest. Hes another vee-duber now
  22. Well now you've grown up and become all boring
  23. Pfff you should do that easily IMO. On the way back from the Jockland hoon we got over that out of a tank. Main considerations are driving at a constant speed and keeping momentum. Stop/start or any kind of on/off throttle will kill MPG and your chances. Make sure tyre pressures are correct also. Stick to the speed limit (or near enough) and you'll be fine so long as you dont get caught in a lot of traffic. EDIT: Keep it in gear also when slowing down, anticipate traffic conditions and change lanes when you need to without having to speed up or slow down, keeping as constant a speed as possible. Wasso has seen what happens when you follow the master
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