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Everything posted by IT10

  1. Courtesy key? I bought my zed used a couple of months ago and got 2 keys with the car - both the standard Nissan ones with remote buttons in it. Am I missing something??
  2. IT10

    Parking sensors

    Never seen these guys before, looks interesting though. If anyone has any feedback on them I'd be interested in this too
  3. I'd recommend checking your insurance policy - they sometimes cover replacement cost of keys although it is rarely advertised. Good luck
  4. I'd be interested if the price was right...
  5. About 18:30, flashed at me in my GM but before my work dulled brain could rouse itself to flash back it was too late, so I just waved. Apologies if it was someone from here!
  6. I saw red GTR parked in a lay by yesterday with a black Gallardo in the layby on the opposite side of the road. Made my afternoon! The GTR looks great, good on them for setting the record!
  7. I hadn't heard about this one before - interesting as on my 04 Z I picked up yesterday the handbreak def needs adjustment. Does anyome know if this is taken care of under warranty? Cheers Ian
  8. Hi everyone, heard this site referred to on the 'dark side' lol so popped over a few weeks ago for a look see. Thought I would break my silence and say hi after I picked up my Z yesterday! Its an 04 GM GT and I have barely stopped grinning since. Love it, as does a growing number of family and friends who I fear may try and bump me off to get at it I'm down Bucks way, so anyway whos local feel free to say hi! Ian
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