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Everything posted by Arkwright

  1. Zed Fest 2011 I am getting things under way for next years Zed Fest which will again be held at Calverton on 12, 13, 14 August 2011. Does anyone have any sensible suggestions for the weekend? Are you happy with the way it runs at the moment? Can I do anything to improve it? For example; Is the DJ ok? would you like a different band? (bear in mind I booked This Burning Age this year and they let us down, Time Zone stepped in at the last minute. Do you want time Zone again or would you like a change? If so, any particular band/group, any particular type of music. Is the caterer ok? Do you want a bar or not? All suggestions will be considered, you can post up on here or pm me. And, the eternal question, what do I have to do in order to get traders to attend?
  2. Such tragic news. My thoughts and prayers go out to both families. R.I.P.
  3. If he is so innocent why did he stumble so much when interviewed by the BBC reporter on the early morning news. He should have said he was not present rather than try a very poor explanation of ferraries actions to a very skillful journalist who had him tied in knots.
  4. I thought that Jean Todt would be good for F1 in his leading position but it looks like he's still in the pay of his former team. What a shame.
  5. My son has one and he thinks it's great. I personally have trouble with the headroom (the drivers seat is high and there is no height adjustment). He only ever gets about 40-odd to the gallon nowhere near the claimed mpg. The interior light is absolute shite. On the plus side he's had one or two very minor niggles and the local dealer has attended to it immediately not like the local nissan garage who have to keep you waiting for half an hour to speak to the dumb receptionist wait a week for an appointment etc.
  6. we have them in many local supermarkets, they carry a clipboard which gives details of who the local officer is and snippets of local crime news. Very lifelike until you get used to them.
  7. Be careful who you hire from. A member of our 300forum hired a lambo for his wedding from an allegedly speciaslist car hire company it had 2 bald tyres which he didn't notice until later then got pulled by the cops who stopped him because he was a young driver in an expensive car. Fortunately they didn't check his tyres but the apnr checks revealed the car didn't belong to the hire company but belonged to a private person who had hired it to the hire company to hire to him. Their insurance was invalid. Fortunately his own insurance covered him but he could have been well in the poo.
  8. plenty of loos. Gone are the days of a trench or elsan inside a small tent! We now have electricity in notts so you will be able to plug in your hairdryer in various places
  9. BBQ's must be raised clear of the ground. Oil drum BBQ's are available. You must not burn the grass.
  10. 1. pay at the gate 2. 22acres to hide in 3, hopefully
  11. Zed - Fest drinks on me. Big lottery win. yippee just heard I have had a big lottery win. The drinks are on me at Zed- Fest if the organisers of the Nigerian Lottery get the money to me on time.
  12. don't worry if your name's not shown, you can still attend.
  13. 1/ martinmac if I have to walk there. 2/ SunGodRA - need to confirm, might be in Mexico then 3/ Muddy (sat) 4/ Scott 5/ ATTAK Z 6/ MadMarky 7/ Patman 8/ Greekman -if i dont forget about it until then lol 9/ Smudge (if life gets better and I get a job by then) 10/ Chris`I (TBC) 11/ Harman350z 12/ Shire (sunday) 13/ M13KYF (sat) 14/ Lincolnbaggie 15/ DontPanic (Dave - Probably Sat & Sunday morning) 17/ Ian.Lewkowicz 18/ Chesterfield 19/ Nurrish (hopefully one of the days) 20/ Jak (TBC) 21/ Caroline 22/ Quicksilver 23/ Andy v v c 24/ Envy Valeting, the van, the shop, the family, the lot 25/ Ikarus (TBC) 26/ MattyR 27/ JakTheRuby 28/ Just Nidge74 29/ Steve Burns 30/ Paul Wrangle 31/ John Peek 32/ hitman 13 & Di, daughter and hubbie 33/ ben and dee stapley (saturday and sunday) 34/ rik 35/ infiniti 36/JK240 (Sunday) 37 madmarco and maria (Sat - Sun) 38/Cheshire 300zx (Sat - Sun) 39/AlexHXC (Alex) TBC 40/Adam Black TBC 41/MCMLXXXV (Sascha) 42/Richiep (and Kerry) - Sat - Sun 43/ Rob Gaskin 44. BG VinZ 45. xstric9x/Nixy Tbc 46/ choptop TBC 47/ Artztogo sat-sun 48/ Zogg 49/ Un1eash 50/ saz and maybe a friend (in the Shitroen) 51/ CLB Valeting 2+ trade stand 52/ chrisjones6699 53/ Biggy 54/ Chilli Red 55/ friddela 56/ zpuppy 57/ datsun dave 58/ Dene8 59/ Karl922 the list is on 4 sites and is a bit out of hand now probably about 70 names atm
  14. TO ALL MEMBERS ESPECIALLY THE NEW ONES. Zed Fest will be held at Calverton, Notts, NG14 6HP, this coming weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 20, 21 & 22 August 10. You will find a post about this in the events section giving full details however below is a synopsis of the event. Friday gates open 10am come early and help set up but in any case get here when you can. The gates will close at 10pm but will not be locked. If you arrive late please keep quiet. Caterers will be on site from around 1pm until 9pm. The bar will be open during the evening or bring your own. DJZ will run a disco if there is interest otherwise it’s a general chat and get together during the evening. There will be an area designated for quiet camping. All club marquees must be set up in the central paddock away from the camping area. Club marquees will be allowed in the camping area for the purpose of communal activities but must be quiet between 10pm and 8am. Saturday gates open 8am arrivals all day. There will be various arranged activities during the day and the Z Club AGM will be held at 2pm hopefully not for too long! Caterers will serve breakfast from 7.30am and be open all day until 9pm or until you stop buying. The bar will be open after lunch, again until you stop spending. Nissan are providing two 370Z’s and some test drives will be allowed. You will need your driving licence, BOTH PARTS and a utility bill to qualify. On Saturday night we will be entertained by top local group ‘TIME ZONE’ plus the disco of DJZ. Revelling may continue after midnight but keep the noise down. Sunday gates open 9am for arrivals. Breakfast starts 8am and caterers will be on site until about 4pm. There will be no bar today. Cars will be on show for voting which will commence at 12md. You can leave when you like but the site must be cleared by 6pm. DJZ will provide background music over the 3 days plus a disco Friday and Saturday nights. FRP Automotive will attend with a 240Z bodyshell, a variety of pannels and will answer your questions. Other traders will be on site offering a variety of goods and services or just to meet their customers in the flesh. Please support them. An ice cream van will visit the site periodically. He’s reasonably priced and good value for money. Caterers will be on site from about 7.30am until late, please support them but by all means bring your own food and drink. BBQ’s must be raised well off the ground and oildrum BBQ’s are freely available. If you are a recent new member or haven’t been before or a member of an invited club please join in. You will be made welcome. We are all there for a relaxing and fun-filled weekend and hope to make new friends. Any queries contact ‘Arkwright’ or email shop@zclub.net
  15. I think it looks smart. Like the colour and the big arches. Don't like the wheels. Deffo don't like the price.
  16. but is it cheap? there's a lot of work that you can see more than the seller refers to plus the stuff you can't see.
  17. if you are coming to Zed Fest you can put it in the Z Club shop. I had a couple of model car collectors there last year who bought nearly everything.
  18. yues quite a few. Just turn up you'll be made welcome.
  19. I beg to differ Martin The catering bloke is usually set up from 1pm on Friday and remains open until 9pm or as long as peeps are buying. The bar is also on on Friday. I have not kept figures for individual days but there will be quite a few there on Friday and it should be a jolly night
  20. Welcome. you're not far away from the Epicentre of the Zediverse. how about coming to Zed - Fest as a trader and displaying your wares. Inexpensive weekend away only cost is entry fee per person plus £20 for a trade stand.
  21. car judging will be on Sunday. however if this club wants to do a seperate show just for 350's on Saturday then that's ok . If so I will need to know pdq about which trophies you want and engraving etc unless you provide your own.
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