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Everything posted by Chris`I

  1. But he'll likely lose at least a months tax, maybe two depending on how they charge it when back on the road, so depending on the car, it might be completely pointless.
  2. They even do roof/bike racks! WIN
  3. I was meaning footballers are generally don't have much personality Wiggo is a proper lad, you just need to get him I guess. A bit like Murray, I think his humour is lost on a lot of people too.
  4. Can't work out who you're talking about Bradley Wiggens If you're going to diss him then at least spell his name right Rich :1: Arrogant, I'll give you that he's a little bit, but then most sports people are, you dont get to the top of your game not believing in yourself. Pr!ck I think is harsh, he certainly isnt one IMO. At least it wasnt another footballer that won it eh
  5. Seems to be a bit of mis-information on here about this, lets see if I can add to it 1. Headlight and window washers use the same bottles, however there are 2 bottles at the front of the Zed, linked by a pipe so that when you fill the main one, it balances out with the other 2. Headlight washer will only fire up when you have dipped/main beam on, engine running and use the wash window stalk or button on the dash 3. Headlight washer will only work if the levels in the bottles is high enough. At a certain level only the window wash will fire and not the headlights. 4. The button is to manually activate the wash. Its not a toggle on/off (certainly in my old MY2003), it fires when you press it. 5. Once the washer has fired with the window washer, it will only fire on something like the 5th wash of the window, not every time. And yes, if you want to see it work, clean and dry the car then fire it, it loves to cover a clean car in spray!
  6. Always welcome round ours Jim - its why we have a HD projector and 75" screen HFR like 3D will end up becoming defacto whether you like it or not. In principal it should make it better. What makes me laugh about gimmiks are these people that have 100+Hz screens when broadcasts are in 24Hz! With higher frame rates panning and action should be smoother and look nicer. The problem is for many years we've been used to 24 so doubling it is too much for most to take in a single jump.
  7. Whatever old boy, the torque from my bi-turbo will let me keep up on the straights, its just the corners when it all goes wrong :1:
  8. You can bring all our bikes :wink: You'll need to buy me a new bike rack as the current one only holds 2 bikes :wink:
  9. Who are Knight Racer? Do they do KITT cars? No, they just do KARR's chris Damn I really wanted a KITT. Anyway, Chris dont lower yourself to trying to use totty to sell your products. As said above, you're not JapSpeed. No one will buy a product because of the girl, but I bet a fair few will think its either inferior quality or just not buy it on the principal of the matter.
  10. Damn, I thought they were going to come back with a new fight!
  11. So long as we dont invite our friends and fuel it on suckers, then its all good. If we can get those on benefits involved then we're onto a win/win as effectively we're recouping our taxes
  12. Rich, send me your bank details and I'll send over the the clubs money, that sounds too good to miss! Always wondered how Sarnie had a Lambo, now we know!
  13. I'd argue that its not really a Cloud solution, but a good NAS would be an ideal solution as I'd already stated Unless you need the data to be portable with the laptop and not be reliant on a crappy net connection somewhere.
  14. I had a 128GB drive in my ultrabook which I filled, and now have a Crucial 256GB SSD. Unfortunately mine is an mSATA so cant go bigger, but TBH, with that and a NAS for storage I can easily keep my crap below the 256GB. WIth hybrid drives, I think you might find it annoying if it ever doesnt cache the files you want. From what I've heard they are great for startup speeds but other than that its just normal HDD speed. Far better to get a smaller SSD and have everything quick :wink:
  15. What you really want is the 180 (bi-turbo) but you need a van or a Amarok to get that
  16. Re-run in a few weeks time matey?
  17. All cars with DPF will suffer on short and stop/start journeys. Its because the gas flow and temp isnt held high enough for the carbon to burn off. Usually a light will come up and you need to go for a decent drive at 60-70MPH for it to clear. Be very weary of not doing this when it tells you as blockages will form that cant be cleared and you will kill the DPF. Saying all that, our Alfa has one and its been fine for the last 18 months, but we do a reasonable amount of higher speed driving. When we got the car the salesman did ask and recommended a small petrol unit if we were doing a lot of town and stop/start driving. What kind of driving are you doing Dave? If its a lot of stop/start/town driving, you may be better off with a small petrol, especially if petrol prices are like they are down here, its about 10p/litre less for petrol than Diesel!
  18. You will hate the keyboard as soon as you try to type a sentance. I went to Gadget Show Live and was quite looking forward to having a go on one until I tried to type something. Rest of it works ok, still prefer my original iPad to it though, but then I'm used to it. I do like the tiles on W8 being live and able to make them bigger and smaller. Doesnt seem very intuitive though.
  19. Might as well do it properly and put a VQ37VHR in it Would be ~350HP (NA tuned) in a pretty light car
  20. Yup, I was out doing the van a few weekends ago. Fair bit more rubber than the Zed, but works a treat. I also find on the Zed that the window guide/seal (flocked bit at the bottom of the window) would stick on the 350z. When this happens and you have no luke warm water, just use a credit card to slide along and break the bond to the window and it will drop as normal
  21. Its sorted for Jim, but he's speshul
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